GMRAPL ;HIRMFO/WAA- PRINT ALLERGY LIST BY LOCATION ;5/2/97 14:13 ;;4.0;Adverse Reaction Tracking;**7,33**;Mar 29, 1996;Build 5 EN1 ; This routine will loop through the GMRA patient allergy file ; to find all patient within the date range that meet the criteria ; and then display all the data for those patients first by location ; then by date/time range of the reaction. ; First select a starting date. ; then select an end date. ; then select a print device. ; GMAST = START DATE ; GMAEN = END DATE ; S GMRAOUT=0 D DT G:GMRAOUT EXIT S GMAPG=1 D DEVICE D EXIT Q GET ; This sub routine is to find all the reaction with in this observed ; date range. K ^TMP($J,"GMRAPL") N GMADT S GMADT=GMAST-.0001 F S GMADT=$O(^GMR(120.8,"AODT",GMADT)) Q:GMADT<1 Q:GMADT>GMAEN D .N GMRAPA S GMRAPA=0 .F S GMRAPA=$O(^GMR(120.8,"AODT",GMADT,GMRAPA)) Q:GMRAPA<1 D ..S GMRAPA(0)=$G(^GMR(120.8,GMRAPA,0)) ..; Stop if it is not Signed or if is E/E ..Q:GMRAPA(0)="" ; Bad Zero node ..Q:'$P(GMRAPA(0),U,12) ; Not signed off ..Q:$P($G(^GMR(120.8,GMRAPA,"ER")),U) ; Entered in error ..; Get patient name and location. ..S GMRATYP=$P(GMRAPA(0),U,20) ; Get the reaction types FDO ..S (GMRANAM,GMRALOC,GMRAVIP)="" ..Q:'$$PRDTST^GMRAUTL1($P($G(GMRAPA(0)),U)) ;GMRA*4*33 Exclude test patient from report if production or legacy environment ..D VAD^GMRAUTL1($P(GMRAPA(0),U),$P(GMRAPA(0),U,4),.GMRALOC,.GMRANAM,"","","","",.GMRAVIP) ..I GMRALOC'="",+$G(^DIC(42,GMRALOC,44)) S GMRALOC=$P($G(^SC(+$G(^DIC(42,GMRALOC,44)),0)),U) ..I GMRALOC="" S GMRALOC="Out Patients" ..;Data format is as follows.... ..;^TMP($J,"GMRAPL",Ward location,Patient,PID,Reaction Type(FDO),Reaction) ..S ^TMP($J,"GMRAPL",$E(GMRALOC,1,30),$E(GMRANAM,1,30),GMRAVIP,GMRATYP,GMRAPA)="" ..Q .Q Q PRINT ; Print data in the reaction global I $E(IOST,1)="C" W !,"One moment please...",! D GET S GMRALOC="" F S GMRALOC=$O(^TMP($J,"GMRAPL",GMRALOC)) Q:GMRALOC="" D Q:GMRAOUT .D HEAD Q:GMRAOUT .S GMRANAM="" F S GMRANAM=$O(^TMP($J,"GMRAPL",GMRALOC,GMRANAM)) Q:GMRANAM="" D Q:GMRAOUT ..S GMRAVIP="" F S GMRAVIP=$O(^TMP($J,"GMRAPL",GMRALOC,GMRANAM,GMRAVIP)) Q:GMRAVIP="" D Q:GMRAOUT ...I $Y>(IOSL-4) D HEAD Q:GMRAOUT ...W !,?10,"Patient: ",GMRANAM," (",GMRAVIP,")" ...S GMRATYP="" F S GMRATYP=$O(^TMP($J,"GMRAPL",GMRALOC,GMRANAM,GMRAVIP,GMRATYP)) W:GMRATYP="" ! Q:GMRATYP="" D Q:GMRAOUT ....S GMRAPA=0 F S GMRAPA=$O(^TMP($J,"GMRAPL",GMRALOC,GMRANAM,GMRAVIP,GMRATYP,GMRAPA)) Q:GMRAPA<1 D Q:GMRAOUT .....S GMRAPA(0)=$G(^GMR(120.8,GMRAPA,0)) Q:GMRAPA(0)="" .....W !,$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(GMRAPA(0),U,4),"1") ;When It was entered .....W ?20,$S($P(GMRAPA(0),U,5)'="":$E($P(^VA(200,$P(GMRAPA(0),U,5),0),U),1,25),1:"") ;Who Entered it .....W ?46,GMRATYP ;Type of reaction .....W ?50,$E($P(GMRAPA(0),U,2),1,30) ;Reaction .....I $Y>(IOSL-4) D HEAD .....Q ....Q ...Q ..Q .Q Q HEAD ; Header I $E(IOST,1)="C" D Q:GMRAOUT .I GMAPG=1 W @IOF Q .I GMAPG'=1 D Q:GMRAOUT ..N DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR I 'Y S GMRAOUT=1 ..K Y ..Q .Q I GMAPG'=1 W @IOF W $$FMTE^XLFDT(GMRAPDT,"1"),?70,"Page: ",GMAPG S GMAPG=GMAPG+1 W !,?11,"List all Signed Patient Reactions for",$S(GMRALOC'="Out Patients":" Ward Location ",1:" "),GMRALOC W !,?15,"From ",$$FMTE^XLFDT(GMAST,"1")," to ",$$FMTE^XLFDT(GMAEN,"1") W !,"Date",?20,"Originator",?45,"Type",?50,"Causative Agent" W !,$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("-",79) Q DEVICE ; Select a device to print on D NOW^%DTC S GMRAPDT=X W ! K GMRAZIS D DEV^GMRAUTL I POP W !,"PLEASE TRY LATER" S GMRAOUT=1 Q I $D(IO("Q")) D Q . S ZTRTN="PRINT^GMRAPL",(ZTSAVE("GMAST"),ZTSAVE("GMAEN"),ZTSAVE("GMRAOUT"),ZTSAVE("GMRAPDT"),ZTSAVE("GMAPG"))="" . S ZTDESC="List of Reactions by Ward Location within a date range." D ^%ZTLOAD . W !!,$S($D(ZTSK):"Request queued...",1:"Request NOT queued please try Later.") . Q U IO D PRINT U IO(0) D CLOSE^GMRAUTL D EXIT Q DT ; Get dates S GMAST=$$DATE("Enter Start Date: ") I GMAST<1 S GMRAOUT=1 Q S GMAEN=$$DATE("Enter Ending Date: ",GMAST) I GMAEN<1 S GMRAOUT=1 Q S GMAEN=GMAEN_".24" ;Gives results through entire day when 'T' is selected Q DATE(PROMPT,GMADATE) ; Date sub routine S GMADATE=$G(GMADATE) S DATE="" N DIR S DIR(0)="DAO^"_GMADATE_"::AEP",DIR("A")=PROMPT D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) S DATE="" Q DATE S DATE=Y Q DATE EXIT ;EXIT ROUTINE DATA K ^TMP($J,"GMRAPL") D KILL^XUSCLEAN Q