GMRAXPST ;HIRMFO/WAA,RM-POST INIT FOR ALLERGY/ADVERSE REACTION ; 1/15/93 ;;4.0;Adverse Reaction Tracking;;Mar 29, 1996 EN1 ; POST INIT PROCEDURES FOR GMRA PACKAGE I $G(GMRAVER,3)<4 D EN1^GMRAXNKA ; Move NKA data out of file 120.8 D MAILGRP ; update mail groups. ; Add mail groups to bulletins?? D FILESEC ; Check File security for all the files D TITLE ; Change the title in file 121.2 Q TITLE ; This code will update the title in the progress note package N GMRACW S GMRACW=0 F S GMRACW=$O(^GMR(121.2,"B","ALLERGY/ADVERSE REACTION",GMRACW)) Q:GMRACW<1 I $P($G(^GMR(121.1,$P($G(^GMR(121.2,GMRACW,0)),U,2),0)),U)="GENERAL NOTE" Q Q:GMRACW<1 N DIE,DA,DR S DIE="^GMR(121.2,",DA=GMRACW,DR=".01///ADVERSE REACTION/ALLERGY" D ^DIE N GMRATXT S GMRATXT(1)="The Progress Note Title of ALLERGY/ADVERSE REACTION with a note type of" S GMRATXT(2)="GENERAL NOTE has been changed to ADVERSE REACTION/ALLERGY." D MES^XPDUTL(.GMRATXT) Q MAILGRP ; Procedure to update the mail groups for ART bulletins. N GMRAA,GMRAB,GMRAC,GMRAD,GMRAG,GMRACNT S GMRAB=0 ;Make groups public S GMRAC=0 ;Will make postmaster S GMRAD=1 ;No self enrollment S GMRAG=1 ;Silent call F GMRACNT=1:1:5 D .N GMRAA,GMRAX,GMRAF,GMRATXT .S GMRAA=$P($T(TEXT+GMRACNT),";",3) ; Mail group name .S GMRAF(0)=$P($T(DESC+GMRACNT),";",3) ;Mail group Description .S GMRAX=$$MG^XMBGRP(GMRAA,GMRAB,GMRAC,GMRAD,"",.GMRAF,GMRAG) .I GMRAX D ;Mail group has been added ..S GMRATXT(1)="The "_GMRAA_" mail group has been added." ..D MES^XPDUTL(.GMRATXT) ..Q .E D ;Error happened and mail group was not added ..S GMRATXT(1)="The "_GMRAA_" Mail Group was not added to the system" ..S GMRATXT(2)="Please read the ART 4.0 Installation Guide for the" ..S GMRATXT(3)="instruction on how to create this Mail Group." ..D BMES^XPDUTL(.GMRATXT) ..Q .Q Q FILESEC ; This routine is to check the file security and make the update if ; different N GMRACNT,GMRATX F GMRACNT=1:1:7 S GMRATX=$T(FLSEC+GMRACNT) Q:GMRATX="" D SEC($P(GMRATX,";",3)) Q SEC(FILE) ;This Function will set the security for my file N FILENUM,PIECE,NODE,NODE2 S NODE="^AUDIT^DD^DEL^LAYGO^RD^WR" S FILENUM=$P(FILE,U) F PIECE=2:1:7 I $P(FILE,U,PIECE)'="" S NODE2=$P(NODE,U,PIECE) S:$G(^DIC(FILENUM,0,NODE2))'=$P(FILE,U,PIECE) ^DIC(FILENUM,0,NODE2)=$P(FILE,U,PIECE) S GMRATXT(1)="Updating File security on file "_FILENUM_"." D BMES^XPDUTL(.GMRATXT) Q FLSEC ; FILE#^AUDIT^DD^DEL^LAYGO^RD^WR ;;120.8^@^@^@^@^^@ ;;120.82^@^@^@^^^ ;;120.83^@^@^@^^^ ;;120.84^@^@^@^@^@^@ ;;120.85^@^@^@^@^^@ ;;120.86^@^@^@^@^@^@ ;;120.87^@^@^@^@^^@ TEXT ; This is the mail groups that are being added ;;GMRA MARK CHART ;;GMRA VERIFY DRUG ALLERGY ;;GMRA VERIFY FOOD ALLERGY ;;GMRA VERIFY OTHER ALLERGY ;;GMRA P&T COMMITTEE FDA DESC ; This is the Description for the mail groups ;;This is a list of users who will need to mark a patient's chart that an adverse reaction/allergy was recorded. ;;This is a complete list of all the verifiers who will need to be sent Drug reaction information. ;;This is a complete list of all the verifiers who will need to be sent Food reaction information. ;;This is a complete list of all the verifiers who will need to be sent Other reaction information. ;;This mail group contains the members of the Pharmacy and Therapeutic (P&T) committee. Whenever an agent is signed off the committee will get a message.