RCRJRCO ;WISC/RFJ-control collection of monthly data ;1 Nov 97 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**96,106,101,103,147,156,169,170,174,191,203,239**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; called by menu option to regenerate monthly data N %,%DT,%X,%Y,DA347,DIQ2,DATEMOYR,FMSDOCNO,GECSDATA,LASTMONT,RCRJFAR1,RCRJFAR2,RCRJFBDR,RCRJFOIG,RCRJFSV,RCRJFTR,RCRJFWR,X,Y,ZTSK,RCNOHSIF ; S RCNOHSIF=$$NOHSIF() ; HSIF is disabed ; W !!,"This option will re-run the AR Data Collector, extracting data from" W !,"the AR database and sending the data to the National Database and FMS." W !,"It will also re-generate the Bad Debt Report and the OIG Extract." W !!,"This option will perform the following tasks:",! W !," 1. Re-send the data to the National Database. The data will only be" W !," re-sent if you answer YES to the prompt. The data will only be" W !," accepted in the NDB if the month-year has not been closed (in the NDB)." W !," 2. Re-send the data to FMS on the SV and WR documents. The data" W !," will only be re-sent if it has not been previously accepted by FMS." W !," 3. Re-send the OIG Extract. If the selected month is the end of the" W !," quarter (December, March, June, or September), the OIG Extract can" W !," be re-generated." ; ; do not allow dates in future to be selected ;S (LASTMONT,DATEMOYR)=$$PREVMONT^RCRJRBD(DT) I $E(DT,6,7)'>$E($$LDATE^RCRJR(DT),6,7) S (LASTMONT,DATEMOYR)=$$PREVMONT^RCRJRBD(DT) I $E(DT,6,7)>$E($$LDATE^RCRJR(DT),6,7) S (LASTMONT,DATEMOYR)=$E($$LDATE^RCRJR(DT),1,5)_"00" S %DT(0)=-LASTMONT S %DT("A")="Retransmit AR Data Collector data for Month/Year: " S %DT="AEMP" W ! D ^%DT I Y<1 Q ; S (DATEMOYR,Y)=$E(Y,1,5)_"00" D DD^%DT ; ; try and find SV document to see if its accepted K GECSDATA D KEYLOOK^GECSSGET("SV-"_DATEMOYR,1) I $G(GECSDATA) D Q:'$G(GECSDATA) . W !!,"The SV document has been transmitted to fms, document number: "_GECSDATA("2100.1",GECSDATA,".01","E") . I $E($G(GECSDATA(2100.1,GECSDATA,3,"E")))="A" D Q . . W !,"The SV document has been ACCEPTED in FMS and will not be resent." . . S RCRJFSV=1 . I $E($G(GECSDATA(2100.1,GECSDATA,3,"E")))="R" D Q . . W !,"The SV document has REJECTED and will be RETRANSMITTED." . W !,"The SV document has NOT been ACCEPTED in FMS." . S %=$$ASKTRANS I %<0 K GECSDATA Q . I %'=1 S RCRJFSV=1 ;do not send document ; ; try and find WR document to see if its accepted K GECSDATA D KEYLOOK^GECSSGET("WR-"_DATEMOYR,1) I $G(GECSDATA) D Q:'$G(GECSDATA) . W !!,"The WR document has been transmitted to fms, document number: "_GECSDATA("2100.1",GECSDATA,".01","E") . I $E($G(GECSDATA(2100.1,GECSDATA,3,"E")))="A" D Q . . W !,"The WR document has been ACCEPTED in FMS and will not be resent." . . S RCRJFWR=1 . I $E($G(GECSDATA(2100.1,GECSDATA,3,"E")))="R" D Q . . W !,"The WR document has REJECTED and will be RETRANSMITTED." . W !,"The WR document has NOT been ACCEPTED in FMS." . S %=$$ASKTRANS I %<0 K GECSDATA Q . I %'=1 S RCRJFWR=1 ;do not send document ; ; try and find the Bad Debt SV document to see if its accepted K GECSDATA D KEYLOOK^GECSSGET("SV-"_$E(DATEMOYR,1,5)_"01",1) I $G(GECSDATA) D Q:'$G(GECSDATA) . W !!,"The Bad Debt SV document has been transmitted to fms, document number: "_GECSDATA("2100.1",GECSDATA,".01","E") . I $E($G(GECSDATA(2100.1,GECSDATA,3,"E")))="A" D Q . . W !,"The Bad Debt SV document has been ACCEPTED in FMS and will not be resent." . . S RCRJFBDR=1 . I $E($G(GECSDATA(2100.1,GECSDATA,3,"E")))="R" D Q . . W !,"The Bad Debt SV document has REJECTED and will be RETRANSMITTED." . W !,"The Bad Debt SV document has NOT been ACCEPTED in FMS." . S %=$$ASKTRANS I %<0 K GECSDATA Q . I %'=1 S RCRJFBDR=1 ;do not send document ; ; try and find TR document to see if its accepted K GECSDATA I 'RCNOHSIF D KEYLOOK^GECSSGET("TR-"_DATEMOYR,1) I $G(GECSDATA) D Q:'$G(GECSDATA) . W !!,"The TR document has been transmitted to fms, document number: "_GECSDATA("2100.1",GECSDATA,".01","E") . I $E($G(GECSDATA(2100.1,GECSDATA,3,"E")))="A" D Q . . W !,"The TR document has been ACCEPTED in FMS and will not be resent." . . S RCRJFTR=1 . I $E($G(GECSDATA(2100.1,GECSDATA,3,"E")))="R" D Q . . W !,"The TR document has REJECTED and will be RETRANSMITTED." . W !,"The TR document has NOT been ACCEPTED in FMS." . S %=$$ASKTRANS I %<0 K GECSDATA Q . I %'=1 S RCRJFTR=1 ;do not send document ; I RCNOHSIF S RCRJFTR=1 ;do not send TR if disabled ; ; ask to resend AR1 NDB data S %=$$ASKNDB("AR1") I %<0 Q I %'=1 S RCRJFAR1=1 ;do not send to ndb ; ; ask to resend AR2 NDB data S %=$$ASKNDB("AR2") I %<0 Q I %'=1 S RCRJFAR2=1 ;do not send to ndb ; ; ask to resend the OIG extract S RCRJFOIG=1 ; resend the OIG extract D I %<0 Q . S %=$$ASKOIG I %<0 Q . I %=1 S RCRJFOIG=0 ;re-send oig extract ; ; I $G(RCRJFAR1),$G(RCRJFAR2),$G(RCRJFSV),$G(RCRJFWR),$G(RCRJFTR),$G(RCRJFBDR),$G(RCRJFOIG) W !!,"No reports have been selected for retransmission." Q ; W !!,"This option will retransmit the following monthly reports:" I '$G(RCRJFAR1) W !," AR1 to the NDB." I '$G(RCRJFAR2) W !," AR2 to the NDB." I '$G(RCRJFSV) W !," SV document to FMS." I '$G(RCRJFWR) W !," WR document to FMS." I '$G(RCRJFTR) W !," TR document to FMS." I '$G(RCRJFBDR) W !," rebuild the Bad Debt Report." I '$G(RCRJFOIG) W !," resend the OIG Extract." ; I $$ASKOKAY(DATEMOYR)=1 D . W !!,"This will be queued to run in the background. When it completes," . W !,"a mail message will be sent to the mail group RC AR DATA COLLECTOR." . S ZTDESC="AR Data Collector",ZTRTN="DQ^RCRJRCO",ZTDTH=$H,ZTIO="" . S ZTSAVE("DATEMOYR")="",ZTSAVE("RCRJF*")="",ZTSAVE("ZTREQ")="@" . D ^%ZTLOAD . W !!,"Queued to run in task ",$G(ZTSK) Q ; ; DQ ; start collection of monthly data ; datemoyr is for the month and year to run collector (ex 2971000) ; rcrjfsv and rcrjfwr are flags to stop the sv and wr documents ; rcrjfbdr is a flag to stop the rebuild of the bad debt report N %,DATEBEG,DATEEND,PRCASITE,X ; I $$NOHSIF() S