GMRAOR5 ;HIRMFO/WAA,FPT-OERR HL7 UTILITY ;3/5/04 14:02 ;;4.0;Adverse Reaction Tracking;**4,12,13,19**;Mar 29, 1996 ;MSG = HL7 Message array ;GMRANODE = IEN of MSG array ;GMRAND = Date from MSG(GMRANODE) ;GMRAMTP = Message type ;Allergy Loader ;building GMRAL Array to be used to stuff only new data ;GMRAID=sequence number of allergy ;~=continuation ;GMRAIDO = Sequence # OBSERVED ;GMRAIDS = Sequence # SIGN ;GMRAIDN = Sequence # NOTES ; GMRADFN=DFN of patient in ^DPT(DFN) Patient (2) file ; GMRAL(GMRAID)=type^file ien^VA Free text drug^file^OERR entry date ; ^NKA Status^Originator Pt to 200^Observed/Historical ; GMRAL(GMRAID,"O",GMRAIDO)=Observed date^Severity^Observer's DUZ ; GMRAL(GMRAID,"S",GMRAIDS)=IEN of file^Free Text of entry^File of SS ; ^Date/Time of the SS ; GMRAL(GMRAID,"N",GMRAIDN)=Source of comments(Originator always) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Example of data ; GMRADFN=270 ; GMRAL(1)="D^5^SHELL FISH^99ALL^2940415.06^n^1270^o" ; GMRAL(1,"O",1)="2940401.1^3^1234" ; GMRAL(1,"S",1)="32^SEVERE RASH^99ALS^2951211.1120" ; GMRAL(1,"N",1)="n" ; GMRAL(1,"N",1,1)=FREE TEXT ;****************************************************************** EN1 ;Main entry point to file data N %,GMRADUP,GMRAFDN,GMRANKA,GNRAY,X,Y Q:'$G(GMRADFN) S GMRAL=0 S GMRAPA=0,GMRADUP=0 ; See if the patient has been ask about allergies S (GMRAYN,GMRANKA)=0,GMRAYN=$P($G(^GMR(120.86,GMRADFN,0)),U,2) ;Loop through for each allergy F S GMRAL=$O(GMRAL(GMRAL)) Q:GMRAL<1 D .;If GMRANKA="" add the entry into the file .I '$D(^GMR(120.86,GMRADFN,0)) K DD,DO,DIC,DINUM,DLAYGO S DIC="^GMR(120.86,",DLAYGO=120.86,DIC(0)="L",(DINUM,X)=GMRADFN D FILE^DICN K DD,DO,DIC,DINUM,DLAYGO D ..Q:Y=-1 ..S GMRAYN=$S($P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,6)="y":1,1:0) ..S $P(^GMR(120.86,GMRADFN,0),U,2,4)=GMRAYN_U_$P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,7)_U_$P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,5) ..Q .N GMRALL,GMRAFN,% .S GMRALL=$P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,3) .I $P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,6)="n" D Q:GMRALL'="" ..; Change to no for allergies ..Q:GMRAYN="1"!$D(^GMR(120.86,GMRADFN,0)) ..S $P(^GMR(120.86,GMRADFN,0),U,2,4)="0"_U_$P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,7)_U_$P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,5) ..S:'$D(^GMR(120.86,"B",GMRADFN,GMRADFN)) ^(GMRADFN)="" ..Q .I GMRAYN="0",$P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,6)="n" Q .; see If the entry needs to be added .; If the entry is an allergy set 120.86 to "y" .I GMRALL'="",$D(^GMR(120.86,GMRADFN,0)) S GMRAYN=1 D ..; Change to yes for allergies ..S $P(^GMR(120.86,GMRADFN,0),U,2,4)=GMRAYN_U_$P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,7)_U_$P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,5) ..S:'$D(^GMR(120.86,"B",GMRADFN,GMRADFN)) ^(GMRADFN)="" ..Q .; Quit if the reaction is a Dup .Q:$$DUPCHK^GMRAOR0(GMRADFN,GMRALL)>0 .S GMRAPA=0 .K DD,DO,DIC,DINUM,DLAYGO S DIC="^GMR(120.8,",DLAYGO=120.8,DIC(0)="L",X=GMRADFN D FILE^DICN .K DD,DO,DIC,DINUM,DLAYGO .Q:Y=-1 S GMRAPA=+Y .Q:$G(^GMR(120.8,GMRAPA,0))="" .F Q:$$LOCK^GMRAUTL(120.8,GMRAPA) .N GMRALN,GMRAVR .S GMRALN=$G(^GMR(120.8,GMRAPA,0)) .S $P(GMRALN,U,4)=$P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,5) ; Orig. DT .S $P(GMRALN,U,5)=$P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,7) ; Originator .S %=$P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,4),%=$S(%="99ALL"!(%="99OTH"):"GMRD(120.82,",%="99NDF":$P($$NDFREF^GMRAOR,U,2),%="99PSC":"PS(50.605,",1:"") Q:%="" ;Bad entry .S:$P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,2)="NOS" $P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,2)=$S($O(^GMRD(120.82,"B","OTHER ALLERGY/ADVERSE REACTION",0))>0:$O(^GMRD(120.82,"B","OTHER ALLERGY/ADVERSE REACTION",0)),1:1) .S GMRAAR=$P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,2)_";"_%,$P(GMRALN,U,3)=GMRAAR ;File Ptr .I $P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,3)'="" S $P(GMRALN,U,2)=$P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,3) ;Free text .E D ; This code will resolve the free text pointer for the reaction ..N GMRALOC,GMRADATA ..S GMRALOC="^"_$P($P(GMRALN,U,3),";",2)_+$P(GMRALN,U,3)_",0)" ..S GMRADATA=@GMRALOC ..S $P(GMRALN,U,2)=$P(GMRADATA,U) ..Q .S $P(GMRALN,U,20)=$P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U) ;Type of reaction .S $P(GMRALN,U,6)=$P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,8) ;Obs/Hist .S $P(GMRALN,U,14)="U" ;Mechanism .S $P(GMRALN,U,12)=1 ;Sign-off the reaction .; auto-verify? .S GMRAVR="",GMRAVR(0)=GMRALN .S $P(GMRALN,U,16)=$$VFY^GMRASIGN(.GMRAVR) .I $P(GMRALN,U,16) S $P(GMRALN,U,17)=$$NOW^XLFDT .; save .S ^GMR(120.8,GMRAPA,0)=GMRALN .I $D(GMRAL(GMRAL,"S",1)) D SIGN^GMRAOR6(120.8,GMRAPA,.GMRAL) ; S/S .; Comments .I $D(GMRAL(GMRAL,"N",1)) D COMM^GMRAOR8(GMRAPA,.GMRAL) ; Add comments .D EN1^GMRAOR9 K GMRAAR ;stuff ingredients & classes .;Re-Index Whole file entry .K DIK,DA S DIK="^GMR(120.8,",DA=GMRAPA D IX^DIK K DIK,DA .D UNLOCK^GMRAUTL(120.8,GMRAPA) .S ^TMP($J,"GMRASF",1,GMRAPA)="" D RANGE^GMRASIGN(1) ;**19 Send bulletins upon signing-off .S GMRASITE(0)=$G(^GMRD(120.84,+GMRASITE,0)) D VAD^GMRAUTL1($P(^GMR(120.8,GMRAPA,0),U),"",.GMRALOC,.GMRANAM,"",.GMRASSN),BULLT^GMRASEND ;19 Send mark chart bulletin .Q:($P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,1)'["D"!($P(GMRAL(GMRAL),U,8)'["o")) ;quit if not an observed drug reaction .; add Adverse Reaction report. .I $G(GMRAL(GMRAL,"O",1))'="" D ADVERSE^GMRAOR7(GMRAPA,.GMRAL) .Q Q