RCFMOBR2 ;WASH-ISC@ALTOONA,PA/RWT-BILL RECONCILIATIONS LIST ;12/9/96 2:05 PM V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**53,73,107**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; OBR Data Structure used by this routine ; ^TMP("OBR",$J,SITE,"NOT IN AR")=NextRec^TotalItems^TotalFMSAmt ; ^TMP("OBR",$J,SITE,"NOT IN FMS")=NextRec^TotalItems^TotalARAmt ; ^TMP("OBR",$J,SITE,"DISCREPANCY")=NextRec^TotalItems^TotalFMSAmt^TotalARAmt ; ^TMP("OBR",$J,"BN",BILLNUMBER)=[423.6 rec] <-- x-ref of FMS Bills ; ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT","1")="LINE 1" ; ^TMP("OBR",$J","REPORT,"2")="LINE 2" ; ; Descriptions of modules: ; BUILDRPT - Prepares report in global ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT") ; BUILDRPT(PARENT) N Y,SN,N,ARTOTAL,FMSTOTAL,DIFF,N1,N2,N3,TB,MULTSN,DATE,TMP S N=1,SN=$O(^TMP("OBR",$J,0)),MULTSN=$O(^TMP("OBR",$J,SN))'=0 ; D NOW^%DTC,YX^%DTC S DATE=$P(Y,"@") S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)="Date of Report: "_DATE,N=N+1 S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)="NOTE: This report compares your current A/R records with data received from",N=N+1 S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)=" FMS on the last day of the previous accounting period.",N=N+1 D BLANKLN(1) ; I '+$G(SN) S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)="FMS and AR are in balance." Q S SN="" F S SN=$O(^TMP("OBR",$J,SN)) Q:+SN=0 D .I MULTSN D ..S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)=$P(^DIC(4,$P(^RC(342,1,0),U),0),U) ..S N=N+1 .; .; - FMS Bills not in AR .D BLANKLN(1) .S TB="",$P(TB," ",21)="" .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)=" FMS BILLS NOT IN AR",N=N+1 .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)=TB_" AMOUNT",N=N+1 .I '$D(^TMP("OBR",$J,SN,"NOT IN AR")) S N1="1^0^0" .I $D(^TMP("OBR",$J,SN,"NOT IN AR")) D ..S N1=^TMP("OBR",$J,SN,"NOT IN AR") ..F I=1:1:$P(N1,U,2) D ...S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)=^TMP("OBR",$J,SN,"NOT IN AR",I) ...S N=N+1 .D BLANKLN(1) .; - Summarize FMS Bills not in AR .S TMP=$P(N1,U,2)_$S($P(N1,U,2)=1:" Bill",1:" Bills") .S TB="",$P(TB," ",15-$L(TMP))="" .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)=" "_TMP_TB_$J($P(N1,U,3),10,2),N=N+1 .; .; - AR Bills not in FMS .D BLANKLN(2) .S TB="",$P(TB," ",46)="" .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)=" AR BILLS NOT IN FMS",N=N+1 .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)=TB_" AMOUNT",N=N+1 .I '$D(^TMP("OBR",$J,SN,"NOT IN FMS")) S N2="1^0^0" .I $D(^TMP("OBR",$J,SN,"NOT IN FMS")) D ..S N2=^TMP("OBR",$J,SN,"NOT IN FMS") ..F I=1:1:$P(N2,U,2) D ...S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)=^TMP("OBR",$J,SN,"NOT IN FMS",I) ...S N=N+1 .D BLANKLN(1) .; - Summarize Bills not if FMS .S TMP=$P(N2,U,2)_$S($P(N2,U,2)=1:" Bill",1:" Bills") .S TB="",$P(TB," ",40-$L(TMP))="" .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)=" "_TMP_TB_$J($P(N2,U,3),10,2),N=N+1 .; .; - Discrepancies .D BLANKLN(2) .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)=" DISCREPANCIES",N=N+1 .S TB="",$P(TB," ",44)="" .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)=TB_"FMS AMOUNT AR AMOUNT DIFFERENCE",N=N+1 .I '$D(^TMP("OBR",$J,SN,"DISCREPANCY")) S N3="1^0^0^0" .I $D(^TMP("OBR",$J,SN,"DISCREPANCY")) D ..S N3=^TMP("OBR",$J,SN,"DISCREPANCY") ..F I=1:1:$P(N3,U,2) D ...S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)=^TMP("OBR",$J,SN,"DISCREPANCY",I) ...S N=N+1 ..D BLANKLN(1) .; - Summarize Discrepancy Totals .S DIFF=$P(N3,U,4)-$P(N3,U,3) .S TMP=$P(N3,U,2)_$S($P(N3,U,2)=1:" Bill",1:" Bills") .S TB="",$P(TB," ",40-$L(TMP))="" .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)=" "_TMP_TB_$J($P(N3,U,3),10,2)_" "_$J($P(N3,U,4),10,2)_" "_$J($S(DIFF>0:"+",1:"")_$J(DIFF,0,2),12),N=N+1 .D BLANKLN(2) .; .; - Summary of Totals .S ARTOTAL=$P(N2,U,3)+$P(N3,U,4) .S FMSTOTAL=$P(N1,U,3)+$P(N3,U,3) .S DIFF=ARTOTAL-FMSTOTAL .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)="Total FMS Amount : $"_$J(FMSTOTAL,10,2),N=N+1 .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)="Total AR Amount : $"_$J(ARTOTAL,10,2),N=N+1 .S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)="Total Discrepancy : "_"$"_$J(DIFF,10,2),N=N+1 .I +$O(^TMP("OBR",$J,SN))'=0 D BLANKLN(3) .D ^RCFMOBR3 Q BLANKLN(LINES) ; N I F I=1:1:LINES S ^TMP("OBR",$J,"REPORT",N)="",N=N+1 Q