RCRJRBDE ;WISC/RFJ,TJK-bad debt edit the report ;1 Feb 98 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**101,191,184,239**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; EDIT ; over-ride values, called from menu option ;W !!,"This option will allow you to over-ride the current month allowance" ;W !,"estimate for the Bad Debt Report. If you change the allowance estimate," ;W !,"it will change the value sent to FMS (on the last workday of the month).",! ; ; - deactivate the over-ride option with patch PRCA*4.5*239 W !!,"This option will no longer allow you to over-ride the current" W !,"month Bad Debt allowance estimates. These estimates are" W !,"automatically transmitted to FMS when they are calculated" W !,"by the AR Data Collector on the third to the last business" W !,"day of the month.",!! ; S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIROUT,X,Y ; Q ; ; ; N DIR,X,Y ;I $E(DT,6,7)'<$$WD3^RCRJRBD D Q I $E(DT,6,7)<$E($$LDATE^RCRJR(DT)+1,6,7)!($E(DT,6,7)'<$E($$LDAY^RCRJR(DT),6,7)) D Q . W !,"The Bad Debt Report is submitted to FMS on the next to last workday of the" . W !,"month. You can only use this option to change the data from the day" . W !,"after the EOAM cut off date to the next to last workday of the month." . ; ask to print report . S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("B")="NO" . S DIR("A")=" Do you want to print the report for last month" . W ! D ^DIR . I Y=1 D PRINT^RCRJRBDR ; N CHANGED,D,D0,DA,DATA,DI,DIC,DIE,DQ,DR,RCRJALLO,RCRJFEND,X,Y F D Q:$G(RCRJFEND) . ; check to see if report is running . L +^RC(348.1):5 . I '$T W !,"The Bad Debt Report is currently running or being edit by another user.",!,"Try again later." S RCRJFEND=1 Q . ; . S (DIC,DIE)="^RC(348.1,",DIC(0)="QEAM" . W ! D ^DIC . I Y<1 L -^RC(348.1) S RCRJFEND=1 Q . S DA=+Y . ; store current estimate allowance and show report . S RCRJALLO=+$P(^RC(348.1,+Y,0),"^",8) . W !!?20,"This what the CURRENT report looks like:" . W !?20,"========================================" . D SHOW(DA) . W !!,"You now have the option to over-ride the estimated allowance:" . S DR=".08;" D ^DIE . L -^RC(348.1) . ; no changes to data . I +$P(^RC(348.1,DA,0),"^",8)=RCRJALLO W "...No changes made." Q . ; set flag to show changes made . S DR=".1////1;" D ^DIE . ; show new report . W !!?20,"This is what the NEW report looks like:" . W !?20,"=======================================" . D SHOW(DA) Q ; ; SHOW(DA) ; show the values for entry S DATA=$G(^RC(348.1,DA,0)) W !!,"Allowance for Bad Debt - SGL ",$P(DATA,"^"),":" W !,"----------------------------------------------------" S CHANGED=" " I $P(DATA,"^",10) S CHANGED="**" W !,"Allowance Estimate for Month",?35,":",$J($P(DATA,"^",8),16,2)," ",CHANGED," (Normally Credit Value)" W !,"Bad Debt Write-Off FYTD (Plus)",?35,":",$J($P(DATA,"^",9),16,2)," (Normally Debit Value )" W !,"----------------------------------------------------" W !,"Transmitted Amount to FMS for Month",?35,":",$J($P(DATA,"^",8)+$P(DATA,"^",9),16,2)," ",CHANGED," (Normally Credit Value)" I $P(DATA,"^",10) W !?53,"** Changed Locally" Q