RCRCVXM ;ALB/CMS - AR/RC ORIG BILL TRANSMISSION ; 16-JUN-00 V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**63,159**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;ORIGINAL BILL TRANSPORT ; Q EN ;Entry from Protocol to Refer bills to RC N DIR,LN,PRCABN,RCA,RCCNT,RCCOM,RCDOM,RCMSG,RCSITE,RCY,X,Y S RCCNT=0,LN=4 D FULL^VALM1 I '$O(^TMP("RCRCVL",$J,"SEL",0)) W !!,"NOTHING TO REFER!",!,"No selected items from list." G ENQ W !! S DIR("A",1)="Referring all bill(s) on highlighted Selection List " S DIR("A",2)=" ",DIR("A",3)="This action will:" S DIR("A",4)="Create a 'Refer to RC' or 'Re-establish Referral' AR Transaction," S DIR("A",5)="electronically transmit transferable bills to RC," S DIR("A",6)="list bills that did not pass the validation check and did not transmit," S DIR("A",7)="then mark the highlighted bills as referred." S DIR("A",8)=" " S DIR("A")="Okay to Continue: " D ASK^RCRCACP I Y'=1 G ENQ S RCY=0 F S RCY=$O(^TMP("RCRCVL",$J,"SEL",RCY)) Q:'RCY D .S PRCABN=$P($G(^TMP("RCRCVLX",$J,RCY)),U,2) W "." .I 'PRCABN Q .K ^TMP("RCRCVL",$J,"XM",PRCABN) .; - Validate bill and save variables .S RCMSG="" D CHK^RCRCVCK(PRCABN,.RCMSG,1) .I RCMSG]"" S RCA(PRCABN,RCY)=RCMSG Q .D IBS^RCRCXM1 .Q ; ; - If nothing to send go write message on screen I '$O(^TMP("RCRCVL",$J,"XM",0)) G ENW ; ; - create E-Mail and send off S RCCOM D SEND ; ; - update AR Transaction,430 Referral Date and LM Screen D ARUP ; ; - list bills that did not go ENW I $O(RCA(0)) W !!,"Did not Refer the following bills",! D .S PRCABN=0 F S PRCABN=$O(RCA(PRCABN)) Q:'PRCABN D ..S RCY=0 F S RCY=$O(RCA(PRCABN,RCY)) Q:'RCY D ...W !,"Item ",RCY,". ",RCA(PRCABN,RCY) ...;I $Y>(IOSL+3) D PAUSE^VALM1 W @IOF ; ENQ K DIR D PAUSE^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" Q ; SEND ;Send bills in mail message N DATA,II,LN,PRCABN,RCCNT,RCBDIV,RCI,RCSUB,RCWHO,RETRY N XNDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY,XMZ,X,Y S (RCCNT,PRCABN)=0 F S PRCABN=$O(^TMP("RCRCVL",$J,"XM",PRCABN)) Q:(RCCNT)!('PRCABN) D .S II=0 F S II=$O(^TMP("RCRCVL",$J,"XM",PRCABN,II)) Q:(RCCNT)!('II) D ..S RCCNT=RCCNT+1 I RCCNT=0 G SENDQ S (RCCNT,RETRY)=0,RCCOM="" S RCSITE=$$SITE^RCMSITE I $O(RCDIV(0)) S RCDOM=$P($G(RCDIV(+$P($G(RCDIV(0)),U,3))),U,6) I $O(^TMP("RCDOMAIN",$J,0)) S RCDOM=$P(^TMP("RCDOMAIN",$J,+$P($G(^TMP("RCDOMAIN",$J,0)),U,3)),U,6) I $G(RCDOM)="" S RCDOM=$$RCDOM^RCRCUTL SNDA ;Come back here if didn't go to mail man S (XMDUN,XMDUZ)=DUZ S (RCSUB,XMSUB)="AR/RC - "_$G(RCSITE,"UNK")_" ORIGINAL BILL TRANSMISSION" D XMZ^XMA2 I $G(XMZ)<1 S RETRY=RETRY+1 I RETRY<100 G SNDA I $G(XMZ)<1 G SENDQ S RCWHO=RCDOM S XMY(RCWHO)="",XMY(DUZ)="" S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,0)="^3.92^1^1^"_DT S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,1,0)="$$RC$OB$$"_RCSITE_"$S.RC RC SERV" S PRCABN=0,LN=1 F S PRCABN=$O(^TMP("RCRCVL",$J,"XM",PRCABN)) Q:'PRCABN D .I $O(^TMP("RCRCVL",$J,"XM",PRCABN,0)) S RCCNT=RCCNT+1 .S II=0 F S II=$O(^TMP("RCRCVL",$J,"XM",PRCABN,II)) Q:'II D ..S RCI=0 F S RCI=$O(^TMP("RCRCVL",$J,"XM",PRCABN,II,RCI)) Q:'RCI D ...S DATA=$G(^TMP("RCRCVL",$J,"XM",PRCABN,II,RCI)) ...I DATA="" Q ...S LN=LN+1 ...S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,LN,0)=DATA ; S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,LN+1,0)="$END$"_LN_"$"_RCCNT_"$" D ENT1^XMD W !!,"Message #",XMZ," Transmitted ",$G(RCCNT,0)," bill(s)." S RCCOM="Message contains "_+$G(RCCNT)_" bill(s)." D ENT^RCRCXMS(XMZ,RCSUB,RCWHO,.RCCOM) SENDQ Q ; ARUP ;Update AR with information N PRCABN,RCY S PRCABN=0 F S PRCABN=$O(^TMP("RCRCVL",$J,"XM",PRCABN)) Q:'PRCABN D .D REF^RCRCRT .; - Reset field in List Template .S RCY=^TMP("RCRCVL",$J,"XM",PRCABN,0) .D FLDTEXT^VALM10(RCY,"REFER","r") .Q ARUPQ Q ; ;RCRCVXM