RCMSNUM ;WASH-ISC@ALTOONA,PA/RGY-Assign Common Numbering Series ;1/11/96 11:40 AM V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**27,114,172**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. BNUM(SITE) ;Get next bill number NEW NUM L +^RC(342,"RCMSNUM"):15 I '$T Q "-1^Common Numbering series driver is busy" S NUM=$P($G(^RC(342,1,0)),"^",3),SITE=$G(SITE) I NUM="" D BNUM^PRCABJ S NUM=$P($G(^RC(342,1,0)),"^",3) I NUM="" L -^RC(342,"RCMSNUM") Q "-1^Cannot get bill number from site parameter file" S NUM=$$NUM^RCMSNUM(SITE,NUM) S:NUM>0 $P(^RC(342,1,0),"^",3)=$P(NUM,"-",2) L -^RC(342,"RCMSNUM") Q NUM ; ; ENUM(SITE) ;Get next event number NEW NUM L +^RC(342,"RCMSNUM"):15 I '$T Q "-1^Common Numbering series driver is busy" S NUM=$P($G(^RC(342,1,0)),"^",6),SITE=$G(SITE) I NUM="" D ENUM^PRCABJ S NUM=$P($G(^RC(342,1,0)),"^",6) I NUM="" L -^RC(342,"RCMSNUM") Q "-1^Cannot get event number from site parameter file" S NUM=$$NUM^RCMSNUM(SITE,NUM) S:NUM>0 $P(^RC(342,1,0),"^",6)=$P(NUM,"-",2) L -^RC(342,"RCMSNUM") Q NUM ; ; NUM(RCSITE,RCLASNUM) ; get next bill number ; pass the site number in rcsite ; pass the last bill number used in rclasnum ; ; returns the site-next bill number ; ex 460-K100001 ; ; make sure the site number exists I $G(RCSITE)="" N RCSITE S RCSITE=$$SITE^RCMSITE ; ; make sure an initial number is sent to the common numbering series I $G(RCLASNUM)="" Q "-1^Initial AR Common Numbering Series not supplied to driver" ; N RCDIGIT3,RCDIGIT4,RCDIGIT5,RCDIGIT6,RCDIGIT7,RCNEXNUM ; ; breakout the last 5 digits of the bill number into its ascii number S RCDIGIT3=$A($E(RCLASNUM,3)) S RCDIGIT4=$A($E(RCLASNUM,4)) S RCDIGIT5=$A($E(RCLASNUM,5)) S RCDIGIT6=$A($E(RCLASNUM,6)) S RCDIGIT7=$A($E(RCLASNUM,7)) ; ; add 1 to the 5 digits until you find the next bill number not ; assigned, or if you hit the limit for the common numbering series F D Q:RCNEXNUM . ; . ; increment the number by 1 . S RCDIGIT7=$$ADDONE(RCDIGIT7) . ; . ; if the last digit is greater than a z (ascii 90) . ; then increment digit 6 by 1 and set the last digit to a zero . I RCDIGIT7>90 S RCDIGIT6=$$ADDONE(RCDIGIT6),RCDIGIT7=48 . ; . ; if the 6th digit is greater than a z . ; then increment digit 5 by 1 and set the 6th digit to a zero . I RCDIGIT6>90 S RCDIGIT5=$$ADDONE(RCDIGIT5),RCDIGIT6=48 . ; . ; if the 5th digit is greater than a z . ; then increment digit 4 by 1 and set the 5th digit to a zero . I RCDIGIT5>90 S RCDIGIT4=$$ADDONE(RCDIGIT4),RCDIGIT5=48 . ; . ; if the 4th digit is greater than a z . ; then increment digit 3 by 1 and set the 4th digit to a zero . I RCDIGIT4>90 S RCDIGIT3=$$ADDONE(RCDIGIT3),RCDIGIT4=48 . ; . ; if the 3rd digit is greater than a z . ; then the common numbering series is full . I RCDIGIT3>90 S RCNEXNUM="-1^AR Common Numbering Series is Full" Q . ; . ; assemble the next bill number . S RCNEXNUM=RCSITE_"-"_$E(RCLASNUM,1,2)_$C(RCDIGIT3)_$C(RCDIGIT4)_$C(RCDIGIT5)_$C(RCDIGIT6)_$C(RCDIGIT7) . ; . ; if there is a bill already assigned this number . ; then stay in the loop and increment the counter again . I $D(^PRCA(430,"B",RCNEXNUM)) S RCNEXNUM=0 ; Q RCNEXNUM ; ; ADDONE(DIGIT) ; increment the digit S DIGIT=DIGIT+1 ; skip the ascii values 58 to 64 (punctuation characters) ; go from ascii 57 (number 9) to ascii 65 (letter A) I DIGIT=58 S DIGIT=65 ; do not allow the digit to be the letter o (ascii 79) ; if it is, increment it to the letter p (ascii 80) I DIGIT=79 S DIGIT=80 Q DIGIT ; ; OLDNUM(SITE,NUM) ;Get next number NEW X,Y,FLG I NUM="" S X="-1^No number sent to common numbering series driver" G Q S:$G(SITE)="" SITE=$$SITE^RCMSITE BEG F Y=3:1:7 S X(Y)=$S($E(NUM,Y)]"":$A($E(NUM,Y)),1:48) F Y=7:-1:3 D Q:FLG .I Y=3,X(Y)=$A("9") S X(Y)=$A("A") S FLG=1 Q .I X(Y)=$A("9"),X(Y-1)=$A("Z") S X(Y)=$A("A") S FLG=1 Q .I X(Y)=$A("N") S X(Y)=$A("P") S FLG=1 Q .I X(Y)=$A("9") S X(Y)=$A("0") S FLG=0 Q .I Y=7,X(7)=$A("Z") S FLG=2 Q .S X(Y)=X(Y)+1 S FLG=1 .Q I FLG=1 D I $D(^PRCA(430,"B",SITE_"-"_NUM)) G BEG .S NUM=$E(NUM,1,2) F Y=3:1:7 S NUM=NUM_$C(X(Y)) .Q I FLG=2 S NUM="-1^Common Numbering series is 'full'" S:+NUM'=-1 NUM=SITE_"-"_NUM Q Q NUM