RCXVRMV ;DAOU/ALA-AR Data Extract Remove ;23-OCT-2003 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**201**;Mar 20, 1995 ; ;**Program Description** ; ;WARNING - This program should only be run by direction ;of the NVS team. It is meant to cleanup possible bill ;transmissions to the ARC which were generated by a re-index ;of one of the following files; 399, 430, or 433. A ;re-index has serious consequences for a site's billing ;process and should only be done after serious consideration ;and direction from the IB or AR programmers. ; EN ; Entry point S %DT="AEX",%DT("A")="Enter DATE re-index started: " D ^%DT I Y<1 G EXIT S RCXVSDT=Y ; S %DT("A")="Enter DATE re-index ended: " D ^%DT I Y<1 G EXIT S RCXVEDT=Y ; S DIK="^RCXV(" S RCXVDT=RCXVSDT-.1 F S RCXVDT=$O(^RCXV("C",RCXVDT)) Q:RCXVDT=""!(RCXVDT>RCXVEDT) D . S DA=0 . F S DA=$O(^RCXV("C",RCXVDT,DA)) Q:DA="" D ^DIK W "." ; EXIT K %DT,Y,RCXVSDT,RCXVEDT,X,DA,RCXVDT,DIK Q