[628] | 1 | OOPSPRT1 ;HINES/WAA-Utilities Routines ;3/24/98
| 2 | ;;2.0;ASISTS;;Jun 03, 2002
| 3 | ;;
| 4 | ; This routine is to display all the report that a person has
| 5 | ; access to.
| 6 | EN1(CALLER) ;
| 7 | ; Input:
| 8 | ; Caller O = Safety Officer
| 9 | ; U = Union
| 10 | ; S = Supervisor
| 11 | ; E = Employee
| 12 | ;
| 14 | ; Patch 5 - added logic to print all stations or 1
| 15 | S OUT=0,PAGE=1,OUTPUT=0
| 16 | S YEAR=""
| 17 | I CALLER="E" D
| 18 | .S SSN=$P(^VA(200,DUZ,1),U,9)
| 19 | .Q:$D(^OOPS(2260,"SSN",SSN))<1
| 20 | .Q
| 21 | D RANGE(.YEAR,.OUT)
| 23 | D:'OUT DEVICE
| 24 | I 'OUT D:'$D(IO("Q")) PRINT
| 25 | EXIT ;
| 26 | D ^%ZISC
| 27 | S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@"
| 28 | K IO("Q")
| 29 | Q
| 30 | RANGE(YEAR,OUT) ; This Subroutine will allow the user to select a range.
| 31 | ; Output
| 32 | ; YEAR = The year that the user what to print
| 33 | ; = "" all years
| 34 | ;
| 35 | N DIR,DIRUT,Y
| 36 | R1 S DIR(0)="NAO^0:9999:0"
| 37 | S DIR("A")="Select the Fiscal Year or RETURN for ALL: "
| 38 | S DIR("??")="Enter the Fiscal Year that you want to print for or RETURN for data in file"
| 39 | D ^DIR
| 40 | I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S OUT=1 Q
| 41 | I Y'="",$L(Y)'=4 W !,"You must enter a 4 digit year." G R1
| 42 | S YEAR=Y
| 43 | I YEAR'="",'$O(^OOPS(2260,"B",(YEAR_"00000"))) W !,"No date for that Fiscal Year please select again." G R1
| 44 | Q
| 46 | S STA=""
| 48 | S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Run report for 'ALL' Stations",DIR("B")="Yes"
| 49 | S DIR("?")="Enter 'Y'es to run for all Stations or 'N'o to run "
| 50 | S DIR("?")=DIR("?")_"for just one Station."
| 51 | D ^DIR I Y S STA="A" Q
| 52 | I $D(DIRUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S OUT=1 Q
| 53 | S1 ; if get here user <CR>
| 54 | S DIC("A")="Select STATION NUMBER: "
| 55 | S DIC="^DIC(4,",DIC(0)="AEMQZ"
| 56 | D ^DIC K DIC
| 57 | I Y=-1 W !?5,"No Station selected, report will not run" S OUT=1 Q
| 58 | S STA=+Y
| 59 | I '$D(^OOPS(2260,"D",STA)) W !?5,"No data for that Station Number, Please select again." G S1
| 60 | Q
| 61 | DEVICE ; This is the device selection routine.
| 62 | ;
| 63 | S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS I POP S OUT=1 Q
| 64 | I $D(IO("Q")) D Q
| 65 | .S ZTRTN="PRINT^OOPSPRT1",ZTDESC="Print Accident Report Sign-off list"
| 66 | .S ZTSAVE("YEAR")="",ZTSAVE("STA")="" ; Patch 5 - added STA
| 67 | .S ZTSAVE("OUT")=""
| 68 | .S ZTSAVE("CALLER")=""
| 69 | .S ZTSAVE("SSN")=""
| 70 | .S ZTSAVE("PAGE")=""
| 71 | .S ZTSAVE("OUTPUT")=""
| 72 | .D ^%ZTLOAD D HOME^%ZIS Q
| 73 | .Q
| 74 | Q
| 75 | PRINT ; This is the main print portion of the routine
| 76 | N CNT,LOOP
| 77 | S CNT=0
| 78 | S LOOP=$S(STA="A":"",1:STA)
| 79 | U IO
| 80 | I STA'="A" D ONE Q
| 81 | MAIN ; Main Loop
| 82 | F S LOOP=$O(^OOPS(2260,"D",LOOP)) Q:LOOP=""!OUT S HEAD=1 D:$D(^OOPS(2260,"D",LOOP)) HEAD Q:OUT D
| 83 | . S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(^OOPS(2260,"D",LOOP,IEN)) Q:IEN<1!OUT D DATA
| 84 | Q
| 85 | ONE ; Only 1 Station Selected
| 86 | I $D(^OOPS(2260,"D",LOOP)) D HEAD
| 87 | S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(^OOPS(2260,"D",LOOP,IEN)) Q:IEN<1!OUT D DATA
| 88 | Q
| 89 | DATA ; Loop to get & print data
