IBDF11A ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM - (print manager setup - INFORMATION) ;April 20,1993 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;;APR 24, 1997 ; INFO ;N I,LINE,DIR F I=0:1 S LINE=$P($T(TEXT+I),";;",2) Q:LINE="" W !,LINE I $Y>(IOSL-4) S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR W @IOF Q:'Y Q TEXT ;;Care must be taken when defining reports to the Print Manager. Please ;;follow these rules: ;; ;; 1) Entry points must involve no user interaction. ;; 2) The device must not be changed or closed. ;; 3) Local variables should be the same on exit as on entry. ;; ;;THESE VARIABLES ARE AVAILABLE: ;; ;; DFN = ien of patient in the PATIENT file ;; IBCLINIC = ien of clinic in the HOSPTIAL LOCATION file ;; IBAPPT = appointment date/time in FM format ;; ;;FEATURES OF INTEREST, IN THE ORDER PERFORMED BY THE PRINT MANAGER: ;; ;; AVAILABLE?: The Print Manager will not print the report unless ;; this is set to YES. ;; ;; REQUIRED VARIABLES: You can define a list of variables that should ;; be defined. The Print Manager won't call the entry point unless ;; they are defined. ;; ;; PROTECTED VARIABLES: You can define a list of variables (without ;; subscripts) that should be NEWed. ;; ;; ENTRY ACTION: Mumps code that should be Xecuted before calling ;; the entry point. ;; ;; EXIT ACTION: Mumps code that should be Xecuted after calling ;; the entry point. ;; ;;EXAMPLE: Supposing the entry point kills DFN. You could do this: ;; ;; REQUIRED VARIABLE: DFN ;; PROTECTED VARIABLE: IBDFN ;; ENTRY ACTION: S IBDFN=DFN ;; EXIT ACTION: S DFN=IBDFN ;; ;;