RCFMOBR ;WASH-ISC@ALTOONA,PA/RWT-BILL RECONCILIATIONS LIST ;11/20/96 2:30 PM V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**2,20,40,53,249**;Mar 20, 1995;Build 2 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. EN ;Creates report from OBR data in file 423.6 ; ; OBR Data Structure used by this routine ; ^TMP("OBR",$J,SITE,"NOT IN AR")=NextRec^TotalItems^TotalFMSAmt ; ^TMP("OBR",$J,SITE,"NOT IN FMS")=NextRec^TotalItems^TotalARAmt ; ^TMP("OBR",$J,SITE,"DISCREPANCY")=NextRec^TotalItems^TotalFMSAmt^TotalARAmt ; ^TMP("OBR",$J,"BN",BILLNUMBER)=[423.6 rec] <-- x-ref of FMS Bills ; ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT","1")="LINE 1" ; ^TMP("OBR",$J","REPORT,"2")="LINE 2" ; ; Descriptions of modules: ; PROCFMS - loop through FMS bills (^PRCF(423.6)) updating ; global ^TMP("OBR",$J,"BN") while also checking ; for invalid AR bills ; PROCAR - loop through all Active AR Bills comparing amounts ; and looking for Detail bills not found in FMS ; BUILDRPT - Prepares report in global ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT") ; N X,Y,OBR,A0,ERR K ^TMP("OBR",$J) ; I $G(PRCADA) D PROCESS(PRCADA) G Q1 S OBR="OBR-",ERR=-1 F S OBR=$O(^PRCF(423.6,"B",OBR)) Q:OBR=""!(OBR'["OBR-") D .I $O(^PRCF(423.6,"B",OBR))'["OBR-" D Q ..S A0=$O(^PRCF(423.6,"B",OBR,0)) ..S ERR=0 D PROCESS(A0) I ERR D PROCESS(ERR) Q1 K ^TMP("OBR",$J) Q PROCESS(A0) N X,X1,X2,Y,SN,PARENT,XMTEXT,XMSUB,XMSENDER,XMDUZ,ERR,DATE,FMSDATE S ERR=0 D .I '$D(^PRCF(423.6,A0,0)) S ERR=-1 Q .I $E(^PRCF(423.6,A0,0),1,3)'["OBR" S ERR=-1 Q .S X=$P(^PRCF(423.6,A0,0),"-",2) .S X=$E(X,5,6)_"-"_$E(X,7,8)_"-"_$E(X,1,4) D ^%DT ;Y is defined .S PARENT=$P($P(^PRCF(423.6,A0,0),"-",5),U) .; .D PROCFMS^RCFMOBR1(A0) .D PROCAR^RCFMOBR1(A0) .D BUILDRPT^RCFMOBR2(PARENT) ; I '$D(PARENT) S PARENT=$$SITE^RCMSITE S PARENT=$P(^DIC(4,+$O(^DIC(4,"D",PARENT,0)),0),U) ; I '$D(Y) S Y=DT ;Y may be defined from %DT call above S X1=Y,X2=($E(Y,6,7)+1)*-1 D C^%DTC,YX^%DTC S FMSDATE=$P(Y,"@"),FMSDATE=$E(FMSDATE,1,4)_$E(FMSDATE,9,12) D NOW^%DTC S DATE=$E(X,4,5)_"-"_$E(X,6,7)_"-"_$E(X,2,3) ; - Transmits report via e-mail to FMS mail group S XMSUB="FMS "_FMSDATE_" RECONCILIATION ("_DATE_") " S XMSUB=XMSUB_PARENT I ERR D .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",1)="Date of Report: "_DATE .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",2)="NOTE: This report compares your current A/R records with data received from" .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",3)=" FMS on the last day of the previous accounting period." .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",4)="" .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",5)="No FMS data exists to reconcile!" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""OBR"",$J,""REPORT""," S XMDUZ="Accounts Receivable Package",XMY("G.FMS")="",XMY(DUZ)="" D ^XMD Q EN2 ;Entry point from Regenerate Prior Month OBRs option N DIR,PRCADA,Y W !!,"This option will transmit the OBR report(s) to you and members" W !,"of the G.FMS mail group." W !!,"NOTE: Depending on the number of active AR bills in your system," W !," this may take awhile to run.",! S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to do this",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR Q:Y'=1 S ZTRTN="EN^RCFMOBR",ZTDESC="Prior Month OBRs" S ZTIO="" D ^%ZTLOAD Q ; EN3 ;Deletes OBRs over 60 days old N A0,A1,A2,DA,DIK,X,X1,X2 S A0="OBR-" F S A0=$O(^PRCF(423.6,"B",A0)) Q:A0=""!(A0'["OBR-") S A1=$E($P(A0,"-",2),1,8),A2=0 F S A2=$O(^PRCF(423.6,"B",A0,A2)) Q:+A2=0 D .S X1=DT,X2=$$RCDT(A1) D ^%DTC I X>60 S DIK="^PRCF(423.6,",DA=A2 D ^DIK Q RCDT(A1) ;Convert yyyymmdd to FM date N X,Y S X=A1,X=$E(X,5,6)_" "_$E(X,7,8)_", "_$E(X,1,4) D ^%DT Q Y PURGE ;purge unprocessed document file N DIR,Y,X,X1,X2,RCDT S DIR("A")="How many days worth of DATA do you want to retain" S DIR(0)="N",DIR("?")="This is the number of days entries will remain in the file." D ^DIR I +Y<0!(Y="")!($E(Y,1)="^") G POUT S X1=DT,X2=-(+Y) D C^%DTC S RCDT=X S ZTRTN="QPURGE^RCFMOBR",ZTSAVE("RCDT")="",ZTDESC="Purge unprocessed document list",ZTIO="" D ^%ZTLOAD POUT K DIRUT,DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT Q ; QPURGE N DA,DIK S DIK="^RC(347," Q:'$D(^RC(347)) S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^RC(347,DA)) Q:'DA I $P(^(DA,0),U,5)