RCRJFTR=1 ; disable TR to FMS ; get last month I $G(DATEMOYR) S DATEEND=$$LDATE^RCRJR(DATEMOYR) I '$G(DATEMOYR) S DATEEND=$$LDATE^RCRJR(DT),DATEMOYR=$E(DATEEND,1,5)_"00" ; ;S DATEBEG=$$LDATE^RCRJR($$PREVMONT^RCRJRBD(DATEEND))+1 S DATEBEG=$S(+$E(DATEEND,2,5)=309:$E(DATEEND,1,5)_"01",1:$$LDATE^RCRJR($$PREVMONT^RCRJRBD(DATEEND))+1) ;S DATEEND=$P("31^28^31^30^31^30^31^31^30^31^30^31","^",+$E(DATEMOYR,4,5)) I DATEEND=28,((17+$E(DATEMOYR))_$E(DATEMOYR,2,3))#4=0 S DATEEND=29 ;S DATEEND=$$LDATE^RCRJR(DT) ;S DATEEND=$E(DATEMOYR,1,5)_DATEEND ; S PRCASITE=$$SITE^RCMSITE ; ; queue the AR2 data collector to run in the background I '$G(RCRJFAR2) D . S ZTDESC="AR2 Data Collector",ZTRTN="DQ^RCRJRCO2",ZTDTH=$H,ZTIO="" . S ZTSAVE("PRCASITE")="",ZTSAVE("DATEBEG")="",ZTSAVE("DATEEND")="",ZTSAVE("ZTREQ")="@" . D ^%ZTLOAD ; ; no point in running data collector, nothing being sent I $G(RCRJFAR1),$G(RCRJFSV),$G(RCRJFWR),$G(RCRJFTR),$G(RCRJFBDR),$G(RCRJFOIG) Q ; ; run the AR1 data collector D START^RCRJRCOL(PRCASITE,DATEBEG,DATEEND) Q ; ; ASKNDB(REPORT) ; ask to resend to national database ; report = AR1 or AR2 ; 1 is yes, otherwise no N DIR,DIQ2,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("A")=" Do you want to resend the "_REPORT_" data to the National Database" W ! D ^DIR I $G(DTOUT)!($G(DUOUT)) S Y=-1 Q Y ; ; ASKBDR() ; ask to rebuild the bad debt report ; 1 is yes, otherwise no N DIR,DIQ2,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("A")=" Do you want to rebuild the Bad Debt Report" W ! D ^DIR I $G(DTOUT)!($G(DUOUT)) S Y=-1 Q Y ; ; ASKOKAY(DATEMOYR) ; ask if its okay ; 1 is yes, otherwise no N DIR,DIQ2,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y S Y=DATEMOYR D DD^%DT S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("A")=" Are you SURE you want to regenerate the data for "_Y W ! D ^DIR I $G(DTOUT)!($G(DUOUT)) S Y=-1 Q Y ; ; ASKTRANS() ; ask if its okay to retransmit document to FMS ; 1 is yes, otherwise no N DIR,DIQ2,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y S Y=DATEMOYR D DD^%DT S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("A")=" Do you want to regenerate and retransmit this document to FMS" D ^DIR I $G(DTOUT)!($G(DUOUT)) S Y=-1 Q Y ; ; ASKOIG() ; ask to resend to oig ; 1 is yes, otherwise no N DIR,DIQ2,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("A")=" Do you want to resend the data to the OIG" W ! D ^DIR I $G(DTOUT)!($G(DUOUT)) S Y=-1 Q Y ; ;The Date when AAC is ready for Point Accounts: PAEFFDT() Q 3031001 ;10/1/2003 ; ; The Data Collector cannot send 5287 Point Accounts before the Effective Date ; This function adjusts the fund depending on the current date ADJFUND(RCFUND) ; I DT'<$$PAEFFDT() Q RCFUND ; Do nothing after the effective date I $E(RCFUND,1,4)=5287 Q 5287 ; No point accounts before the effective date Q RCFUND ; ; The function returns 1 if MCCF-HSIF transfer is disabled NOHSIF() ; Q (DT'<$$PAEFFDT()) ; Disabled after the AAC is ready.