IBDF18 ;A;B/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM - utilities for Problem List ;15OCT93 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;;APR 24, 1997 ; GETFORM() ;allows the user to select an encounter form with a Clinic Common Problem List ;returns ^
N FORM,LIST,QUIT,ANS S (LIST,QUIT)=0 F D Q:QUIT .S FORM=$$SLCTFORM^IBDFU4(0) .I 'FORM S QUIT=1 Q .D FIND(FORM,0,.LIST,0) .I LIST S QUIT=1 Q .W !,"The form you selected doesn't contain a Clinic Common Problem List!",!,"Do you want to select another form? " .R ANS:DTIME .S:'$T!(ANS="")!(ANS["^")!(ANS["N")!(ANS["n") QUIT=1,FORM=0 Q FORM_"^"_$P($G(^IBE(357,FORM,0)),"^") ; ; COPYFORM(FORM,ARY) ;creates a list of problem groups and problems found in FORM on the list of clinic common problems ;returns the length of the returned list ;FORM is the ien of an encounter form ;@ARY is the array where the list should be placed ;each problem will have the format 'problem ien^problem text' ;each group will have the format '^header text to display (could be null)' ;following each group will be the problems on it ; ;the ruturned list will look like this: ;@ARY@(1)=^group header ;@ARY@(2)=problem ien^problem text ;@ARY@(3)=problem ien^problem text ; ; ;@ARY@(k)=^next group header ;@ARY@(k+1)=problem ien^problem text ;.... ; Q:'$G(FORM) 0 Q:'$L($G(ARY)) 0 N BLOCK,LIST,INTRFACE,COUNT S (BLOCK,LIST,INTRFACE,COUNT)=0 F D FIND(FORM,.BLOCK,.LIST,.INTRFACE) Q:'LIST D COPYLIST(LIST,ARY,.COUNT) Q COUNT ; COPYLIST(LIST,ARY,COUNT) ;copies the entries from LIST to @ARY, starting subscript at COUNT+1 ; N SLCTN,SUBCOL,TEXT,IEN,NODE,TSUBCOL,NOTREAL,NODE,GROUP,ORDER,HDR ; D SUBCOL(LIST,.TSUBCOL) ;find the subcolumn containing the text ;don't bother returning list of problems if there is no subcolumn containing the problem text Q:'$G(TSUBCOL) ; S GROUP=0 F S GROUP=$O(^IBE(357.3,"APO",LIST,GROUP)) Q:'GROUP D .S HDR=$P($G(^IBE(357.4,GROUP,0)),"^") I HDR="BLANK" S HDR="" .S COUNT=COUNT+1,@ARY@(COUNT)="^"_HDR .S ORDER="" F S ORDER=$O(^IBE(357.3,"APO",LIST,GROUP,ORDER)) Q:ORDER="" S SLCTN=0 F S SLCTN=$O(^IBE(357.3,"APO",LIST,GROUP,ORDER,SLCTN)) Q:'SLCTN D ..S NODE=$G(^IBE(357.3,SLCTN,0)),IEN=$P(NODE,"^"),NOTREAL=$P(NODE,"^",2) ..Q:'IEN!(NOTREAL) ..S SUBCOL=$O(^IBE(357.3,SLCTN,1,"B",TSUBCOL,0)) Q:'SUBCOL S NODE=$G(^IBE(357.3,SLCTN,1,SUBCOL,0)) S:$P(NODE,"^")=TSUBCOL TEXT=$P(NODE,"^",2) I $L(TEXT) S COUNT=COUNT+1,@ARY@(COUNT)=IEN_"^"_TEXT Q Q ; ; SUBCOL(LIST,TSUBCOL) ;finds the subcolumn containing the text ;TSUBCOL should be passed by reference - used to return the subcolumn ;LIST is the selection list to search S TSUBCOL="" ; N SC,PIECE,NODE S SC=0 ; ;refering to the data returned by the package interface, piece 2 is the description F S SC=$O(^IBE(357.2,LIST,2,SC)) Q:'SC S NODE=$G(^IBE(357.2,LIST,2,SC,0)),PIECE=$P(NODE,"^",5) I PIECE=2 S TSUBCOL=$P(NODE,"^") Q Q ; FIND(FORM,BLK,LIST,INTRFACE) ;finds the block & list containing the Clinic Common Problem List N INTRFACE,QUIT S BLK=+$G(BLK),LIST=+$G(LIST),INTRFACE=+$G(INTRFACE) ; ;if not already found,find the package interface for selecting PROBLEMS I 'INTRFACE S INTRFACE=$O(^IBE(357.6,"B","GMP SELECT CLINIC COMMON PROBL",0)) I 'INTRFACE S (BLK,LIST)=0 QUIT ; I BLK D .F S LIST=$O(^IBE(357.2,"C",BLK,LIST)) Q:'LIST I $P($G(^IBE(357.2,LIST,0)),"^",11)=INTRFACE Q I BLK,LIST QUIT S QUIT=0 F S BLK=$O(^IBE(357.1,"C",FORM,BLK)) Q:'BLK D Q:QUIT .S LIST=0 F S LIST=$O(^IBE(357.2,"C",BLK,LIST)) Q:'LIST I $P($G(^IBE(357.2,LIST,0)),"^",11)=INTRFACE S QUIT=1 Q I 'BLK!('LIST) S (BLK,LIST)=0 Q