IBDF2G ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM - (prints input field);07/20/94 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;;APR 24, 1997 MFLD(FIELD) ;for printing the multiple choice field=FIELD N BLOCK,LABEL,ROW,COL,NODE,CHOICE,ID,DISP,FNAME,FID,ALLOWED,HDR,QLFR,PI Q:'$G(FIELD) S NODE=$G(^IBE(357.93,FIELD,0)) S BLOCK=$P(NODE,"^",8) ;if the input field does not belong to the right block, reindex it and quit I BLOCK'=IBBLK K DA S DA=FIELD,DIK="^IBE(357.93," D IX^DIK K DIK Q ; ;get the package interface S PI=$P(NODE,"^",6) ; S COL=$P(NODE,"^",3) S ROW=$P(NODE,"^",4) S HDR=$P(NODE,"^",2) I HDR]" ",ROW=+ROW,COL=+COL E S HDR="" S DISP=$P(NODE,"^",7) S FNAME=$P(NODE,"^") S ALLOWED=$P(NODE,"^",9) D:HDR]"" DRWSTR^IBDFU(+ROW,+COL,HDR,DISP) ; ;print the choices S FID="M"_FIELD S CHOICE=0 F S CHOICE=$O(^IBE(357.93,FIELD,1,CHOICE)) Q:'CHOICE D .S NODE=$G(^IBE(357.93,FIELD,1,CHOICE,0)) .S ID=$P(NODE,"^",8) ;the ID of the choice .S LABEL=$P(NODE,"^",5) .S COL=$P(NODE,"^",2) .S ROW=$P(NODE,"^",3) .S DISP=$P(NODE,"^",4) .I LABEL]" ",ROW=+ROW,COL=+COL .E S LABEL="" .D:LABEL]"" DRWSTR^IBDFU(ROW,COL,LABEL,DISP) .S COL=$P(NODE,"^",6) .S ROW=$P(NODE,"^",7) .S QLFR=$P(NODE,"^",9) .I ROW=+ROW,COL=+COL D DRWBBL^IBDFM1(ROW,COL,PI,ID,FNAME,FID,ALLOWED,LABEL,HDR,QLFR) Q