RCRJRCO1 ;WISC/RFJ/BGJ-continuation of ar data collector ;1 Mar 97 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**68,96,101,120,103,153,156,170,182,203**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; START ; calculate ndb values from file 433 transactions ; needs datebeg, dateend ; total is total by category ; N ADMIN,BILLDA,DATE,INTEREST,PRINBAL,TRANDA,TRANTYPE,VALUE,RCNOHSIF ; S RCNOHSIF=$$NOHSIF^RCRJRCO() ; no HSIF (disabled) ; F TRANTYPE=1,2,3,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,34,35,41,43 D . S DATE=DATEBEG-1 . F S DATE=$O(^PRCA(433,"AT",TRANTYPE,DATE)) Q:'DATE!(DATE>DATEEND) D . . S TRANDA=0 . . F S TRANDA=$O(^PRCA(433,"AT",TRANTYPE,DATE,TRANDA)) Q:'TRANDA D . . . S BILLDA=+$P($G(^PRCA(433,TRANDA,0)),"^",2) I 'BILLDA Q . . . ; bill not linked to a site . . . I '$P($G(^PRCA(430,BILLDA,0)),"^",12) Q . . . ; . . . ; get a transactions balance . . . S VALUE=$$TRANBAL^RCRJRCOT(TRANDA) I VALUE="" Q . . . S PRINBAL=$P(VALUE,"^"),INTEREST=$P(VALUE,"^",2),ADMIN=$P(VALUE,"^",3)+$P(VALUE,"^",4)+$P(VALUE,"^",5) . . . ; . . . D @TRANTYPE Q ; ; 1 ; increase adjustments D SETTOTAL(14,PRINBAL,0) Q ; ; 2 ; payment in partial N CATEGORY ; prepayment transaction (field #20) I $P($G(^PRCA(433,TRANDA,5)),"^") D Q . D SETTOTAL(21,PRINBAL,0) . I INTEREST D SETTOTAL(38,INTEREST,0) . I ADMIN D SETTOTAL(39,ADMIN,0) ; ; check to see if payment is rx copay and is split between ; mccf and hsif. if the bill has been run through the ; calculator, do it now and report the mccf split to the ndb. ; the amount owed to mccf is in piece 3 and is returned negative S CATEGORY=$P(^PRCA(430,BILLDA,0),"^",2) I 'RCNOHSIF,PRINBAL,(CATEGORY=22!(CATEGORY=23)),'$D(^TMP($J,"RCBMILLDATA",BILLDA,TRANDA)) D . S %=$$BILLFUND^RCBMILLC(BILLDA) ; ; changed by patch PRCA*4.5*182 to no longer separate the mccf and ; hsif components. the entire amount is now reported to the ndb. ; ;. S PRINBAL=-$P($G(^TMP($J,"RCBMILLDATA",BILLDA,TRANDA)),"^",3) ; ; partial payments (trantype=2), full payments (trantype=34) D SETTOTAL($S(TRANTYPE=2:19,1:18),PRINBAL,0) I INTEREST D SETTOTAL(38,INTEREST,0) I ADMIN D SETTOTAL(39,ADMIN,0) ; ; irs, district counsel, dept of justice (#7) S %=$P($G(^PRCA(433,TRANDA,0)),"^",7) I %="" Q I %="IRS" D SETTOTAL(28,PRINBAL,0) Q I %="DC" D SETTOTAL(31,PRINBAL,0) Q I %="DOJ" D SETTOTAL(34,PRINBAL,0) Q Q ; ; 3 ; refer to district counsel D SETTOTAL(30,PRINBAL,0) Q ; ; 8 ; terminate by fiscal officer D WRITEOFF^RCRJRCOC(BILLDA,VALUE,$S(TRANTYPE=8:25,1:24)) ; decrease in number of debts I '$D(^TMP($J,"RCRJRCOL","COUNT",BILLDA,17)) D SETTOTAL(17,0,0) Q ; ; 9 ; terminate by compromise D 8 Q ; ; 10 ; payment waived in full D WRITEOFF^RCRJRCOC(BILLDA,VALUE,22) Q ; ; 11 ; payment waived in partial D WRITEOFF^RCRJRCOC(BILLDA,VALUE,23) Q ; ; 12 ; admin cost / charge ; interest/admin added I INTEREST>0 D SETTOTAL(40,INTEREST,0) I ADMIN>0 D SETTOTAL(41,ADMIN,0) ; interest/admin cost exempt I INTEREST<0 D SETTOTAL(42,-INTEREST,0) I ADMIN<0 D SETTOTAL(42,-ADMIN,0) Q ; ; 13 ; interest / admin charge D 12 Q ; ; 14 ; exempt interest / admin cost D SETTOTAL(42,INTEREST,0) Q ; ; 34 ; payment in full D 2 ; decrease in number of debts I '$D(^TMP($J,"RCRJRCOL","COUNT",BILLDA,17)) D SETTOTAL(17,0,0) Q ; ; 35 ; decrease adjustment N CONTRACT ; contractual adjustment (field #88) S CONTRACT=$P($G(^PRCA(433,TRANDA,8)),"^",8) I CONTRACT D WRITEOFF^RCRJRCOC(BILLDA,VALUE,20) Q D SETTOTAL(16,PRINBAL,0) Q ; ; 41 ; refund D SETTOTAL(43,PRINBAL,0) Q ; ; 43 ; re-establishment D SETTOTAL(13,PRINBAL,INTEREST+ADMIN) Q ; ; SETTOTAL(CRITER2,AMOUNT,INTEREST) ; store results N RSC,TYPE ; ; this line of code will prevent duplicate counts if a sites cross ; references in file 430 (actdt and asdt) are duplicated (incorrect) I CRITER2<13,$D(^TMP($J,"RCRJRCOL","COUNT",BILLDA,CRITER2)) Q ; ; get a bills criteria 1,3,4,5 S CRITERIA=$G(^TMP($J,"RCRJRCOL","CRITERIA",BILLDA)) I CRITERIA="" S CRITERIA=$$CRITERIA^RCRJRCOL(BILLDA),^TMP($J,"RCRJRCOL","CRITERIA",BILLDA)=CRITERIA ; ; store for ndb S $P(CRITERIA,"-",2)=CRITER2 ; ; store results for ndb S %=$G(@DATASTOR) S $P(%,"^")=$P(%,"^")+1 S $P(%,"^",2)=$P(%,"^",2)+AMOUNT S $P(%,"^",3)=$P(%,"^",3)+INTEREST S @DATASTOR=% ; ; keep a count of which category (criter2) a bill is counted in S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCOL","COUNT",BILLDA,CRITER2)="" S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCOL","CRIT2",CRITER2,BILLDA)="" ; ; pick up bills with activity which may not have been picked up as ; a current receivable because of the wrong status date I CRITER2>13,CRITER2'=17,'$D(^TMP($J,"RCRJRCOL","COUNT",BILLDA,1)),'$D(^TMP($J,"RCRJRCOL","COUNT",BILLDA,17)) D CURRENT^RCRJRCOB(BILLDA,DATEEND,AYEAROLD) Q