RCXVDC6 ;DAOU/ALA-AR Data Extraction Data Creation ;02-JUL-03 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**201,227,228**;Mar 20, 1995 ; ; Accounts Recv. Trans. File (# 433) Q D433 ; K ^TMP($J,RCXVBLN,"6-433A") N X,Y ; LOOP THRU(^PRCA(433,"C",RCXVBLN) ; ; If the current fiscal year flag is set, must loop for ; all the transactions since the beginning of the fiscal year I $G(RCXVCFLG)=1 S RCXVBDT=RCXVFFD NEW RCXVD,RCXVDA,RCXVDT,RCXVI,RCXVP1,RCXVP2,RCXVD0B,RCX S RCXVD0B="" F RCXVI=1:1 S RCXVD0B=$O(^PRCA(433,"C",RCXVBLN,RCXVD0B)) Q:RCXVD0B="" D D433A Q D433A ; S RCXVD=$G(^PRCA(433,RCXVD0B,1)) S RCXVP1=$P($G(^PRCA(433,RCXVD0B,0)),U,2),RCXVP2="" I RCXVP1'="" S RCXVP2=$P($G(^PRCA(430,RCXVP1,0)),U,1) S RCXVDA=RCXVP2 ; BILL NUMBER (P) S RCXVDA=RCXVDA_RCXVU_$P($G(^PRCA(433,RCXVD0B,0)),U,1) ; TRANS. # S RCXVDT=$P(RCXVD,U,9) I RCXVDT