GMRAPST2 ;HIRMFO/WAA- PRINT SUM LISTING OF OUT COMES ;3/5/97 14:50 ;;4.0;Adverse Reaction Tracking;**7,33**;Mar 29, 1996;Build 5 EN1 ; This routine will loop through the ADT entry point to get all ; the entries in that date range. S GMRAOUT=0 W !,"Select an Observed date range for this report." D DT^GMRAPL G:GMRAOUT EXIT D PRINTER EXIT ; Exit of program kill cleanup D KILL^XUSCLEAN Q PRINTER ;Select printer W ! K GMRAZIS D DEV^GMRAUTL I POP W !,"PLEASE TRY LATER" S GMRAOUT=1 Q I $D(IO("Q")) D Q . S ZTRTN="PRINT^GMRAPST2",(ZTSAVE("GMRAOUT"),ZTSAVE("GMAST"),ZTSAVE("GMAEN"))="" . S ZTDESC="Summary of Outcomes" D ^%ZTLOAD . W !!,$S($D(ZTSK):"Request queued...",1:"Request NOT queued please try Later.") . Q U IO D PRINT U IO(0) Q PRINT ;Queue point for report ;loop through the 120.85 file and look for the field that D NOW^%DTC S GMRADPDT=X S GMRADATE=GMAST-.0001,GMRAPG=1 S (GMRARRAY("YES"),GMRARRAY("NO"),GMRARRAY("NULL"))="",GMRATOT=0 F S GMRADATE=$O(^GMR(120.85,"B",GMRADATE)) Q:GMRADATE<1 Q:GMRADATE>GMAEN D .S GMRAPA1=0 F S GMRAPA1=$O(^GMR(120.85,"B",GMRADATE,GMRAPA1)) Q:GMRAPA1<1 D ..S GMRAPA1(0)=$G(^GMR(120.85,GMRAPA1,0)) Q:GMRAPA1(0)="" ;Bad Node ..Q:+$G(^GMR(120.8,$P(GMRAPA1(0),U,15),"ER")) ;Entered in Error data ..Q:'$$PRDTST^GMRAUTL1($P(GMRAPA1(0),U,2)) ;GMRA*4*33 Exclude test patient from report if production or legacy environment. ..S GMRATOT=GMRATOT+1 ..F GMRALAB=1:1 S GMRALINE=$T(TEXT+GMRALAB) Q:$P(GMRALINE,";",3)="" D ...S GMRAP=$P(GMRALINE,";",4) ...I $P(GMRAPA1(0),U,GMRAP)="y" S $P(GMRARRAY("YES"),U,GMRAP)=$P(GMRARRAY("YES"),U,GMRAP)+1 ...I $P(GMRAPA1(0),U,GMRAP)="n" S $P(GMRARRAY("NO"),U,GMRAP)=$P(GMRARRAY("NO"),U,GMRAP)+1 ...I $P(GMRAPA1(0),U,GMRAP)="" S $P(GMRARRAY("NULL"),U,GMRAP)=$P(GMRARRAY("NULL"),U,GMRAP)+1 ...Q ..Q .Q Q:GMRAOUT D HEAD S (GMRAY,GMRAN,GMRANU)=0 F GMRALAB=1:1 S GMRALINE=$T(TEXT+GMRALAB) Q:$P(GMRALINE,";",3)="" D .N GMRAP,GMRATAB .S GMRAP=$P(GMRALINE,";",4) .S GMRATAB=40-$L($P(GMRALINE,";",3)) .W !,?GMRATAB,$P(GMRALINE,";",3) .W ?42,$P(GMRARRAY("YES"),U,GMRAP) .S GMRAY=GMRAY+$P(GMRARRAY("YES"),U,GMRAP) .W ?53,"| ",$P(GMRARRAY("NO"),U,GMRAP) .S GMRAN=GMRAN+$P(GMRARRAY("NO"),U,GMRAP) .W ?63,"| ",$P(GMRARRAY("NULL"),U,GMRAP) .S GMRANU=GMRANU+$P(GMRARRAY("NULL"),U,GMRAP) .Q W !,?30," ---------------------------------------" W !,?32,"Totals: ",?42,GMRAY,?53,"| ",GMRAN,?63,"| ",GMRANU W !!,?22,"Total number of records processed ",GMRATOT D CLOSE^GMRAUTL Q ;has the patient died within the date HEAD ; Print header information I GMRAPG'=1 Q:$Y<(IOSL-4) I $E(IOST,1)="C" D Q:GMRAOUT .I GMRAPG=1 W @IOF Q .I GMRAPG'=1 D Q:GMRAOUT ..N DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR I 'Y S GMRAOUT=1 ..K Y ..Q .Q Q:GMRAOUT I GMRAPG'=1 W @IOF W "Report Date: ",$P($$FMTE^XLFDT(GMRADPDT),"@"),?70,"Page: ",GMRAPG W !,?30,"Summary of Outcomes" W !,?25,"From: ",$$FMTE^XLFDT(GMAST,"2D")," To: ",$$FMTE^XLFDT(GMAEN,"2D") W !,?42,"Yes",?55,"No",?65,"No Response" W !,$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("-",79) S GMRAPG=GMRAPG+1 I $D(ZTQUEUED) S:$$STPCK^GMRAUTL1 GMRAOUT=1 ; Check if stopped by user Q TEXT ;;these are the labels that will denote the field data ;;Patients that Died: ;3 ;;Reactions treated with RX drugs: ;4 ;;Life Threatening illness: ;5 ;;Required ER/MD visit: ;6 ;;Required hospitalization: ;7 ;;Prolonged Hospitalization: ;9 ;;Resulted in permanent disability: ;10 ;;Patient recovered: ;11 ;;Congenital Anomaly: ;16 ;;Required intervention: ;17 ;;