RCXVP240 ;TJK/Albany OI@Altoona,Pa.-AR Data Extraction Post-Install Program ;23-JUL-03 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**240**;Mar 20, 1995 ; ;** Program Description ** ; This program will be run on installation of patch ; PRCA*4.5*240 for CBO Active Bills to ARC Data Extractions ; EN ; Entry Point ; Set up the active records into the AR Queue File (#348.4) N RCXVDSC,RCXVFL,ZTDESC,ZTRTN,ZTIO,ZTDTH S RCXVDSC="CBO ACTIVE BILLS" S RCXVFL=$$TASK^RCXVUTIL(RCXVDSC) I 'RCXVFL D . S ZTDESC=RCXVDSC,ZTRTN="ACT^RCXVTSK",ZTIO="" . S ZTDTH=$$DT^XLFDT()_".20" . D ^%ZTLOAD Q