GMRAOR0 ;HIRMFO/WAA,FPT-OERR HL7 UTILITY ; 2/9/95 ;;4.0;Adverse Reaction Tracking;**4**;Mar 29, 1996 DUPCHK(DFN,GMRALL) ;CHECK FOR DUPS ;Input variable: ; DFN = Patient DFN ; GMRALL = Free text of allergy ; ;return variable: ; GMRAFLG = (0,1,-1) ; 0 Patient has no matching reactions on file ; 1 Patient has a matching reaction. ; -1 Patient has a matching reaction but is E/E ; ;******************************************************************** N GMRAFLG,GMRAPA S GMRAFLG=0,GMRAPA=0 ;Loop through all the patient's reaction and look for matches F S GMRAPA=$O(^GMR(120.8,"B",DFN,GMRAPA)) Q:GMRAPA<1 D Q:GMRAFLG=1 .Q:GMRALL'=$P($G(^GMR(120.8,GMRAPA,0)),U,2) ;Not a match .I +$G(^GMR(120.8,GMRAPA,"ER")) S GMRAFLG=-1 Q ;E/E .S GMRAFLG=1 ;Matching allergy. .Q Q GMRAFLG