RCRCVCK ;ALB/CMS - TP POSSIBLE REFERRAL LIST CHECK ; 09/02/97 V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**63,122,189**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; Q EN ;Entry point from protocol N PRCABN,RCA,RCMSG,RCOK,RCY S RCY=0,RCA="" D FULL^VALM1 I '$O(^TMP("RCRCVL",$J,"SEL",RCY)) W !!,"NOTHING TO VALIDATE!",!,"No selected items from list." G ENQ W !!,"Checking all bill(s) on highlighted Selection List " F S RCY=$O(^TMP("RCRCVL",$J,"SEL",RCY)) Q:'RCY D .S PRCABN=$P($G(^TMP("RCRCVLX",$J,RCY)),U,2) .I 'PRCABN Q .S RCMSG="" .D CHK(PRCABN,.RCMSG,0) .I RCMSG]"" S RCA(PRCABN,RCY)=RCMSG .W "." ; I '$O(RCA(0)) W !,"Everything is Okay!" G ENQ D CHKD ENQ D PAUSE^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" Q ; RCINFO(PRCABN) ; get new info for *189 to refer bills N DIE,DA,DR W !,"Bill No.: ",$P($G(^PRCA(430,PRCABN,0)),"^") S DIE="^PRCA(430,",DA=PRCABN,DR="[PRCAC RC INFO]" D ^DIE S PRCA("REF REASON")=$P($G(^PRCA(430,PRCABN,6)),"^",22,23) I PRCA("REF REASON")'["^" S PRCA("REF REASON")=PRCA("REF REASON")_"^" Q ; CHK(PRCABN,COM,RCS) ;Validate Bill for Electronic Referral ;Return: COM Comments if didn't pass ;Return: RCCAT(,DFN,PRCA(,VA(,VADM(,VAPD( if transmitting N I,RCY,X,Y ;if calling from RCRCXM1 do not new variables I 'RCS N DFN,PRCA,RCCAT,VA,VADM,VAPA D RCCAT^RCRCUTL(.RCCAT) D BNVAR^RCRCUTL(PRCABN) I '$G(PRCABN) S COM="Not a valid Bill Number." G CHKQ I '$G(PRCA("CAT")) S COM="Bill Category not entered." G CHKQ I +PRCA("STATUS")'=16 S COM="Bill Status is not Active." G CHKQ D DEBT^RCRCUTL(PRCABN) I $G(PRCA("DEBTNM"))="" S COM="No Debtor Name." G CHKQ I "ZZzzZ-z-"[$E(PRCA("DEBTNM"),1,2) S COM="Debtor Name starts with "_$E(PRCA("DEBTNM"),1,2) G CHKQ S DFN=+$P(^PRCA(430,PRCABN,0),U,7) I 'DFN S COM="No Patient Information." G CHKQ D DEM^VADPT,ADD^VADPT I "ZZzzZ-z-"[$E(VADM(1),1,2) S COM="Patient name starts with "_$E(VADM(1),1,2) G CHKQ I $E(VADM(2),1,5)="00000" S COM="Test Patient." G CHKQ S RCY=$$BILL^RCJIBFN2(PRCABN) I '$P(RCY,U,3) S COM="No Current Balance." G CHKQ I $G(^DGCR(399,PRCABN,0))="" S COM="No Bill Claim Information." G CHKQ I 'RCS,$G(RCCAT(+PRCA("CAT")))'=1 S COM=$P(PRCA("CAT"),U,2)_" bills can be referred, but not electronically." D RCINFO(PRCABN) I 'PRCA("REF REASON") S COM="RC Referal Reason Code is REQUIRED" G CHKQ I +PRCA("REF REASON")=5,'$L($P(PRCA("REF REASON"),"^",2)) S COM="Referral Comments is REQUIRED for RC Reason Code 5" G CHKQ S COM="" CHKQ I COM]"" S COM=$G(PRCA("BNAME"))_" - "_COM Q ; CHKD ;Display invalid bills and message from RCA array ;Ask user what they want to do with bad referral N PRCABN,RCY S PRCABN=0 F S PRCABN=$O(RCA(PRCABN)) Q:('PRCABN)!($G(RCOUT)) D .S RCY=0 F S RCY=$O(RCA(PRCABN,RCY)) Q:('RCY)!($G(RCOUT)) D ..W !!!,"Item ",RCY,". ",RCA(PRCABN,RCY) ..D UNSEL^RCRCVLE(RCY) CHKDQ Q ;RCRCVCK