IBDF5C ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM (creating a new block) ;MARCH 22,1993 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;;APR 24, 1997 NEWBLOCK ;adds a new block, expects IBFORM to be defined N IBBLK,TOP,BOT S VALMBCK="R" S IBBLK=$$CREATE() I IBBLK D .D TOPNBOT^IBDFU5(IBBLK,.TOP,.BOT) .D IDXFORM^IBDF5A(TOP,BOT) Q CREATE() ;creates the new block and allows the user to edit it ;INPUTS: expects IBFORM to be defined ; expects IBTKBLK to be defined - IBTKBLK=1 means add to tk ;returns IBBLK N NAME,IBBLK,NODE,IBDFDONE,IBBG,IBLFT,DLAYGO S IBBG=1,IBLFT=5 S VALMBCK="R" I '$G(IBTKBLK) S IBBG=+$G(VALMBG),IBLFT=+$G(VALMLFT) S NAME=$$NEWNAME Q:NAME=-1 "" K DIC,DIE,DD,DO,DINUM S DIC="^IBE(357.1,",DIC(0)="FL",X=NAME,DLAYGO=357.1 D FILE^DICN K DIC,DIE,DA S IBBLK=+Y I 'IBBLK D .W !,"Unable to create a new block!" K DIC,DIE D PAUSE^IBDFU5 I IBBLK D .;delete everything in the block - it should be empty .D DLTCNTNT^IBDFU3(IBBLK,357.1) .;set the current position of the block to the upper left-hand corner of the screen as the default .S $P(^IBE(357.1,IBBLK,0),"^",4,5)=(IBBG-1)_"^"_(IBLFT-5) .;now let the user edit the new block - header,name,outline,etc. .K DIE,DA S DIE=357.1,DA=IBBLK,DR="[IBDF NEW EMPTY BLOCK]",DIE("NO^")="BACKOUTOK" D ^DIE K DIC,DIE,DR,DA .I 'IBDFDONE S DIK="^IBE(357.1,",DA=IBBLK K DA(1) D ^DIK K DIK,DA Q Q IBBLK NEWNAME() ; K DIR S DIR(0)="357.1,.01A",DIR("A")="New Block Name: ",DIR("B")="" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q -1 Q Y REDRAW ;redraws the ;entire form S VALMBCK="R" D UNCMPALL^IBDF19(IBFORM) D IDXFORM^IBDF5A() Q COPYBLK ;copies a block from another form,whether in the toolkit or not, expects IBFORM=current work form to be defined N IBBLK,TOP,BOT,NEWBLOCK S IBBLK=$$SELECT2^IBDF13("") I IBBLK S NEWBLOCK=$$COPYBLK^IBDFU2(IBBLK,IBFORM,357.1,357.1,$$CURY^IBDFU4,$$CURX^IBDFU4,0,"",1) I NEWBLOCK D .D RE^VALM4 .D POS^IBDFU4(NEWBLOCK) .D TOPNBOT^IBDFU5(NEWBLOCK,.TOP,.BOT) .D IDXFORM^IBDF5A(TOP,BOT) S VALMBCK="R" Q ; VIEW ;toggles between viewing form with data and without data N STARTVAL S STARTVAL=IBPRINT("WITH_DATA") I 'IBPRINT("WITH_DATA") D .D FULL^VALM1 .S DFN=$$PATIENT .I DFN S IBPRINT("WITH_DATA")=1 I '$G(IBAPPT) D NOW^%DTC S IBAPPT=% K %,%H,%I,X E I IBPRINT("WITH_DATA") S IBPRINT("WITH_DATA")=0 ; ;this action could be called at the form level or the block level - action depends on which I '$G(IBBLK) D .I STARTVAL'=IBPRINT("WITH_DATA") D JUSTDATA^IBDF2A(IBPRINT("WITH_DATA")) K ^TMP("IB",$J,"INTERFACES") I $G(IBBLK) D UNCMPBLK^IBDF19(IBBLK),IDXBLOCK^IBDFU4 S VALMBCK="R" Q ; PATIENT() ;asks for a patient, returns the DFN K DIR S DIR(0)="P^2:EM",DIR("A")="Test with what Patient" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT)!(+Y<1) Q 0 Q +Y