IBDF16 ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM - (edit Package Interfaces, Marking Areas) ;Jul 23,1993 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;;APR 24, 1997 ; EDIT ;allows the user to create/edit/delete Package Interaces of type ;OUTPUT or SELECTION ;does not allow Package Interfaces that are part of the toolkit N IBTYPE S IBTYPE="" W @IOF D WARNING,PAUSE^IBDFU5 W @IOF D TYPE D:IBTYPE INTRFACE Q TYPE ;asks the user what type of interface he wants to edit W !!,"OUTPUT interfaces are used to obtain data from other packages that will be",!,"displayed to DATA FIELDS." W !!,"SELECTION interfaces are used to obtain data from other packages that will be",!,"displayed to SELECTION LISTS." K DIR S DIR(0)="S^1:OUTPUT;2:SELECTION;" S DIR("A")="SELECT THE TYPE OF PACKAGE INTERFACE TO EDIT" S DIR("B")=1 D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) Q:'Y S IBTYPE=Y+1 Q INTRFACE ;edit package interface ;IBTYPE=3 if type=selection interface ;IBTYPE=2 if type=output interface N REPORT,IBDELETE,IBNEW,INTRFACE,IBACTION,DLAYGO I $G(IBTYPE)'=2,$G(IBTYPE)'=3 Q S IBDELETE=1 K DIC S DIC=357.6,DIC(0)="AELMQ",DIC("S")="I $P($G(^(0)),U,6)="_IBTYPE_",'$P($G(^(0)),U,12)" S D="E^D^B" S DIC("DR")="06////"_IBTYPE S DIC("A")="Select a PACKAGE INTERFACE: " S DLAYGO=357.6 D MIX^DIC1 K DIC,D,DA Q:+Y<0 S INTRFACE=+Y,IBNEW=$P(Y,"^",3) S IBDELETE=$S(IBNEW:1,1:0) S DA=INTRFACE K DIE,DR S DIE=357.6,DR="[IBDF EDIT OUTPUT/SELECTION RTN]",DIE("NO^")="BACKOUTOK" D ^DIE K DIE,DR,DA I IBDELETE K DA S DIK="^IBE(357.6,",DA=INTRFACE D ^DIK K DIK,DA Q LOOKUP ;additional help for the USER LOOKUP field W !!,"You can enter a list of words with which to index this interface. You will",!,"then be able to look up this interface by entering any word on the list." W !,"Each word should be at least 3 characters long, and words must be separated",!,"by a space.",! Q WARNING ;warns the user to lookup in the technical doc how to write Package Interfaces W !!,"You can write your own Package Interfaces to obtain data not available" W !,"through the Toolkit. Before you do so, however, please consult the technical",!,"documentation for the guidelines that must be followed. In particular, you" W !,"must know where the data should be placed and what format must be used.",! Q MARKING ;allows the user to create/edit/delete marking areas not in the toolkit N MARK,DLAYGO W @IOF,!!!!! W "You can create your own MARKING AREAS to supplement those that come with the",!,"toolkit. Marking areas are the areas on a selection list that the user",!,"marks to indicate selections from the list.",!!!!! D PAUSE^IBDFU5 W @IOF K DIC S DIC=357.91,DIC(0)="AELMQ",DIC("S")="I '$P($G(^(0)),U,3)" ;S DIC("A")="Select "_$S(IBTYPE=2:"an output interface",3:"a selection interface")_": " S DLAYGO=357.91 D ^DIC K DIC,D,DA Q:+Y<0 S MARK=+Y,IBNEW=$P(Y,"^",3) S IBDELETE=$S(IBNEW:1,1:0) S DA=MARK K DIE,DR S DIE=357.91,DR="[IBDF EDIT MARKING AREA]",DIE("NO^")="BACKOUTOK" D ^DIE K DIE,DR,DA I IBDELETE K DA S DIK="^IBE(357.91,",DA=MARK D ^DIK K DIK,DA I IBNEW,'IBDELETE W !!,"New marking area created!" Q