IBDFC3 ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM - replace original form with converted form ;MAR 3, 1995 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;;APR 24, 1997 ; REPLACE ;replaces the original form with the converted form N IBFORM,OLDFORM,IBCNVRT,NODE,OLDNAME,NEWNAME S VALMBCK="R" ;D FULL^VALM1 W !,"The original form will be replaced with the converted form in all of the",!,"clinics and divisions where it is used." K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES",DIR("A")="Is that okay" D ^DIR K DIR I (Y=1)&'$D(DIRUT) D .X IBAPI("SELECT") .Q:'IBFORM .Q:'IBCNVRT .S NODE=$G(^IBD(359,IBCNVRT,0)) .S OLDFORM=$P(NODE,"^",2),OLDNAME=$P(NODE,"^",3) .Q:'OLDFORM .D LOOP .S $P(^IBD(359,IBCNVRT,0),"^",5)=1 .; .;delete the original? .W !,"The converted form has been substituted everywhere for the original" .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES",DIR("A")="Do you want the original form deleted" .D ^DIR K DIR .I (Y=1)&'$D(DIRUT) D ..D DELETE^IBDFU2C(OLDFORM,357) ..;rename the converted form to take out the CNV. prefix ..S NAME=$P($G(^IBE(357,IBFORM,0)),"^") I $E(NAME,1,4)="CNV." S NAME=$E(NAME,5,45) S:(NAME=$E(OLDNAME,1,$L(NAME))) NAME=OLDNAME D ...K DIE,DA,DR S DIE="^IBE(357,",DA=IBFORM,DR=".01////"_NAME D ^DIE K DIE,DA,DR .; .D IDXFORMS^IBDFC1 K Y Q ; LOOP ;loops through the clinic setups and divisions setups, making the substitutions N SETUP,NODE,PIECE,FOUND S SETUP=0 F S SETUP=$O(^SD(409.95,SETUP)) Q:'SETUP D .S NODE=$G(^SD(409.95,SETUP,0)) .K DR S DR="" .S FOUND=0 .F PIECE=2:1:12 I $P(NODE,"^",PIECE)=OLDFORM S DR=DR_(.01*PIECE)_"////"_IBFORM_";",FOUND=1 .I FOUND K DIE,DA S DIE="^SD(409.95,",DA=SETUP D ^DIE .K DIE,DR,DA Q