RCXVDEQ ;DAOU/ALA-AR Data Extract Queue Trigger ;02-JUL-03 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**201,228,240,243,232**;Mar 20, 1995 ;*****240 change in this routine for test sites only**** ; ;**Program Description** ; This program will log a record who meets the ; selection criteria for the VISTA Data Extract ; AR ; Triggers from the Accounts Receivable File (#430) NEW DFN ; S RCXVBLN=D0,RCXVSTAT=$P(^PRCA(430,D0,0),U,8) I '+$P(^PRCA(430.3,RCXVSTAT,0),U,6) Q ; S DFN=$P(^PRCA(430,D0,0),U,7) D FIL("D") ; K RCXVBLN,RCXVSTAT Q ; AT ; Triggers from the Accounts Receivable Transactions (#433) NEW DFN ; S RCXVBLN=$P($G(^PRCA(433,D0,0)),U,2) I RCXVBLN="" Q S RCXVTYP=$P($G(^PRCA(433,D0,1)),U,2) I RCXVTYP="" Q ; I '+$P(^PRCA(430.3,RCXVTYP,0),U,6) Q ; S DFN=$P(^PRCA(430,RCXVBLN,0),U,7) D FIL("D") ; K RCXVBLN,RCXVTYP Q ; FIL(RCXVBTY) ; File the record into the AR Data Queue File (#348.4) ; ; If a test system has 'turned off' extract, quit I '$$GET1^DIQ(342,"1,",20.04,"I") Q ; ; Input Parameter ; RCXVBTY = Batch Type (H=Historical, D=Daily, C=Current Fiscal Year, A=Active,E=FY05 DATA,I=CoPay Patient Data) ; RCXVBLN = Bill IEN ; N FDA,RCXVCURB,RCVXBNM,RCVXBMX ; ; Where there has been any update/change to the system ; for a particular bill for the previous days business business (T-1). ; ; Get current batch BTC K ^TMP("RCXVA",$J) D FIND^DIC(348.4,"","","P",DT,"","C","I $P(^(0),U,4)=RCXVBTY","","^TMP(""RCXVA"",$J)") S RCXVCURB=+$P($G(^TMP("RCXVA",$J,"DILIST",0)),U,1) S RCVXCTY="",RCXVBDT="",RCXQFL=0 ; ; If there is no batch for today, create a new batch I RCXVCURB=0 D NBT G CON:'RCXQFL,BTC ; ; Check to see if batch is full. S RCXVCURB=$P(^TMP("RCXVA",$J,"DILIST",RCXVCURB,0),U,1) I RCXVCURB'=0 D . S RCVXBNM=$P($G(^RCXV(RCXVCURB,0)),U,7) ; Number of record in batch . S RCVXCTY=$P($G(^RCXV(RCXVCURB,0)),U,4) ; Current batch type . S RCXVBDT=$P($G(^RCXV(RCXVCURB,0)),U,2) ; Batch Date . S RCXVBST=$P($G(^RCXV(RCXVCURB,0)),U,3) ; Batch Status S RCVXBMX=$P($G(^RC(342,1,20)),U,5) ; Max. # of record per batch ; OR if the number of records in batch exceeds the ; maximum number of records per batch --> create new batch ; change in line below for patch 240 I (RCVXBNM>RCVXBMX)!(RCVXBNM=RCVXBMX)!(RCXVBST="T")!(RCXVBST="C") D NBT G BTC:RCXQFL=1 ; CON ; Continue with updating the AR Data Queue file S RCXVDA=$S($G(RCXVCURB)'=0:RCXVCURB,1:RCXVDA) ; ; If the Batch Type is 'R', quit I RCXVBTY="R"!(RCXVBTY="I") Q ; ; If this bill number already exists in this batch, quit I $D(^RCXV(RCXVDA,1,RCXVBLN)) Q ; ; File record NEW DIC,DIE,X,DA,DLAYGO,Y,DINUM S DA(1)=RCXVDA,DIC="^RCXV("_DA(1)_",1,",DIE=DIC,(X,DINUM)=RCXVBLN S DLAYGO=348.41,DIC(0)="L",DIC("P")=DLAYGO I '$D(^RCXV(DA(1),1,0)) S ^RCXV(DA(1),1,0)="^348.41^^" K DO D FILE^DICN K DO ; S RCUPD(348.4,RCXVDA_",",.07)=(RCVXBNM+1) S RCUPD(348.41,RCXVBLN_","_RCXVDA_",",.02)=$G(DFN) D FILE^DIE("","RCUPD","RCXVERR") ; K RCXVDA,RCVXBNM,RCXVBLN,RCXVCURB,RCXVBTY,RCVXBMX,RCVXCTY,RCXVBDT K ^TMP("RCXVA",$J),IENARRAY,RCXVBST,RCUPD,RCXVERR,RCXQFL Q ; NBT ; Create a new batch N $ES,$ET S $ET="D ER^RCXVDEQ" L +^RCXVLK:1 E S RCXQFL=1 Q S RCXVCURB=$P(^RCXV(0),U,3)+1 S RCVXBNM=0 S FDA(348.4,"+1,",.01)=RCXVCURB S FDA(348.4,"+1,",.02)=DT S FDA(348.4,"+1,",.03)="P" S FDA(348.4,"+1,",.04)=RCXVBTY S FDA(348.4,"+1,",.07)=RCVXBNM D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA","IENARRAY","ERROR") I '$D(ERROR) S RCXVDA=$G(IENARRAY(1)) L -^RCXVLK Q ; UDR ; Update Deposits/Receipts subfile ; If this batch payment number already exists in this batch, quit I $D(^RCXV(RCXVDA,2,RCXVD0)) Q ; ; File record NEW DIC,DIE,X,DA,DLAYGO,Y,DINUM S DA(1)=RCXVDA,DIC="^RCXV("_DA(1)_",2,",DIE=DIC,(X,DINUM)=RCXVD0 S DLAYGO=348.42,DIC(0)="L",DIC("P")=DLAYGO I '$D(^RCXV(DA(1),2,0)) S ^RCXV(DA(1),2,0)="^348.42^^" K DO D FILE^DICN K DO ; S RCUPD(348.4,RCXVDA_",",.07)=RCXVRNUM D FILE^DIE("","RCUPD","RCXVERR") K RCXVERR,RCUPD Q ; ER ; Unlock and log error L -^RCXVLK D ^%ZTER D UNWIND^%ZTER Q