RCXFMSW1 ;WISC/RFJ-fms writeoff (wr) code sheet generator for a transaction ;1 Feb 2000 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**168,172,204**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; REGENWR ; regenerate write off document (menu option) N FMSDOC,PRINAMT,RCTRANDA,TRANTYPE,Y F D Q:'RCTRANDA . W ! S RCTRANDA=$$SELTRAN^RCDPTPLM I RCTRANDA<1 S RCTRANDA=0 Q . L +^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA):5 I '$T W !,"Another user is working with this transaction. Try again later." Q . S TRANTYPE=$P($G(^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA,1)),"^",2) . I TRANTYPE'=8,TRANTYPE'=9,TRANTYPE'=10,TRANTYPE'=11,TRANTYPE'=29 L -^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA) W !,"You can only send a WRITE OFF document for transactions that write off a bill." Q . ; check to see if transaction was processed . I $P($G(^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA,0)),"^",4)'=2 L -^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA) W !,"This transaction was NOT processed." Q . D SHOWTRAN(RCTRANDA) . I $$ACCK^PRCAACC(+$P($G(^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA,0)),"^",2)) L -^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA) W !,"ACCRUED bills do not get sent in detail to FMS." Q . ; get fms document and status . S FMSDOC=$$FMSSTAT(RCTRANDA) . W !,"Previously sent in WR FMS document: ",$S($P(FMSDOC,"^")="":"NOT FOUND",1:$P(FMSDOC,"^"))," Status: ",$E($P(FMSDOC,"^",2),1,16) . I $P(FMSDOC,"^",2)["ACCEPT"!($P(FMSDOC,"^",2)["TRANSMIT") L -^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA) W !,"The FMS document has been ",$P(FMSDOC,"^",2)," and cannot be regenerated." Q . S PRINAMT=$P($G(^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA,8)),"^") . I PRINAMT'>0 L -^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA) W !,"The principal amount needs to be greater than ZERO." Q . S Y=$$ASKOK I Y'=1 L -^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA) S:Y<0 RCTRANDA=0 Q . S Y=$$BUILDWR(RCTRANDA) . L -^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA) . I Y W !,"WR Document regenerated and retransmitted to FMS." Q . W !,"Unable to regenerate document. ",$P(Y,"^",2) Q ; ; BUILDWR(RCTRANDA) ; this entry point is called to generate a wr document to fms for a single transaction N CATEGORY,CR2,DA347,DIQ2,DOCTOTAL,FMSDOCNO,FMSLINE,GECSDATA,RCBILLDA,TRANNUMB,REFMS S RCBILLDA=$P($G(^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA,0)),"^",2) I 'RCBILLDA Q "0^Bill Number missing on transaction." ; S DOCTOTAL=$P($G(^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA,8)),"^") I 'DOCTOTAL Q "0^Total Principal Amount is ZERO." ; ; find a previously sent document S FMSDOCNO=$P($G(^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA,1)),"^",12) I FMSDOCNO'="" S DA347=$O(^RC(347,"C",FMSDOCNO,0)) I FMSDOCNO="" D . S DA347=$O(^RC(347,"D","T"_RCTRANDA,0)) I 'DA347 Q . S FMSDOCNO=$P($G(^RC(347,DA347,0)),"^",9) ; if previously sent, get the data from gcs I FMSDOCNO'="" S REFMS=1 D DATA^GECSSGET(FMSDOCNO,0) I $G(GECSDATA) S TRANNUMB=$E($P(FMSDOCNO,"-",2),1,11) ; I $G(TRANNUMB)="" S TRANNUMB=$$ENUM^RCMSNUM I TRANNUMB<0 Q "0^Unable to lookup next transaction number." ; remove dash (example 460-K1A05HY) S TRANNUMB=$TR(TRANNUMB,"-") ; S FMSLINE="LIN^~CRA^001" S $P(FMSLINE,"^",20)=$J(DOCTOTAL,0,2) S $P(FMSLINE,"^",21)="I" S $P(FMSLINE,"^",23)=$P($$DTYPE^PRCAFBD1($P($G(^PRCA(430,RCBILLDA,11)),"^",10)),"^",4) ;refund/reimbursement S $P(FMSLINE,"^",24)="BD" S $P(FMSLINE,"^",25)=$TR($P(^PRCA(430,RCBILLDA,0),"^"),"-") ;bill number with no dash S $P(FMSLINE,"^",26)=$$LINE^RCXFMSC1(RCBILLDA)_"^~" ; ; tricare bill S CATEGORY=$P($G(^PRCA(430,RCBILLDA,0)),"^",2) I CATEGORY=30!