GMRAFX3 ;SLC/DAN Update existing entries to new reactant ;6/28/06 10:23 ;;4.0;Adverse Reaction Tracking;**17,19,23,20**;Mar 29, 1996;Build 1 ;DBIA SECTION ;10018 - DIE ;2056 - DIQ ;3154 - ORQ1 ;4134 - ORCHECK ;4135 - ORKCHK ;10026 - DIR ; UIE ;Update individual entries N DFN,GMRAOUT,GMRAING,GMRADRCL,DIE,DA,DR,AIFN,SIGN,TIME,SUB,ORX,GMRAORX,GMRAOC,GI,FND,COM,SIEN,DIR,Y S GMRADONE=0 ;Flag to keep track of updated entries S DFN=$P($G(^GMR(120.8,GMRAPA,0)),U) Q:'+DFN W !!,"For patient ",$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.01),! I $D(GMRAAR) D .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Use reactant "_GMRAAR(0),DIR("B")="Y" D ^DIR .K:'Y GMRAAR .Q I '$D(GMRAAR) D ^GMRAFX2 I $D(GMRAAR) D RUSURE(.GMRASURE) ;20 Get new reactant I '$D(GMRAAR)!('$G(GMRASURE)) K GMRAAR Q ;20 stop if no reactant selected or if user doesn't want to use selected reactant S GMRAOUT=0 I $$DUP W !,"Patient already has an active allergy for this reactant.",!,"Duplicate not allowed.",! D WAIT Q I $$DUPCHK^GMRAPES0(GMRAAR(0),DFN,GMRAPA) Q ;Checks to see if reactant previously entered in error. ;Update reactant, allergy and signed off fields S DIE="^GMR(120.8,",DA=GMRAPA,DR=".02////"_GMRAAR(0)_";1////^S X=GMRAAR"_";3.1////"_GMRAAR("O")_";15///1" D ^DIE I $D(^GMR(120.85,"C",GMRAPA)) D ;Observed reaction, need to update data .S AIFN=0 .F S AIFN=$O(^GMR(120.85,"C",GMRAPA,AIFN)) Q:'+AIFN D ..S SIEN=$O(^GMR(120.85,AIFN,3,"B",$P(^XTMP("GMRAFX",LTYPE,"IDX",+NMBR),"^"),0)) Q:'+SIEN ;Was previous reactant stored as "suspected agent" ..S DA(1)=AIFN,DA=SIEN ..S DIE="^GMR(120.85,DA(1),3,",DR=".01////^S X=GMRAAR(0)" D ^DIE ;Update suspected agent to new value D DELMUL(2),DELMUL(3) ;Delete drug ingredient/drug classes multiples I GMRAAR("O")["D" D UPDATE^GMRAPES1 ;If reactant type is Drug then add appropriate ingredients and classes S GMRADONE=1 ;Update complete S COM="Updated using clean up process. Changed reactant from "_$P(^XTMP("GMRAFX",LTYPE,"IDX",+NMBR),"^",2)_$S(LTYPE="FREE":" (free text) ",LTYPE="ING":" (ingredient) ",1:" (drug class) ")_"to "_GMRAAR(0)_"(file - "_$P(GMRAAR,";",2)_")" D ADCOM^GMRAFX(GMRAPA,"O",COM) ;Add a comment for this update ;Do order checking here - compare existing orders against new allergy information. W !,"Performing order checking..." K ^TMP("ORR",$J),GMRAOC,ORX D EN^ORQ1(DFN_";DPT(") ;Retrieve active orders S TIME=$O(^TMP("ORR",$J,0)) I '^TMP("ORR",$J,TIME,"TOT") W "patient has no active orders." Q ;20 No orders found S SUB=0 F S SUB=$O(^TMP("ORR",$J,TIME,SUB)) Q:'+SUB D .D BLD^ORCHECK(+^TMP("ORR",$J,TIME,SUB)) ;Get "order" information in order checking format M GMRAORX=ORX K ORX ;19 D EN^ORKCHK(.GMRAOC,DFN,.GMRAORX,"ACCEPT") S GI=0,FND=0 F S GI=$O(GMRAOC(GI)) Q:'+GI D .Q:$P(GMRAOC(GI),U,2)'=3 ;Quit if not allergy related .Q:$D(^OR(100,$P(GMRAOC(GI),U),9,"B",3)) ;23 If order check exists can't be for this data .W !,"Patient has a(n) ",$P($$STATUS^ORQOR2($P(GMRAOC(GI),U)),U,2)," order for",$P($P(GMRAOC(GI),U,4),":",2),", order #",$P(GMRAOC(GI),U) .S FND=1 W:'FND "No problems found" D WAIT Q ; DELMUL(FIELD) ;Delete multiple FIELD from GMR ALLERGY file N MIEN,DA,DIE,DR S MIEN=0 F S MIEN=$O(^GMR(120.8,GMRAPA,FIELD,MIEN)) Q:'+MIEN D .S DA(1)=GMRAPA,DA=MIEN .S DIE="^GMR(120.8,DA(1),FIELD,",DR=".01///@" D ^DIE ;Delete entry Q ; DUP() ;Function returns true (1) if selected reactant is a duplicate N LOOP,FND S LOOP=0,FND=0 F S LOOP=$O(^GMR(120.8,"B",DFN,LOOP)) Q:'+LOOP!(FND) D .I $P(^GMR(120.8,LOOP,0),U,3)=GMRAAR&('$D(^GMR(120.8,LOOP,"ER"))) S FND=1 Q FND ; WAIT ;Issues press enter to return prompt N DIR S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Press enter to continue" D ^DIR Q ; GETNUM(ACTION) ; -- Return numbers to act on, if action chosen first N X,Y,DIR,MAX S MAX=$S($D(^TMP($J,LTYPE,"IDX2")):$G(^TMP($J,LTYPE,"IDX2",0)),1:$G(VALMCNT)) Q:MAX'>0 "" I ACTION="DET" W !!,"Please choose only one entry for the detailed display." S DIR(0)="LAO^1:"_MAX,DIR("A")="Select Entries from list: " S DIR("?")="Enter the items you wish to act on, as a range or list of numbers." D ^DIR S:$D(DTOUT) Y="^" I $D(Y(1)) W !,">>>Too many entries selected, try using smaller ranges" H 2 S Y="^" I $L($G(Y),",")>2,ACTION="DET" W !,">>You may only choose ONE group for detailed display." H 2 S Y="^" Q Y ; UPDATE ;Update display to account for changes to the list N CNT,SP1,SP2,SP3 I VALMAR["GMRADET" N VALMAR S VALMAR="^XTMP(""GMRAFX"",LTYPE)" S CNT=^XTMP("GMRAFX",LTYPE,"GMRAR",$P(ENTRY,U),$P(ENTRY,U,2))-1 S ^XTMP("GMRAFX",LTYPE,"GMRAR",$P(ENTRY,U),$P(ENTRY,U,2))=CNT K ^($P(ENTRY,U,2),GMRAJ) S SP1=4-$L(+NUM),SP2=40-$L($P(ENTRY,U)),SP3=$S(CNT:16-$L(CNT)\2,1:2) D SET^VALM10(+NUM,+NUM_$$REPEAT^XLFSTR(" ",SP1)_$P(ENTRY,U,2)_$$REPEAT^XLFSTR(" ",(SP2+SP3))_$S(CNT:CNT,1:"** FIXED **")) Q ; LOCK(ENTRY) ;Lock entry in 120.8 N LOCK S LOCK=1 L +^XTMP("GMRAFX",LTYPE,"IDX",ENTRY):1 I '$T D FULL^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" W !,"The ",$P(^XTMP("GMRAFX",LTYPE,"IDX",ENTRY),U)," group is being edited by another user" D WAIT S LOCK=0 Q LOCK ; AR ;Add/edit patient reactions N LCV,DFN,SUB S VALMBCK="R" D FULL^VALM1 W !!,"You should use this option to add NEW reactions only. If you mark" W !,"existing entries as entered in error from within this option it will" W !,"not update the utility's display until the list is rebuilt upon re-entry" W !,"of this option. This could cause confusion as the list will no longer" W !,"be accurate.",! I '$G(NMBR2) D WAIT,EN1^GMRAPEM0 Q F LCV=1:1:$L(NMBR2,",")-1 S SUB=$P(NMBR2,",",LCV) S DFN=+$P($G(^GMR(120.8,+$P($G(^TMP($J,LTYPE,"IDX2",SUB)),U,2),0)),U) I