IBDF1B ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM (printing forms for appointments); 3/1/93 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;**29**;APR 24, 1997 ; ;IBSRT=1 for sort by clinic/patient name ;IBSRT=2 for sort by terminal digits ;IBSRT=3 for sort by clinic/terminal digits ; ;SELECTBY="P" if user wants to select appts by patient ;SELECTBY="C" if user wants to select appts by division/clinic ; ;IBDT=date for appointments ;IBREPRNT'="" if this is a reprint of a previous job - then it's either equal to clinic name or 1st 4 terminal digits ;IBSTRTDV is the division to start from in the case of a reprint ;IBADDONS=1 if user wants to do add-ons only, 0 otherwise ; EN ; N IBREPRNT,SELECTBY,IBDT,IBSRT,IBADDONS,IBSTRTDV,QUIT,X S (IBSTRTDV,IBREPRNT)="",(QUIT,IBADDONS)=0 ; ;set the error trap so workspace in ^TMP is erased in case of abnormal termination of the print job S X="ERRORTRP^IBDF1B",@^%ZOSF("TRAP") ; K ^TMP("IBDF",$J),^TMP("IB",$J) D HOME^%ZIS D .D SELECTBY Q:QUIT S:SELECTBY="P" IBSRT=1 ;if selecting by patient then sort by clinic/patient rather than by terminal digits .D:SELECTBY="C" SORTBY^IBDF1BA Q:QUIT .D APPTDATE Q:QUIT .;now allow user to makes selections, whether by patient or clinic .D @SELECTBY .; .;if nothing selected exit .Q:'$D(^TMP("IBDF",$J)) .; .;since selecting by entire clinics, may want to do add-ons only or restart the job .I SELECTBY="C" D Q:QUIT ..D ADDONS Q:QUIT ..D REPRINT Q:QUIT ; ; ;if nothing selected exit END G:('$D(^TMP("IBDF",$J)))!QUIT EXIT W !,$C(7),"** Encounter Forms require a page size of 80 lines and 132 columns. **" K %IS,%ZIS,IOP S %ZIS="QM",%ZIS("A")="OUTPUT DEVICE: " D ^%ZIS G:POP EXIT I $D(IO("Q")) S ZTRTN="^IBDF1B1",ZTDESC="IBDF Encounter Forms",ZTSAVE("^TMP(""IBDF"",$J,")="",ZTSAVE("IB*")="" D ^%ZTLOAD K IO("Q") W !,$S($D(ZTSK):"Request Queued Task="_ZTSK,1:"Request Canceled") D HOME^%ZIS G EXIT U IO D ^IBDF1B1 EXIT ; K ^TMP("IBDF",$J),^TMP("IB",$J),^TMP("RPT",$J),^TMP("DFN",$J) I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" Q K DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT,X,Y,D0,DA,IBTYPE D ^%ZISC Q ; REPRINT ;for prior job that partially completed? ;IBSTRTDV is the division to restart from ;IBREPRNT is the clinic or first 4 of terminal digits to restart from S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="IS THIS A REPRINT OF A PREVIOUS RUN" S DIR("B")="NO",DIR("?")="ANSWER YES IF SOME OF THE FORMS WERE ALREADY PRINTED BY A PREVIOUS JOB THAT DID NOT SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT)!(Y=-1) S QUIT=1 Q I Y D I IBREPRNT="" S QUIT=1 Q .I IBSRT=2 D ;sorting by division/terminal digit ..;ask which division to restart from ..S IBSTRTDV=$$STARTDIV^IBDF1BA I IBSTRTDV="" S IBREPRNT="" Q ..;ask which terminal digit to restart from ..D TERMSTRT^IBDF1BA Q:IBREPRNT="" .I (IBSRT=1)!(IBSRT=3) D CLNCSTRT^IBDF1BA ;sorting by division/clinic, ask which clinic to restart from Q ADDONS ;add-ons only? S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="WANT TO PRINT ADD-ONS ONLY" S DIR("B")="NO",DIR("?")