OOPSGUIS ;WIOFO/LLH-RPC Broker calls for GUI ;03/25/04 ;;2.0;ASISTS;**8,11**;Jun 03, 2002 ; STA(RESULTS) ; Get listing of Stations from Edit Site Parameter ; ; Output: RESULTS contains a listing or all stations listed in the ; Edit Site Parameter file. This list will be used for ; selecting a station from any field that expects an entry ; from the Institution file. If no stations exist, then ; a call will automatically be made to GETINST^OOPSGUI7 ; to use the rpc to get all the stations. ; N ARR,CN,FAC,IFLAG,SNAME,SNUM,SP,STA,VAL K ^TMP("OOPSINST",$J) S (CN,SP)=0 F S SP=$O(^OOPS(2262,SP)) Q:SP="" S STA=0 D .F S STA=$O(^OOPS(2262,SP,STA)) Q:STA'>0 S IEN=0 D ..F S IEN=$O(^OOPS(2262,SP,STA,IEN)) Q:IEN'>0 D ...S FAC=$P($G(^OOPS(2262,SP,STA,IEN,0)),U,1) ...I '$G(FAC) Q ...; have station #, now go to the institution file and get the info ...I $$GET1^DIQ(4,FAC,101)=1 Q ; FAC inactive, don't get ...S SNAME=$$GET1^DIQ(4,FAC,.01) I $G(SNAME)="" Q ...S SNUM=$$GET1^DIQ(4,FAC,99) ...S VAL=SNAME_" = "_SNUM ...S CN=CN+1,^TMP("OOPSINST",$J,CN)=FAC_":"_VAL_$C(10) S CN=CN+1,^TMP("OOPSINST",$J,CN)="999999:All Stations" I CN=1 D GETINST^OOPSGUI7(.ARR) Q ; if only entry = all get all S RESULTS=$NA(^TMP("OOPSINST",$J)) Q ; SIGNCA7(RESULTS,INPUT,SIGN) ; Validates Electronic Signature and creates ; validation code to ensure data not changed ; Input: INPUT - FILE^FIELD^IEN where File and Field are the file ; and field the data is being filed into and IEN ; is the internal record number. ; SIGN - the electronic signature to be encrypted ; Output: RESULTS - is an array containing a list of fields that did ; not pass data validation prior to applying the ES. ; N CALL,CHKSUM,IEN,ESIG,FILE,FLD,FLD48,FLD84,FLD95,FLD96,FLD97,REC,REC1 N SIGNBLK,VALID,VER,DR,DA,DIE S RESULTS="SIGNED" S FILE=$P($G(INPUT),U),FLD=$P($G(INPUT),U,2),IEN=$P($G(INPUT),U,3) I '$G(IEN)!('$G(FILE))!('$G(FLD)) S RESULTS(1)="Invalid Parameters" Q I $G(SIGN)="" S RESULTS="No signature passed in" Q S CALL=$S(FLD=48:"E",FLD=84:"W",1:"") I CALL="" S RESULTS="Invalid field number" Q ; S VALID=0 D CHKFLD(IEN,CALL.VALID) I 'VALID Q S ESIG=$$HASH($$DECRYP^XUSRB1(SIGN)) I $G(ESIG)=""!(ESIG'=$P($G(^VA(200,DUZ,20)),U,4)="") D Q . S RESULTS="Invalid Electronic Signature" S SIGNBLK=$P($G(^VA(200,DUZ,20)),U,2) I SIGNBLK="" S RESULTS="No signature block on file" Q K DR S DIE="^OOPS("_FILE_",",DA=IEN D NOW^%DTC S DTIME=% I CALL="E" D .S REC=$G(^OOPS(FILE,IEN,0)),REC1=$G(^OOPS(FILE,IEN,"CA7S2")) .S CHKSUM=$$SUM(IEN_U_REC_U_REC1) .S FLD48=$$ENCODE(SIGNBLK,DUZ,CHKSUM),FLD96=1 .S FLD95=$$SUM(SIGNBLK) .S DR="47////^S X=+DUZ;48////^S X=FLD48;49////^S X=DTIME" .S DR=DR_";95////^S X=FLD95;96////^S X=FLD96" I CALL="W" D .S REC=$G(^OOPS(FILE,IEN,"CA7S10")),REC1=$G(^OOPS(FILE,IEN,"CA7S13")) .S CHKSUM=$$SUM(IEN_U_REC_U_REC1) .S FLD84=$$ENCODE(SIGNBLK,DUZ,CHKSUM) .S FLD97=$$SUM(SIGNBLK) .S DR="83////^S X=+DUZ;84////^S X=FLD84;85////^S X=DTIME" .S DR=DR_";97////^S X=FLD97" D ^DIE I $G(Y)'="" S RESULTS="Problem filing E-Signature" Q ; patch 11 - send bulletin when employee signs CA7 I CALL="E" D .N GRP,X0,STR .S X0=$P($G(^OOPS(2264,IEN,0)),U,5) .S STR=$G(^OOPS(2260,X0,0)) K XMY .S XMB(1)=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,X0,4) .S XMB(2)=$P(STR,U,1) .S XMB="OOPS EMPSIGNCA7" .S GRP="OOPS WCP" .D MFAC^OOPSMBUL .D ^XMB K XMB,XMY,XMM,XMDT Q HASH(X) ; D HASH^XUSHSHP Q X ENCODE(X,X1,X2) ; X=SIGN BLK, X1=DUZ, X2=CHKSUM CRITICAL FIELDS D EN^XUSHSHP Q X DECODE(RESULTS,IEN,CALL,FORM) ; ; Call to return electronic signature to readable form ; Input: IEN - internal record number of CA7 case ; CALL - call menu - either E (Employee) or W (Workers Comp) ; FORM - form - right now only expects CA7 ; Output: RESULTS - readable electronic signature ; N FILE,NODE,REC,REC1,VAL,VALID,VER,X,X1,X2 S RESULTS="",VALID=1 I '$G(IEN)!($G(CALL)="")!($G(FORM)="") Q S (NODE,FILE,VER)="" I FORM="CA7" S FILE=2264 S NODE=$S(CALL="E":"CA7S7",CALL="W":"CA7S15",1:"") I FILE=""!(NODE="") Q S VER=$P($G(^OOPS(FILE,IEN,"CA7S7")),U,5) I VER'=1 Q I CALL="E" D .S VAL=$P($G(^OOPS(FILE,IEN,"CA7S7")),U,4) I VAL="" S VALID=0 .S REC=$G(^OOPS(FILE,IEN,0)),REC1=$G(^OOPS(FILE,IEN,"CA7S2")) I CALL="W" D .S VAL=$P($G(^OOPS(FILE,IEN,"CA7S15")),U,11) I VAL="" S VALID=0 .S REC=$G(^OOPS(FILE,IEN,"CA7S10")),REC1=$G(^OOPS(FILE,IEN,"CA7S13")) ; I 'VALID Q S X=$P($G(^OOPS(FILE,IEN,NODE)),U,2) I X="" Q ; ES VALIDATION # S X1=$P($G(^OOPS(FILE,IEN,NODE)),U,1) ; USER NUMBER S X2=$$SUM(IEN_U_REC_U_REC1) ; CHECKSUM D DE^XUSHSHP ; I $$SUM(X)'=VAL S X="DECODING FAILED" S RESULTS=X Q ; SUM(X) ;CALCULATE CHECKSUM VALUE FOR STRING N I,Y S Y=0 F I=1:1:$L(X) S Y=$A(X,I)*I+Y Q Y CLRES(IEN,CALL,FORM) ; Clear signature from CA7, if necessary ; Input: IEN - record IEN for CA7 ; CALL - calling menu - either E (EMP) or W (Workers comp) ; FORM - form where ES should be removed (now only CA7) N FILE,SIG,NODE,FIELD S (FILE,SIG,NODE,FIELD)="",RESULTS="FAILED" I ('$G(IEN)),($G(CALL)=""),($G(FORM)="") Q I FORM="CA7" S FILE=2264 I FILE=2264 D .I CALL="E" S SIG="CA7S7;1,5" .I CALL="W" S SIG="CA7S15;1,3" S NODE=$P(SIG,";") Q:NODE="" S FIELD=$P(SIG,";",2) I '$D(^OOPS(FILE,IEN,NODE)) Q F I=$P(FIELD,","):1:$P(FIELD,",",2) S $P(^OOPS(FILE,IEN,NODE),U,I)="" Q GETDLOC(RESULTS,INPUT) ; Get Detail Loc for specific incident setting ; Input: INPUT - File _"^"_Station IEN from a station in the ; site par file_"^"_rec ien from file to retrieve ; subfile information for. ; Output: RESULTS - listing of valid sub file data ; N CN,FIEN,FILE,I,REC,STA S CN=0 S FILE=$P($G(INPUT),U,1),STA=$P($G(INPUT),U,2),FIEN=$P($G(INPUT),U,3) I FILE=""!(STA="")!(FIEN="") D Q . S ^TMP($J,"DLOC",CN)="MISSING PARAMETERS",RESULTS=$NA(^TMP($J,"DLOC")) S REC=$O(^OOPS(FILE,FIEN,1,"B",STA,"")) I '$G(REC) S ^TMP($J,"DLOC",CN)="NO DETAIL LOCATIONS LOADED",RESULTS=$NA(^TMP($J,"DLOC")) Q I '$D(^OOPS(FILE,"F",REC,FIEN)) D Q .S ^TMP($J,"DLOC",CN)="NO DETAIL LOCATIONS LOADED",RESULTS=$NA(^TMP($J,"DLOC")) S DATA="" F S DATA=$O(^OOPS(FILE,"F",REC,FIEN,DATA)) Q:DATA="" S DATAIEN=0 D .S DATAIEN=$O(^OOPS(FILE,"F",REC,FIEN,DATA,DATAIEN)) .S ^TMP($J,"DLOC",CN)=DATA_U_DATAIEN,CN=CN+1 S RESULTS=$NA(^TMP($J,"DLOC")) Q