RCXFMSPR ;WISC/RFJ-print revenue source codes ;1 Oct 97 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**90,96,101,156,170,203**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. W !,"This option will print out a list of the revenue source codes sent from" W !,"the VISTA system to FMS." ; ; select device W ! S %ZIS="Q" D ^%ZIS Q:POP I $D(IO("Q")) D D ^%ZTLOAD K IO("Q"),ZTSK Q . S ZTDESC="Revenue Source Code Report",ZTRTN="DQ^RCXFMSPR" . S ZTSAVE("ZTREQ")="@" W !!,"<*> please wait <*>" ; DQ ; queue starts here N %,%I,BINARY,COL2DESC,COL3DESC,COLUMN1,COLUMN2,COLUMN3,COLUMN4 N DECIMAL,DESCRIP,NOW,PAGE,RCSTFLAG,SCREEN,X,Y D NOW^%DTC S Y=% D DD^%DT S NOW=Y S PAGE=1,SCREEN=0 I '$D(ZTQUEUED),IO=IO(0),$E(IOST)="C" S SCREEN=1 U IO D H ; S COLUMN1="A",COLUMN2="R",COLUMN3="R",COLUMN4="V",DESCRIP="Miscellaneous" D WRITEIT ; ; for now, column 1 is always 8 and column 4 is always Z S COLUMN1=8,COLUMN4="Z" F COLUMN2=1:1:9,"A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M" D Q:$G(RCSTFLAG) . S COL2DESC=$P($T(@("A"_COLUMN2)),";",3) . ; . S COLUMN3=$S(COLUMN2=5:"*",1:"Z") . S DESCRIP=COL2DESC D WRITEIT . ; . I $G(RCSTFLAG) Q . ; . ; show hsif - disabled by patch 203 . ;I COLUMN2="B"!(COLUMN2="C") S DESCRIP=DESCRIP_" HSIF",COLUMN3=1 D WRITEIT ; I $G(RCSTFLAG) D Q Q ; ; print reimbursable health insurance rsc's S COLUMN2=5 W !!?6,"For REIMBURSABLE HEALTH INSURANCE [85*Z]:" F DECIMAL=0:1:31 D Q:$G(RCSTFLAG) . I DECIMAL<10 S COLUMN3=DECIMAL . E S COLUMN3=$C(65+DECIMAL-10) . ; . ; convert decimal to binary (ex: 10011) so it can be . ; parsed in rsc to get the description . S BINARY=$$CONVERT(DECIMAL) . S COL3DESC=$P($T(@("B"_$E(BINARY,1,2))),";",3) . S COL3DESC=COL3DESC_", "_$P($T(@("C"_$E(BINARY,3))),";",3) . S COL3DESC=COL3DESC_", "_$P($T(@("D"_$E(BINARY,4))),";",3) . S COL3DESC=COL3DESC_", "_$P($T(@("E"_$E(BINARY,5))),";",3) . S DESCRIP=COL3DESC . D WRITEIT ; Q D ^%ZISC Q ; ; GETDESC(RSC) ; return the description for the revenue source code N BINARY,COL3DESC,COLUMN2,COLUMN3,DESC I RSC="ARRV" Q "Miscellaneous" I RSC=8046 Q "Administrative" I RSC=8047 Q "Interest" I RSC=8048 Q "Marshal Fee and Court Cost" S DESC="UNKNOWN" S COLUMN2=$E(RSC,2) I "123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLM"[COLUMN2 S DESC=$P($T(@("A"_COLUMN2)),";",3) ; HSIF reference disabled by patch 203 ; I RSC="8B1Z"!(RSC="8C1Z") S DESC=DESC_" (HSIF)" I COLUMN2'=5 Q DESC ; S COLUMN3=$E(RSC,3) ; convert alpha letters to decimal I "0123456789"'[COLUMN3 S COLUMN3=$A(COLUMN3)-55 S BINARY=$$CONVERT(COLUMN3) S COL3DESC=$P($T(@("B"_$E(BINARY,1,2))),";",3) S COL3DESC=COL3DESC_", "_$P($T(@("C"_$E(BINARY,3))),";",3) S COL3DESC=COL3DESC_", "_$P($T(@("D"_$E(BINARY,4))),";",3) S COL3DESC=COL3DESC_", "_$P($T(@("E"_$E(BINARY,5))),";",3) Q "RHI, "_COL3DESC ; ; CONVERT(DECIMAL) ; convert decimal number to binary (5 digits) N Y S Y="" F S Y=$E("0123456789ABCDEF",DECIMAL#2+1)_Y,DECIMAL=DECIMAL\2 Q:DECIMAL<1 S Y=$E("00000",0,5-$L(Y))_Y Q Y ; ; WRITEIT ; display the rsc W !,COLUMN1,COLUMN2,COLUMN3,COLUMN4,?6,DESCRIP I $Y>(IOSL-5) D:SCREEN PAUSE Q:$G(RCSTFLAG) D H Q ; ; PAUSE ; pause at end of page N X U IO(0) W !,"Press RETURN to continue, '^' to exit:" R X:DTIME S:'$T X="^" S:X["^" RCSTFLAG=1 U IO Q ; ; H ; header S %=NOW_" PAGE "_PAGE,PAGE=PAGE+1 I PAGE'=2!(SCREEN) W @IOF W $C(13),"REVENUE SOURCE CODE REPORT (VISTA TO FMS)",?(80-$L(%)),% W !,"RSC",?6,"Description" S %="",$P(%,"-",81)="" W !,% Q ; ; ; this is a listing of all column2 values with a description A1 ;;Hospital Care (NSC) A2 ;;Outpatient Care (NSC) A3 ;;Nursing Home Care (NSC) A4 ;;Ineligible Hospitalization A5 ;;Reimbursable Health Insurance A6 ;;Tort Feasor A7 ;;Workmans Compensation (Non-Federal) A8 ;;C (Means Test) A9 ;;Emergency/Humanitarian AA ;;No Fault Auto Accident AB ;;Pharmacy Co-Pay (SC Vet) AC ;;Pharmacy Co-Pay (NSC Vet) AD ;;Nursing Home Care Per Diem AE ;;Hospital Care Per Diem AF ;;Medicare AG ;;Adult Day Health Care (LTC) AH ;;Domiciliary (LTC) AI ;;Respite Care-Institutional (LTC) AJ ;;Respite Care-Non-Institutional (LTC) AK ;;Geriatric Eval-Institutional (LTC) AL ;;Geriatric Eval-Non-Institutional (LTC) AM ;;Nursing Home Care-Long Term Care (LTC) ; ; ; this is a listing for the type of care, first 2 binary digits ; if column2 is reimbursable health insurance B00 ;;Inpatient (Hosp) B01 ;;Outpatient B10 ;;Nursing Home B11 ;;Other ; ; ; this is a listing for the service connected, binary digit 3 C0 ;;SC for NSC C1 ;;NSC Vet ; ; ; this is a listing for means test, binary digit 4 D0 ;;MT Cat A D1 ;;MT Cat C ; ; ; this is a listing for age group, binary digit 5 E0 ;;Age <65 E1 ;;Age 65+