="ANSWER YES TO ONLY PRINT ADD-ONS" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT)!(Y=-1) S QUIT=1 Q S IBADDONS=Y Q SELECTBY ;select by patient or clinic? W !,"Do you want to print forms for a particular patient or for entire clinics?",! K DIR S DIR("B")="Clinic",DIR(0)="SO^P:Patient;C:Clinic",DIR("A")="Select Appointment by" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) S QUIT=1 Q S SELECTBY=Y Q ; P ;print by patient - get patient then appointment(s) for date N IBTMP,IBNM,DFN ;IBNM=patient name, IBTMP=array to store patient's appts F K DIC S DIC="^DPT(",DIC(0)="AEQM" D ^DIC K DIC Q:Y<0 S DFN=+Y,IBNM=$P(Y,"^",2) D SEARCH^IBDF1BA,DISP^IBDF1BA Q ; C ;print all appointments for a clinic - find division then clinic, print all/some clinics for all/some divisions ; N GROUPS,IEN ; ;get the PRINT MANAGER CLINIC GROUPS S GROUPS="" K DIR S DIR(0)="PAO^357.99:AEMQ",DIR("A")="Select Print Manager Clinic Group:",DIR("?")="You can choose from previously defined clinic groups." F D ^DIR Q:((+Y<0)!$D(DIRUT)) S GROUPS(+Y)="",DIR("A")="Select another Print Manager Clinic Group:" S GROUPS=0 F S GROUPS=$O(GROUPS(GROUPS)) Q:'GROUPS D .S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(^IBD(357.99,GROUPS,10,IEN)) Q:'IEN S IBCLN=+$G(^IBD(357.99,GROUPS,10,IEN,0)) S:IBCLN ^TMP("IBDF",$J,"C",IBCLN)="" .S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(^IBD(357.99,GROUPS,11,IEN)) Q:'IEN S IBDIV=+$G(^IBD(357.99,GROUPS,11,IEN,0)) S:IBDIV ^TMP("IBDF",$J,"D",IBDIV)="" K DIR G:$O(GROUPS(0)) ENDC ; ;now ask divisions and clinics W !!,"Now you can select individual divisions and clinics." ;D ASK2^IBODIV G:$D(VAUTD)<11&(VAUTD=0) ENDC S VAUTD=1 I $P($G(^DG(43,1,"GL")),"^",2) D DIVISION^VAUTOMA I Y=-1 G ENDC S DIC("S")="I $P(^SC(+Y,0),U,3)=""C"",$S(VAUTD:1,$D(VAUTD(+$P(^(0),U,15))):1,'+$P(^(0),U,15)&$D(VAUTD($O(^DG(40.8,0)))):1,1:0)" W !!,"If you want to print forms for all clinics in the divisions you have",!,"chosen (for those clinics with forms defined) then select ALL." W !!,"Otherwise, select the particular clinics you want.",! S DIC="^SC(",VAUTVB="VAUTC",VAUTNI=2,VAUTSTR="clinic" D FIRST^VAUTOMA K DIC G:$D(VAUTC)<11&(VAUTC=0) ENDC I VAUTC,VAUTD S ^TMP("IBDF",$J,"D","ALL")="" I VAUTC,'VAUTD S IBDIV="" F S IBDIV=$O(VAUTD(IBDIV)) Q:IBDIV="" S ^TMP("IBDF",$J,"D",IBDIV)="" I 'VAUTC S IBCLN="" F S IBCLN=$O(VAUTC(IBCLN)) Q:IBCLN="" S ^TMP("IBDF",$J,"C",IBCLN)="" ENDC K VAUTNI,VAUTD,VAUTC,VAUTVB,VAUTSTR,IBDIV,IBCLN,DIC Q ; APPTDATE ;print forms for appointments on what date? K DIR S DIR(0)="D^::AEX",DIR("B")="TODAY",DIR("A")="Appointment Date to Print Forms For" S DIR("?",1)="Only Clinics and Patients with Appointments on this Date will be allowed." S DIR("?")="Nothing will print for Appointments in Clinics/Divisions with no forms defined." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) S QUIT=1 Q S IBDT=Y Q ; ERRORTRP ;the error trap K ^TMP("IBDF",$J),^TMP("IB",$J) D @^%ZOSF("ERRTN") Q