OOPSUTL2 ;HINES/WAA-Utilities Routines ;3/24/98 ;;2.0;ASISTS;;Jun 03, 2002 ;; CARE2(IEN) ; Update location field N LOC,GEN S GEN=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,27,"I") S LOC=$$GET1^DIQ(2261.4,GEN,2,"I") S $P(^OOPS(2260,IEN,"2162B"),U,1)=LOC Q VCHAR ; Write error message if invalid character W !,"Invalid character entered (~,`,@,#,$,%,*,_,|,\,},{,[,],>, or <)",!,"please edit.",! Q DEVSZ(IEN,DEV) ; This screens responses to the DEVICE SIZE table based on whether ; the OBJECT CAUSING INJURY field contains the word Needle or Syringe ; ; Input: IEN - Internal Record Number of claim ; DEV - Internal Record Number in ^OOPS(2262.2) ; Output: VIEW - if 1, can select, if 0, not available ; N OBJECT,VIEW S VIEW=0 S OBJECT=$$UP^OOPSUTL4($$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,38)) S TYPE=$$GET1^DIQ(2262.2,DEV,1,"I") I (OBJECT["NEEDLE")&(TYPE="N"!(TYPE="NS")) S VIEW=1 I (OBJECT["SYRINGE")&(TYPE="S"!(TYPE="NS")) S VIEW=1 Q VIEW EQUIP() ; This will ask if the product failed N ANS,DIR,Y S ANS=0 S DIR(0)="YO^" S ANS=0,DIR("B")=$S($P($G(^OOPS(2260,IEN,"2162D")),U,7)'="":"YES",1:"NO") S DIR("A")="WAS THERE AN EQUIPMENT/DEVICE/PRODUCT FAILURE" S DIR("?")="Enter Yes or No to indicate that it was a failure of an device." D ^DIR I Y=1 S ANS=1 I ANS'=1,$P($G(^OOPS(2260,IEN,"2162D")),U,7)'="" S $P(^("2162D"),U,7)="" Q ANS DISP ; disp text for prompt W !,"Was the exposed part:" W !," Skin," W !," Eyes(Conjunctiva)," W !," Nose(mucosa)," W !," Mouth(mucosa)" W !," Other" W ! Q CARE(IEN,GEN) ; Select Patient Care Area N AREA,TYPE,VIEW S VIEW=0 S AREA=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,26,"I") I AREA="" S AREA="U" I AREA="U" S VIEW=1 E D .S TYPE=$$GET1^DIQ(2261.4,GEN,2,"I") .I AREA=TYPE S VIEW=1 .Q Q VIEW ; N AREA,OTHER N SELECT,DIR,Y,DEFAULT,INC S INC=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,52,"I") S SELECT="" ;W ! ;W !," Select the Area Type:",! ;W !," 1) Patient" ;W !," 2) Non-patient" ;W !," 3) Unknown",! S DIR(0)="SAO^1:Patient;2:Non-patient;3:Unknown" S DIR("A")="GENERAL SETTING OF "_$S(INC=1:"INJURY",INC=2:"ILLNESS",1:"")_": " S DIR("?")="Select the area type to be used." S SELECT=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,27,"I") S SELECT=$S(SELECT'="":$$GET1^DIQ(2261.4,SELECT,2,"I"),1:"") S:SELECT'="" SELECT=$S(SELECT="P":"Patient",SELECT="N":"Non-patient",1:"") S:SELECT'="" DIR("B")=SELECT D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S Y(0)="",AREA=-1 S (OTHER,AREA)=$S(Y(0)="Patient":"P",Y(0)="Non-patient":"N",Y(0)="Unknown":"",1:"-1") I AREA'=-1 D .I AREA'="",$E(AREA,1)=$E(SELECT,1) S DEFAULT=$$GET1^DIQ(2261.4,$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,27,"I"),.01,"E") .D ..N DIC,X ..S DIC="^OOPS(2261.4," ..I AREA'="" S DIC("S")="I $$GET1^DIQ(2261.4,Y,2,""I"")=AREA" ..I $D(DEFAULT) S DIC("B")=DEFAULT ..S DIC("A")=$S(AREA="P":"PATIENT ",AREA="N":"NON-PATIENT ",1:" ")_"CARE AREA: ",DIC(0)="AQEMNZ" ..D ^DIC ..I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S AREA=-1 Q ..I Y<1 S AREA=-1 Q ..S AREA=$P(Y,U) ..Q .Q I AREA>0 S AREA=AREA_U_OTHER Q AREA SAFETY(IEN,OPEN) ; Safety Officer Screen N VIEW S VIEW=0,OPEN=$G(OPEN,0) ;I FORM= I OPEN,'$P(^OOPS(2260,IEN,0),U,6) S VIEW=1 I 'OPEN,$P(^OOPS(2260,IEN,0),U,6)'=2,$P($$EDSTA^OOPSUTL1(IEN,"S"),U,3) S VIEW=1 Q VIEW SUPSCR(SUP,IEN,OPEN) ; Supervisor screen ; Input ; SUP the DUZ of the Supervisor ; IEN the IEN of the ENTRY in file 2260 ; ; Output ; VIEW 1 Sup can see ; 0 Sup can't see N VIEW S VIEW=0,OPEN=$G(OPEN,0) I $$OPEN^OOPSUTL1(IEN,OPEN) D ;Form can be selected .N INJ .S INJ=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,52,"I") .I ($$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,53,"I")'=DUZ)&($$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,53.1,"I")'=DUZ) Q ; Not the Primary or secondary super .I $$EDSTA^OOPSUTL1(IEN,"O") Q .; ^^^ 2162 has been signed by the Safety Officer . .I ($P($$EDSTA^OOPSUTL1(IEN,"S"),U,INJ)),($P($$EDSTA^OOPSUTL1(IEN,"S"),U,3)) Q ; Form can not be selected because both . ;the 2162 and the CA1/2 have been signed .S VIEW=1 .Q Q VIEW AGNINFO ;Patch 7 - default Agency info if available S AIEN=$P(^OOPS(2260,IEN,"2162A"),"^",9) S AGN=$$GET1^DIQ(4,AIEN,.01,"E") S ADD=$$GET1^DIQ(4,AIEN,1.01,"E") S CITY=$$GET1^DIQ(4,AIEN,1.03,"E") S STATE=$$GET1^DIQ(4,AIEN,.02,"E") S ZIP=$$GET1^DIQ(4,AIEN,1.04,"E") Q PHINFO ;Patch 7 - default physician data, if available S STAT=0 S AIEN=$P(^OOPS(2260,IEN,"2162A"),"^",9) ; get physician data for correct STATION F S STAT=$O(^OOPS(2262,1,1,STAT)) Q:STAT'>0 I ($P(^OOPS(2262,1,1,STAT,0),"^")=AIEN) Q ;found match, quit I STAT D .S SIEN=STAT_",1," .S PNAME=$$GET1^DIQ(2262.03,SIEN,1) .S PADD=$$GET1^DIQ(2262.03,SIEN,2) .S PCITY=$$GET1^DIQ(2262.03,SIEN,3) .S PSTATE=$$GET1^DIQ(2262.03,SIEN,4) .S PZIP=$$GET1^DIQ(2262.03,SIEN,5) .S PTITLE=$$GET1^DIQ(2262.03,SIEN,"6:1") Q RWS ;Regular Work Schedule N Y S DIR(0)="LA^1:7" S DIR("?",1)=" Enter the employee's work schedule at the time of the incident." S DIR("?",2)=" The numbers 1-7 correspond to the days of the week." S DIR("?",3)=" 1 = Sunday" S DIR("?",4)=" 2 = Monday" S DIR("?",5)=" 3 = Tuesday" S DIR("?",6)=" 4 = Wednesday" S DIR("?",7)=" 5 = Thursday" S DIR("?",8)=" 6 = Friday" S DIR("?",9)=" 7 = Saturday" S DIR("?",10)=" Enter the day numbers as a range or list separated by commas." S DIR("?",11)="" S DIR("?",12)=" Examples: For Mon-Fri enter 2-6 (or 2,3,4,5,6)" S DIR("?",13)=" For Wed-Sat enter 4-7 (or 4,5,6,7)" S DIR("?")=" For Mon,Wed,Fri enter 2,4,6" D ^DIR I $P(X,"-",2)>7 W !," Range exceeds 1-7 limit." G RWS Q:$D(DIRUT) S:ITEM=21 $P(^OOPS(2260,D0,"CA1F"),U,11)=Y S:ITEM=22 $P(^OOPS(2260,D0,"CA2I"),U,8)=Y Q EXCEPT ; Exception statement W !," ",ITEM,". A supervisor who knowingly certifies to any false statement," W !," misrepresentation, concealment of fact, etc., in respect of" W !," this claim may also be subject to appropriate felony criminal" W !," prosecution." W ! W !," I certify that the information given above and that furnished" W !," by the employee is true to the best of my knowledge with the" W !," following exception." W ! Q MKNUM(INSTR) ; Strip/Convert num numerics from a string - Patch 11 ; Input - INSTR - Character String that should be a number ; Output - NUMOUT - String stripped of all non-numeric characters. N K,NUMOUT S NUMOUT="" F K=1:1:$L(INSTR) I ($A(INSTR,K)>47)&($A(INSTR,K)<58) S NUMOUT=NUMOUT_$E(INSTR,K) Q NUMOUT RWSOT ;Regular Work Schedule output transform N I,HOLD S HOLD="" F I=1:1:($L(Y)/2) S HOLD=HOLD_$P("Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat",",",$P(Y,",",I))_"," S Y=$E(HOLD,1,($L(HOLD)-1)) Q UNION(IEN) ; ; Input: IEN = Internal Entry Number of entry in file 2260 ; Output VALID = 1 Valid to be seen by Union ; = 0 Not Valid to be seen by Union N VALID S VALID=0 I $$EDSTA^OOPSUTL1(IEN,"O"),$P($$EDSTA^OOPSUTL1(IEN,"S"),U,3) S VALID=1 Q VALID