IBDF2B ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM - (prints data field);12/15/92 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;;APR 24, 1997 DATAFLD(FIELD) ;for printing data fields to the encounter form ;IBPRINT("WITH_DATA") means to complete the form with data ;RTNLIST is used to keep a list of package interface routines called - it should not be newed ;IBPRINT("ENTIRE")=0 means just fill in the data ; N LASTITEM,RTN,MAXX,MAXY,LABEL,XLAB,YLAB,XIO,YIO,WIO,HIO,BLK,ITEM,PIECE,SPACING,DISPLAY,LAST,VALUE,FLDNAME ;LAST - the last subfield read Q:'$$FLDDESCR^IBDFU1A(FIELD) ;get the 0 node of the field description Q:BLK='IBBLK ;check that the field really belongs to correct block D RTNDSCR^IBDFU1B(.RTN) ;get the rtn used by the field ;if this is not the first time this form is being printed, and the data does not change, quit I 'IBPRINT("ENTIRE"),'RTN("CHANGES") Q I $G(IBDEVICE("LISTMAN")) D RANGE I IBPRINT("WITH_DATA")!('RTN("CHANGES")) D RTN I RTN("DATATYPE")=5 D TXTPRINT^IBDF2B1 Q ;wordprocessing fields treated differently ;now do other than wordprocessing ;process each subfield S LAST=$$SFLDDSCR^IBDFU1A(FIELD,0) Q:'LAST F D S LAST=$$SFLDDSCR^IBDFU1A(FIELD,LAST) Q:'LAST .;print labels unless it's a batch job and the form has already been computed .I IBPRINT("ENTIRE"),(LABEL'=""),DISPLAY'["I" D ..D DRWSTR^IBDFU(YLAB,XLAB,LABEL,DISPLAY) ..I IBDEVICE("LISTMAN"),((XLAB+($L(LABEL)-1))>MAXX)!(YLAB>MAXY) D WARNING .D PRNTDATA Q RANGE ;sets MAXX and MAXY to the maximum values allowed for the X,Y coordinates N BOX S BOX=$S(IBBLK("BOX")'=2:1,1:0) S MAXY=IBBLK("H")-(1+BOX) S MAXX=IBBLK("W")-(1+BOX) Q PRNTDATA ;displays the correct data to the subfield N PVALUE,NODE I RTN("DATATYPE")=1!(RTN("DATATYPE")=3) S PIECE=1 Q:'PIECE S NODE=$$DATANODE^IBDFU1B(RTN,PIECE) S PVALUE=$P($S(NODE'="":$G(VALUE(NODE)),1:$G(VALUE)),"^",PIECE) I WIO,PVALUE="" D .;print the underscore only if the data is not variable .I IBDEVICE("LISTMAN") S PVALUE=$S(IBPRINT("WITH_DATA")&RTN("CHANGES"):$J("",WIO),1:$$HLINE^IBDFU(WIO)) Q .I 'RTN("CHANGES") S PVALUE=$$HLINE^IBDFU(WIO) I PVALUE'="" D .I ('IBDEVICE("LISTMAN")),($L(PVALUE)>WIO),RTN("FULL") D OVERFLOW("CURRENT") .I 'IBDEVICE("LISTMAN"),((RTN("DATATYPE")=3)!(RTN("DATATYPE")=4)),LASTITEM,$O(@RTN("DATA_LOCATION")@(ITEM)),RTN("FULL") D OVERFLOW("NEXT") .D DRWSTR^IBDFU(YIO,XIO,$$PADRIGHT^IBDFU(PVALUE,WIO)) .I IBDEVICE("LISTMAN"),((XIO+WIO-1)>MAXX)!(YIO>MAXY) D WARNING Q RTN ;calls the rtn specified by the pkg interface if ok Q:RTN("ACTION")'=2 Q:RTN("NAME")="" ;quit if its not the first time this form has been printed and the data is not changeable Q:(('IBPRINT("ENTIRE"))&('RTN("CHANGES"))) ; N NODE S NODE="" ;call the interface routine if it has not already been called I '$D(RTNLIST(RTN("RTN"))) Q:'$$DORTN^IBDFU1B(.RTN) ; ;keep a list of rtns called because some routines return multiple data elements S:'IBDEVICE("LISTMAN") RTNLIST(RTN("RTN"))="" ; ;now fetch the value, unless it's wordprocessing field I (RTN("DATATYPE")=1)!(RTN("DATATYPE")=2) S VALUE=$G(@RTN("DATA_LOCATION")) F S NODE=$O(@RTN("DATA_LOCATION")@(NODE)) Q:NODE="" S VALUE(NODE)=$G(@RTN("DATA_LOCATION")@(NODE)) Q I (RTN("DATATYPE")=3)!(RTN("DATATYPE")=4),ITEM S VALUE=$G(@RTN("DATA_LOCATION")@(ITEM)) F S NODE=$O(@RTN("DATA_LOCATION")@(ITEM,NODE)) Q:NODE="" S VALUE(NODE)=$G(@RTN("DATA_LOCATION")@(ITEM,NODE)) Q ; ADDLINES ;if there are unused lines writes blank lines to the form ;LNSUSED is the number of lines used already,HIO is the total number of lines allowed N I,LSPACING,NUMLEFT Q:HIO'>0 I LNSUSED'MAXX)!((YIO+(NUMLEFT*LSPACING)-1)>MAXY) D WARNING F I=1:1:NUMLEFT D DRWSTR^IBDFU(YIO+LNSUSED+(I*LSPACING)-1,XIO,$$HLINE^IBDFU(WIO)) Q WARNING ; prints a warning that data field prints outside of block - meant only for display while editing a form description Q:IBWARN W !,"Data Field="_FLDNAME_" in Block="_IBBLK("NAME")_" is printing",!,"outside of the block!" D PAUSE^IBDFU5 S IBWARN=1 Q OVERFLOW(TYPE) ;keeps track of data that does not fit on the form ;TYPE=="CURRENT" if other than a WP field will not fit ; ="NEXT" if the data is from a list and the last item indicator is set S @IBARRAY("OVERFLOW")@(IBBLK,FIELD,TYPE)=$G(ITEM) Q