RCMSPOST ;WISC/RFJ-post init tracking and history ;1 Apr 01 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**169**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; START(PATCH) ; add a new entry for a post init running ; stores the starting date and time for a post init ; returns entry number added I '$D(^RC(342,1,0)) Q 0 ; N DA,DIC,DIE,DLAYGO,X,Y ; ; first entry is the site entry S DA(1)=1 S (DIC,DIE)="^RC(342,"_DA(1)_",9.4,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=342.01 S DIC("DR")=".02///NOW;" S X=PATCH D FILE^DICN Q +Y ; ; END(DA) ; stores the ending date and time for a post init N %DT,D,D0,DI,DIC,DIE,DQ,DR,X,Y ; ; first entry is the site entry S DA(1)=1 S (DIC,DIE)="^RC(342,"_DA(1)_",9.4,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=342.01 S DR=".03///NOW;" D ^DIE Q