DFN W !!,"Now working with patient ",$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN,.01),! D WAIT D EN2^GMRAPEM0 Q ; DSPREACT ;Display detailed information about the reactant N DIC,DA,GMRAI,STOP,NUM2,DIR,Y S VALMBCK="R" D FULL^VALM1 I '$G(NMBR2) S NMBR2=$$GETNUM("") Q:'+NMBR2 F GMRAI=1:1:($L(NMBR2,",")-1) D Q:$G(STOP) .S NUM2=$P(NMBR2,",",GMRAI) .S DA=$P(^TMP($J,LTYPE,"IDX2",NUM2),U,2) Q:'DA .S DIC="^GMR(120.8," .W ! D EN^DIQ .S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Press return to continue or '^' to stop" D ^DIR .S:$D(DIRUT) STOP=1 .Q Q ; GETTYPE(LTYPE) ;Function determines which list to work with N DIR,X,Y S DIR(0)="SO^1:Free Text;2:Ingredient;3:Drug Class" S DIR("A")="Select the list you wish to work with" D ^DIR K DIR S LTYPE=$S(Y=1:"FREE",Y=2:"ING",Y=3:"DRUG",1:0) Q LTYPE ; EIE ;Mark individual entry as entered in error N DIE,DA,DR,Y,DIK,DFN,OROLD,VAIN,X,GMRAOUT S DIE="^GMR(120.8,",DA=GMRAPA,DR="15///1;22///1;23///NOW;24////"_$G(DUZ,.5) ;20 D ^DIE ;Entered in error on date/time by user D ADCOM^GMRAFX(GMRAPA,"E","Marked Entered in Error during clean up process") I $$NKASCR^GMRANKA($P(^GMR(120.8,GMRAPA,0),U)) D .S DIK="^GMR(120.86,",DA=$P(^GMR(120.8,GMRAPA,0),U) .D ^DIK ;If patient's last allergy marked as entered in error then delete assessment .W !!,"**NOTE: By marking this reaction as entered in error, ",$$GET1^DIQ(2,DA,.01,"E"),!,"no longer has an assessment on file. You may reassess this patient",! .W "now by answering the following prompt or hit return to do it later.",! .D NKAASK^GMRANKA(DA) S GMRAPA(0)=$G(^GMR(120.8,GMRAPA,0)) Q:GMRAPA(0)="" S GMRAOUT=0 D EN1^GMRAEAB ;Sends entered in error bulletin to appropriate mail groups S DFN=$P(GMRAPA(0),U) D INP^VADPT S X=$$FIND1^DIC(101,,"BX","GMRA ENTERED IN ERROR")_";ORD(101," ;19 D:X EN^XQOR ;Process protocols hanging off of "entered in error" protocol Q ; RUSURE(GMRASURE) ;20 Make sure selection from ingredient or drug class file is ok ;entire section added in patch 20 N DIR,Y,X S GMRASURE=1 I $G(GMRAAR)["50.416"!($G(GMRAAR)["50.605") D .S DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to use this reactant" .S DIR("A",1)="You are about to update the entry with a selection from" .S DIR("A",2)="the "_$S($G(GMRAAR)["50.416":"INGREDIENT",1:"VA DRUG CLASS")_" file. By doing that you are" .S DIR("A",3)="limiting the information available for order checking." .S DIR("A",4)="" .S DIR("A",5)="In general, it is better to choose from one of the drug related files" .S DIR("A",6)="as that ensures that drug class and ingredient information are part" .S DIR("A",7)="of the patient's allergy definition and will provide better allergy" .S DIR("A",8)="order checking." .S DIR("A",9)="" .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" .D ^DIR S GMRASURE=+Y Q