IBDF17 ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM - COPY A CPT CHECK-OFF SHEET INTO A FORM ;24SEP93 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;**38**;APR 24, 1997 ;DHH ;Allows the user to choose a form to copy to, and a CPT check-off sheet ;to copy from, then creates a new block and copies the CPT codes to it ; N FORM,LIST,BLOCK,SHEET W !!,"Select the encounter form you want to copy CPT codes to!",! S FORM=$$SLCTFORM^IBDFU4(0) Q:'FORM D FIND(FORM,.BLOCK,.LIST) I 'BLOCK W !,"There is no selection list for CPT codes to copy to!" D PAUSE^IBDFU5 Q ; S SHEET=$$SLCTSHT Q:'SHEET ; ;must delete the compiled version of the block, since it will be changed K ^IBE(357.1,BLOCK,"S"),^("V"),^("B"),^("H") ; D COPY(SHEET,LIST) Q ; COPY(SHEET,LIST) ;copies the CPT codes/headers from the sheet to the list ; N HDR,TYPE,NODE ; ;find the subcolumns in LIST to write to D SUBCOLS(.LIST) I 'LIST("CODESC")!'LIST("TEXTSC") W !,"The CPT selection list does not contain a subcolumn for the CPT code or text!" D PAUSE^IBDFU5 Q ; S HDR="" F S HDR=$O(^IBE(350.71,"G",SHEET,HDR)) Q:'HDR S NODE=$G(^IBE(350.71,HDR,0)),TYPE=$P(NODE,"^",3) D:TYPE="S" COPYGRP(HDR,.NODE,.LIST) Q ; COPYGRP(HDR,NODE,LIST) ;copies the header contained in NODE to the selection list (LIST) ; N HEADER,ORDER,GROUP,PROC S HEADER=$P(NODE,"^") Q:HEADER="" S ORDER=$P(NODE,"^",2) Q:'ORDER ; ;copy the group K DIC,DD,D0,DINUM S DIC="^IBE(357.4,",X=HEADER,DIC(0)="" D FILE^DICN K DIC,DIE,DA S GROUP=$S(+Y<0:"",1:+Y) Q:'GROUP S ^IBE(357.4,GROUP,0)=HEADER_"^"_ORDER_"^"_LIST K DIK,DA S DIK="^IBE(357.4,",DA=GROUP D IX1^DIK K DIK,DA ; ;now find all the group's procedures and copy them S PROC=0 F S PROC=$O(^IBE(350.71,"S",HDR,PROC)) Q:'PROC D:PROC'=HDR COPYPROC(PROC,.LIST,GROUP) ; W "." ;just to let the use know it's doing something Q ; COPYPROC(PROC,LIST,GROUP) ;copies the procedure contained to the selection list and group ; N NODE,TEXT,ORDER,CODE,SLCTN S NODE=$G(^IBE(350.71,PROC,0)) ; ;find the CPT code S CODE=$P(NODE,"^",6) Q:'CODE S CODE=$P($G(^SD(409.71,CODE,0)),"^") Q:'CODE ;; --change to api cpt ; dhh S CODE=$$CPT^ICPTCOD(CODE) Q:+CODE=-1 S CODE=$P(CODE,"^",2) Q:'CODE ; ;find the text and order for the proc on the sheet S TEXT=$P(NODE,"^") Q:TEXT="" S ORDER=$P(NODE,"^",2) Q:'ORDER ; ;create the selection K DIC,DD,D0,DINUM S DIC="^IBE(357.3,",X=CODE,DIC(0)="" D FILE^DICN K DIC,DIE,DA S SLCTN=$S(+Y<0:"",1:+Y) Q:'SLCTN ; ;fill in the 0 node S ^IBE(357.3,SLCTN,0)=CODE_"^^"_LIST_"^"_GROUP_"^"_ORDER_"^" ; ;fill in the SUBCOLUM VALUE multiple with the subcolumn values S ^IBE(357.3,SLCTN,1,0)="^357.31IA^2^2" S ^IBE(357.3,SLCTN,1,2,0)=LIST("TEXTSC")_"^"_TEXT S ^IBE(357.3,SLCTN,1,1,0)=LIST("CODESC")_"^"_CODE K DIK,DA S DIK="^IBE(357.3,",DA=SLCTN D IX1^DIK K DIK,DA Q ; SUBCOLS(LIST) ;finds the column containing the CPT code and the text description ;LIST is passed by reference S (LIST("CODESC"),LIST("TEXTSC"))="" ; N SC,PIECE,NODE S SC=0 ; ;piece 1 of the data returned by the package interface is the code,piece 2 is the description F S SC=$O(^IBE(357.2,LIST,2,SC)) Q:'SC S NODE=$G(^IBE(357.2,LIST,2,SC,0)),PIECE=$P(NODE,"^",5) S:PIECE=1 LIST("CODESC")=$P(NODE,"^") S:PIECE=2 LIST("TEXTSC")=$P(NODE,"^") Q:LIST("CODESC")&LIST("TEXTSC") Q ; SLCTSHT() ;allows the user to select a CPT check-off sheet K DIC S DIC=350.7,DIC(0)="AEMQ" D ^DIC K DIC I $D(DINUM)!$D(DUOUT)!(Y<0) Q "" Q +Y FIND(FORM,BLK,LIST) ;finds the block & list for CPT codes N INTRFACE,BLOCKS,I S (BLK,LIST,BLOCKS,I)=0 ; ;find the package interface for selecting CPT codes S INTRFACE=$O(^IBE(357.6,"B","DG SELECT CPT PROCEDURE CODES",0)) Q:'INTRFACE ; ;find all of the blocks with CPT lists S BLK="" F S BLK=$O(^IBE(357.1,"C",FORM,BLK)) Q:'BLK D .S LIST="" F S LIST=$O(^IBE(357.2,"C",BLK,LIST)) Q:'LIST I $P($G(^IBE(357.2,LIST,0)),"^",11)=INTRFACE S BLOCKS=BLOCKS+1,I=I+1,BLOCKS(I)=BLK_"^"_LIST ; ;if count of blocks <2 there is no need to ask the user to choose I BLOCKS<2 S BLK=+$P($G(BLOCKS(1)),"^"),LIST=$P($G(BLOCKS(1)),"^",2) Q ; ;if count>1 the user must choose the block from the array BLOCKS S (BLK,LIST)=0 S I=$$CHOOSE(.BLOCKS) S BLK=+$G(BLOCKS(+I)),LIST=+$P($G(BLOCKS(+I)),"^",2) Q ; CHOOSE(BLOCKS) ;ask the user to choose ;BLOCKS is an array passed by reference ; N I ASK W ! S I=0 F S I=$O(BLOCKS(I)) Q:'I W !,I," ",$P($G(^IBE(357.1,+BLOCKS(I),0)),"^") W !!,"Select a block to put the CPT codes: (1-",BLOCKS,"): " R I:DTIME Q:'$T 0 Q:'$G(I) 0 I '$D(BLOCKS(I)) G ASK Q I