IBDEHELP ; ALB/ISC - ENCOUNTER FORM UTILITIES - INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING DIFROM ;AUG 16, 1993 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;;APR 24, 1997 HELP ; N LINE,IBARY,IBHDRRTN,CNT S IBHDRRTN="D HDR^IBDEHELP" S CNT=0 S IBARY="^TMP(""IBDF"",$J,""IMP/EXP HELP"")" K @IBARY F S LINE=$P($T(LINES+CNT),";;",2) Q:LINE="" D .S CNT=CNT+1 .S @IBARY@(CNT,0)=LINE S $P(@IBARY@(0),"^",4)=CNT D EN^VALM("IBDE TEXT DISPLAY") K @IBARY S VALMBCK="R" Q HDR ; S VALMHDR(1)="HELP for the IMPORT/EXPORT UTILITY" Q ; LINES ;;The initial install of the Encounter Form Utilities at your site ;;included a toolkit of forms and blocks. The ONLY SAFE METHOD for ;;transferring additional forms and blocks between sites is through this ;;IMPORT/EXPORT UTILITY. ;; ;;The IMPORT/EXPORT UTILITY includes a set of files that are nearly ;;identical to the files used by the ENCOUNTER FORM UTILTIES to contain ;;the form descriptions. These import/export files constitute a WORK ;;SPACE in which forms and blocks can be safely exported (to other sites) ;;and imported (from other sites to your own). ;; ;;You should have a PACKAGE entry for the IMPORT/EXPORT UTILITY already ;;set up. The files listed should be in the range 358 to 358.91. ;;The package entry is named IB ENCOUNTER FORM IMP/EXP, and the prefix ;;is IBDE. The package entry is necessary to accomplish EXPORT. ;; ;; ;;TO IMPORT: ;; ;; 1) The other site must have prepared a set of inits, using this ;; utility, that contain the forms and toolkit blocks they want to ;; transfer. ;; ;; 2) The work space MUST NOT ALREADY CONTAIN any forms or blocks that ;; you want to keep. First decide what you want to do with anything ;; that is already in the workspace. The work space will be cleared ;; before the inits are executed, so anything there will be lost. ;; ;; 3) You must execute the inits, using this this utility, by choosing ;; the action RUN INITS. The init should normally be named IBDEINIT. ;; ;; 4) The work space should now contain forms and toolkit blocks. You ;; can choose which ones you want, then choose the action IMPORT ;; ENTRY to actually make the form or block available for use. The ;; forms can not be viewed while in the work space, but you can view ;; the IMPORT/EXP NOTES. ;; ;;TO EXPORT: ;; ;; 0) Only users with PROGRAMMER ACCESS can export. ;; ;; 1) First clear the work space of anything you do not want to export. ;; ;; 2) Then add any forms or blocks to the work space that you do want ;; to export. ;; ;; 3) Add EXPORT/IMPORT NOTES to each entry you add to the work space. ;; You must accuratly describe the form for the site that you are ;; exporting it to. They will be able to view the notes, but they ;; will not be able to view the form itself until they import it. ;; ;; 4) Then, through the DIFROM action that is part of this utility, ;; create the inits that will be sent to the other site. ;; ;; 5) Send the inits to the other site.