(CATEGORY=32) S $P(FMSLINE,"^",23)="06" ; N FMSDT S FMSDT=$$FMSDATE^RCBEUTRA(DT) S CR2="CR2^"_$E(FMSDT,2,3)_"^"_$E(FMSDT,4,5)_"^"_$E(FMSDT,6,7) S $P(CR2,"^",10)="E" S $P(CR2,"^",13)=999999999999 S $P(CR2,"^",15)=$J(DOCTOTAL,0,2) S $P(CR2,"^",17)=$E(DT,2,3) S $P(CR2,"^",18)=$E(DT,4,5) S $P(CR2,"^",19)=$E(DT,6,7)_"^~" ; ; put together document in fms N %DT,D,D0,DA,DI,DIC,DIE,DQ,DR,GECSFMS,X I '$G(GECSDATA) D CONTROL^GECSUFMS("A",$E(TRANNUMB,1,3),TRANNUMB,"WR",10,0,"","WRITE OFF") E D REBUILD^GECSUFM1(+GECSDATA,"A",10,"N","Rebuild WRITE OFF") S GECSFMS("DA")=+GECSDATA D SETCS^GECSSTAA(GECSFMS("DA"),CR2) D SETCS^GECSSTAA(GECSFMS("DA"),FMSLINE) D SETCODE^GECSSDCT(GECSFMS("DA"),"D RETN^RCFMFN02") D SETSTAT^GECSSTAA(GECSFMS("DA"),"Q") ; ; store the gcs number in 433 for future reference S $P(^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA,1),"^",12)="WR-"_$P(GECSFMS("CTL"),"^",9) ; ; add/update entry in file 347 for reports N %DT,X,D,D0,DI,DQ,DIC,ERROR I 'DA347 D OPEN^RCFMDRV1("WR-"_$P(GECSFMS("CTL"),"^",9),1,"T"_RCTRANDA,.DA347,.ERROR,RCBILLDA,RCTRANDA) I DA347 D SSTAT^RCFMFN02("T"_RCTRANDA,1) ; Q "1^WR-"_$P(GECSFMS("CTL"),"^",9) ; ; FMSSTAT(RCTRANDA) ; return the fms wr document ^ status ^ file 347 ien N DA347,FMSDOCNO,STATUS ; get the fms document from the transaction S FMSDOCNO=$P($G(^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA,1)),"^",12) ; if fms document found, get the file 347 entry I FMSDOCNO'="" S DA347=$O(^RC(347,"C",FMSDOCNO,0)) ; if not on transaction, it may be earlier than patch 146 I FMSDOCNO="" D . S DA347=$O(^RC(347,"D","T"_RCTRANDA,0)) I 'DA347 Q . S FMSDOCNO=$P($G(^RC(347,DA347,0)),"^",9) ; get the status S STATUS="NOT FOUND" I FMSDOCNO'="" S STATUS=$$STATUS^GECSSGET(FMSDOCNO) Q FMSDOCNO_"^"_STATUS_"^"_$G(DA347) ; ; SHOWTRAN(RCTRANDA) ; show data for transaction N DATA0,DATA1,DATA8,RCWRLINE,Y S DATA0=$G(^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA,0)) S DATA1=$G(^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA,1)) S DATA8=$G(^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA,8)) S RCWRLINE="",$P(RCWRLINE,"=",79)="" W !!,RCWRLINE W !,"TRANSACTION NUMBER: ",RCTRANDA W ?40,"WAIVED AMOUNT: ",$J($P(DATA1,"^",5),0,2) W !,"BILL NUMBER: ",$P($G(^PRCA(430,+$P(DATA0,"^",2),0)),"^") S Y=$P($P(DATA1,"^"),".") I Y D DD^%DT W ?42,"WAIVED DATE: ",Y W !?8,"Principal Waived: ",$J($P(DATA8,"^"),9,2) W !?8," Interest Waived: ",$J($P(DATA8,"^",2),9,2) W !?8," Admin Waived: ",$J($P(DATA8,"^",3)+$P(DATA8,"^",4)+$P(DATA8,"^",5),9,2) W !?26,"---------" W !?8," TOTAL Waived: ",$J($P(DATA8,"^")+$P(DATA8,"^",2)+$P(DATA8,"^",3)+$P(DATA8,"^",4)+$P(DATA8,"^",5),9,2) W !!,RCWRLINE Q ; ; ASKOK() ; ask to regenerate write off document N DIR,DIQ2,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to regenerate the write off document to FMS" W ! D ^DIR I $G(DTOUT)!($G(DUOUT)) S Y=-1 Q Y