RCRCRR ;ALB/CMS - RC RECONCILIATION DRIVER ; 16-JUN-00 V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**61,63,147,159**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q RRR ;Request Reconciliation Rollup from RC option entry point N DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT,RCBDT,RCCAT,RCDIV,RCDOM,RCEDT,RCI,RCJOB,RCSITE,RCSUB,RCWHO,X,X1,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMZ,X,Y W !!!," This option will send a Reconciliation Roll-up mail message request to your" W !," supporting Regional Counsel office. Using this option is not CPU intensive." W !," Four mail messages each containing a different report will be sent" W !," to the RC RC REFERRALS mail group at this site and the RC office" W !," containing the outcome of the referral comparison. The messages may" W !," take up to a day to be delivered since it relies on Mailman delivery" W !," system response time at your Medical Center and your supporting RC office." W !! S DIR("A")="Continue with Request",DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR I ($D(DIRUT))!($D(DIROUT)) G RRRQ I Y'=1 G RRRQ ; CAT W !! S RCCAT="RR1" ;W !!,"AR Category to include in Roll-up Request" ;W !,"1. Reimbursable Health",!,"2. Worker's Comp, Tort Feasor and No-Fault Auto." ;R !!,"Select 1 or 2 : 1//",X:DTIME I ('$T)!(X["^") G RRRQ ;I X=2 S RCCAT="RR2" G DT ;I (X="")!(X=1) S RCCAT="RR1" G DT ;W !!,"You must select a Category or enter '^' to exit." G CAT ; DT ; Get date range for Report 4 of 4 W !!,"Report (4 of 4) Bills in AR and RC with same Dollar amount HOWEVER," W !," a Contract/Decrease adjustment was made before the Referral Date." W !!,"This report is for you to review and determine the validity of the adjustment." W !,"Select the Referral Date range for referred bills that have a decrease" W !,"adjustment made prior to the bill referral date." W !!," Adjusted bills or bills with valid decreases will continue to" W !," display in the same selected Referral Date time frame." BDT W ! S %DT="AEPX",%DT(0)=-DT,%DT("A")="Start with Referral Date: " D ^%DT K %DT G RRRQ:Y<0 S RCBDT=Y W ! S %DT="AEPX",%DT(0)=RCBDT,%DT("A")="End with Referral Date: " D ^%DT K %DT G RRRQ:Y<0 S RCEDT=Y ; S RCSITE=$$SITE^RCMSITE D RCDIV^RCRCDIV(.RCDIV) I $O(RCDIV(0)) S RCI=0 F S RCI=$O(RCDIV(RCI)) Q:'RCI D .S RCDOM=$P(RCDIV(RCI),U,6) .D SEND E S RCDOM=$$RCDOM^RCRCUTL D SEND RRRQ Q ; SEND ;Called with user supplied date range S (RCSUB,XMSUB)="AR/RC -"_RCSITE_" Reconciliation Roll-up Request ("_$S(RCCAT="RR1":"RI)",1:"WC,TF,NA)") S X1(1)="$$RC$"_RCCAT_"$$"_RCSITE_"$S.RC RC SERV" S X1(2)="$END$1$"_RCBDT_"$"_RCEDT S XMTEXT="X1(" S RCWHO=RCDOM S XMY(RCWHO)="",XMY(DUZ)="" D ^XMD I XMZ<1 W !!,"** Mail message not created. Please Try Again. **" G RRRQ W !!,"Request sent to "_RCDOM_" in Mail Message #("_XMZ_").",! D ENT^RCRCXMS(XMZ,RCSUB,RCWHO) SENDQ Q ; TASK ;Task the RC background job from the RC Server ;Called from RCRCSVR N I,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSK,ZTSAVE,%,%I,%H,X,Y I $P($G(RCVAR),U,6)="" G TASKQ D NOW^%DTC S ZTDTH=% S ZTRTN=$P(RCVAR,U,6),ZTDESC=$P(RCVAR,U,4),ZTIO="" F I="RCSITE","RCBDT","RCEDT","RCJOB","RCXTYP","RCVAR","RCXMY","RCXMZ" S ZTSAVE(I)="" D ^%ZTLOAD TASKQ Q ; BKTSK(RCCAT) ;This entry point is called from the scheduled options ;to send a Reconciliation request to RC ;Input: RR1=Reimburs.Health RR2=NON-Reimburs.Health N RCSITE,RCSUB,RCDOM,RCDIV,RCWHO,RCI,X1,XMCHAN,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY,XMZ,X,Y I ($G(RCCAT)'="RR1")&($G(RCCAT)'="RR2") G BKTSKQ ;Line below should be removed when RC is ready to Reconcile Worker's Comp., Torts and No Fault AUTO I $G(RCCAT)="RR2" G BKTSKQ S RCSITE=$$SITE^RCMSITE D RCDIV^RCRCDIV(.RCDIV) I $O(RCDIV(0)) S RCI=0 F S RCI=$O(RCDIV(RCI)) Q:'RCI D .S RCDOM=$P(RCDIV(RCI),U,6) .D BSND E S RCDOM=$$RCDOM^RCRCUTL D BSND D PRG BKTSKQ Q ; BSND ;Send with date values set to T-30 S XMCHAN=1 BKTA S (RCSUB,XMSUB)="AR/RC -"_RCSITE_" Reconciliation Roll-up Request ("_$S(RCCAT="RR1":"RI)",1:"TF,WC,NA)") S X1(1)="$$RC$"_RCCAT_"$$"_RCSITE_"$S.RC RC SERV" S X1(2)="$END$1$"_$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,-30)_"$"_DT S XMTEXT="X1(" S RCWHO=RCDOM,XMY(RCWHO)="",XMY(DUZ)="" D ^XMD I XMZ<1 G BKTA D ENT^RCRCXMS(XMZ,RCSUB,RCWHO) BSNDQ Q ; PRG ;Purge old entries in the File 349.3 N DA,DIK,RCI,X,Y S DIK="^RCT(349.3," S RCI=0 F S RCI=$O(^RCT(349.3,"AD",RCI)) Q:'RCI D .I RCI>DT Q .S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^RCT(349.3,"AD",RCI,DA)) Q:'DA D ^DIK PRGQ Q ;RCRCRR