| 91 | S CASE=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,.01)
| 92 | S YR=$E(CASE,1,4)
| 93 | I YEAR,YEAR'=YR Q
| 94 | ; Only get OPEN cases - field 51 - 0 = OPEN
| 95 | I $$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,51,"I") Q
| 96 | S INC=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,52,"I")
| 97 | S NAME=$E($$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,1,"E"),1,30)
| 98 | S SSN1=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,5,"E")
| 99 | S DATE=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,4,"E")
| 100 | S CAT=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,2,"I")
| 101 | S CNT=CNT+1
| 102 | I CALLER="E" Q:SSN'=SSN1
| 103 | I CALLER="S" I ($$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,53,"I")'=DUZ),($$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,53.1,"I")'=DUZ) Q
| 104 | S OUTPUT=1
| 105 | D HEAD Q:OUT
| 106 | W !!,CASE
| 107 | W:CALLER'="U" ?12,NAME,?42,SSN1
| 108 | W ?57,DATE
| 109 | W !,?35," CA1 ",?50," CA2 ",?65," 2162 "
| 110 | W !,?35,"---------",?50,"---------",?65,"---------"
| 111 | D ; Employee Data
| 112 | . N SIGN
| 113 | . S SIGN=$$EDSTA^OOPSUTL1(IEN,"E")
| 114 | . W !,?20,"EMPLOYEE:"
| 115 | . I INC=1 W ?35
| 116 | . I INC=2 W ?50
| 117 | . ; Also, not a Non-PAID Employee either
| 118 | . ; Patch 5 - logic changed for new Personnel Categories
| 119 | . I '$$ISEMP^OOPSUTL4(IEN) W "N/A(",$E($$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,2,"E"),1,7),")" Q
| 120 | . W $S($P(SIGN,U,INC):" ",1:"UN-"),"SIGNED"
| 121 | . Q
| 122 | Q:CALLER="E"
| 123 | D ; Supervisor Data
| 124 | . N SIGN
| 125 | . S SIGN=$$EDSTA^OOPSUTL1(IEN,"S")
| 126 | . W !,?20,"SUPERVISOR:"
| 127 | . I INC=1 W ?35
| 128 | . I INC=2 W ?50
| 129 | .;Also not a Non-Paid Employee either
| 130 | .; Patch 5 - See above
| 131 | . I '$$ISEMP^OOPSUTL4(IEN) W "N/A(",$E($$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,2,"E"),1,7),")"
| 132 | . E W $S($P(SIGN,U,INC):" ",1:"UN-"),"SIGNED"
| 133 | . W ?65,$S($P(SIGN,U,3):" ",1:"UN-"),"SIGNED"
| 134 | . Q
| 135 | Q:CALLER="S"
| 136 | D ; Safety Officer Data
| 137 | . N SIGN
| 138 | . S SIGN=$$EDSTA^OOPSUTL1(IEN,"O")
| 139 | . W !,?20,"SAFETY OFFICER:"
| 140 | . W ?65,$S($P(SIGN,U):" ",1:"UN-"),"SIGNED"
| 141 | . Q
| 142 | Q
| 143 | HEAD ; This is the head portion of the routine
| 144 | I PAGE=1 D
| 145 | .W:$E(IOST,1,2)="C-" @IOF
| 146 | .Q
| 147 | I PAGE'=1 Q:($Y<(IOSL-6)&('HEAD))
| 148 | I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" D Q:OUT
| 149 | .I PAGE=1 W @IOF Q
| 150 | .I PAGE'=1 D Q:OUT
| 151 | ..N DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR I 'Y S OUT=1
| 152 | ..K Y
| 153 | ..Q
| 154 | .Q
| 155 | Q:OUT
| 156 | I PAGE'=1 W @IOF
| 158 | W !,$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,1),?70,"PAGE: ",PAGE,!
| 159 | S LINER="Accident Report Status"_$S(YEAR="":"",1:" for the fiscal Year "_YEAR)
| 160 | S TAB=(40-($L(LINER)/2))
| 161 | S LINE2="Station Number: "_$$GET1^DIQ(4,LOOP,.01,"E")
| 162 | S TAB2=(40-($L(LINE2)/2))
| 163 | W ?TAB,LINER,!,?TAB2,LINE2
| 164 | W !,"Case No."
| 165 | W:CALLER'="U" ?12,"Name",?46,"SSN"
| 166 | W ?57,"DATE OF INCIDENT"
| 167 | W !,"============================================================================="
| 168 | S PAGE=PAGE+1,HEAD=""
| 169 | Q