IBDFDE3 ;ALB/AAS - AICS Manual Data Entry, process handprint fields ; 24-FEB-96 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;;APR 24, 1997 ; % G ^IBDFDE ; HNDPR(RESULT,IBDF) ; -- Procedure ; -- Manual Data entry routine for Hand Print Fields ; Input : Result := call by reference, used to output results ; IBDF("IEN") := pointer to hand print file (359.94) ; IBDF("PI") := pointer to input package interface ; IBDF("DFN") := pointer to patient ; IBDF("CLINIC") := pointer to hospital location ; ; output: Result(n) $p1 := pointer to package interface ; $p2 := input value (validated user input) ; $p3 := null ; $p4 := null ; $p5 := null ; $p6 := measurement type for vitals ; $p7 := ien in handprint file ; $p8 := vital type (name from 359.1) ; $P9 := Units (for Vitals) ; ibdpi(package interface, qlfr or n) := result(n) ; $P13 := number of the selection ; N I,J,X,Y,ANS,DISPTXT,HDR,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,IBDX,QLFR,CHOICE,OVER,IBDPRE S (IBQUIT,OVER)=0,(ANS,QLFR)="" D OBJLST^IBDFRPC1(.CHOICE,.IBDF) I +CHOICE(0)<1 G HPQ S IBDASK=$P(CHOICE(1),"^")_" " I '$D(^TMP("IBD-ASK",$J,IBDFMIEN,IBDASK)) S ^TMP("IBD-ASK",$J,IBDFMIEN,$$UP^XLFSTR(IBDASK),IBDF("IBDF"))="" I $P($G(^IBE(357.6,+IBDF("PI"),0)),"^")["INPUT VITALS" S QLFR=$P(CHOICE(1),"^",5) ; OVER ; K X,Y,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT S OVER=0 S DIR("?")="Enter the value on the form, or enter Return if there is no value" S DIR(0)="FOA^2:"_$P(CHOICE(1),"^",3) I $G(QLFR)'="",$P($G(IBDPI(IBDF("PI"),QLFR)),"^",2)'="" S DIR("B")=$P($G(IBDPI(IBDF("PI"),QLFR)),"^",2) S DIR("A")=$P(CHOICE(1),"^")_" " I $D(IBDF("ASKDATE")) S Y=$$ASKDT^IBDFDE0(DIR("A"),$S($D(DIR("B")):DIR("B"),1:$G(IBDF("DEFLT"))),"",IBDF("APPT")) G REV D ^DIR REV I $G(IBDREDIT),$G(DIR("B"))'="" S IBDPRE=DIR("B") G:Y=$G(DIR("B")) HPQ S ANS=$$UP^XLFSTR(Y) K DIR I $G(IBDREDIT),$G(IBDPRE)'="",ANS="" D DELETE W " Deleted!" G HPQ I ANS="" G HPQ I ANS["^",ANS'="^" D G HPOVER .S GOTO=$$UP^XLFSTR($P(ANS,"^",2)) .I "????"[GOTO X "W !!,""Valid Blocks to Jump to: "" S IBDX=0 F S IBDX=$O(^TMP(""IBD-ASK"",$J,IBDFMIEN,IBDX)) Q:IBDX="""" W !,?6,IBDX" S OVER=1 Q .S X=$O(^TMP("IBD-ASK",$J,IBDFMIEN,GOTO)) .I X'="",X[GOTO W $E(X,$L(GOTO)+1,$L(X)) S IBDF("GOTO")=+$O(^TMP("IBD-ASK",$J,IBDFMIEN,X,""))-1,IBDREDIT=1 Q .S IBQUIT=1 I $D(DIRUT) S IBQUIT=1 G HPQ ; VITALS ; -- if vitals, validate input S OVER=0 I $G(QLFR)'="" D I OVER G HPOVER .I $L($T(RATECHK^GMRVPCE0)) D Q ..S OVER='$$RATECHK^GMRVPCE0(QLFR,ANS,$P(CHOICE(1),"^",6)) ..Q:'OVER ..D HELP^GMRVPCE0(QLFR,"HELP") ..W ! S IBDX="" F S IBDX=$O(HELP(IBDX)) Q:IBDX="" W !,HELP(IBDX) ..W ! K ANS,HELP .I $L($T(@(QLFR))) D @QLFR Q ; ; -- delete old answer I $G(IBDREDIT),$G(IBDPRE)'="",$G(IBDPRE)'=ANS D DELETE ; I ANS'="" D .S RESULT(0)=$G(RESULT(0))+1 .S RESULT(RESULT(0))=+IBDF("PI")_"^"_ANS_"^^^^"_QLFR_"^"_$G(IBDF("IEN"))_"^"_$G(IBDF("VITAL"))_"^"_$P(CHOICE(1),"^",4) .S IBDPI(IBDF("PI"),$S($G(QLFR)'="":QLFR,1:RESULT(0)))=IBDSEL(RESULT(0)) .S $P(IBDPI(IBDF("PI"),$S($G(QLFR)'="":QLFR,1:RESULT(0))),"^",13)=RESULT(0) ; HPOVER G:OVER OVER HPQ Q ; DELETE ; -- delete old answer if changed Q:'$G(IBDREDIT)!(ANS=$G(IBDPRE)) S SEL=+$P($G(IBDPI(IBDF("PI"),QLFR)),"^",13) Q:'SEL K IBDPI(IBDF("PI"),QLFR),RESULT(SEL) I $G(RESULT(0))=1 S RESULT(0)=0 Q ; BP ; -- validate blood pressure N D,S I ANS'?2.3N1"/"2.3N S OVER=1 K ANS G BPQ S S=$P(ANS,"/"),D=$P(ANS,"/",2) I D<20!(D>200)!(S<20)!(S>275) K ANS S OVER=1 I S'>D K ANS S OVER=1 BPQ I OVER W !,"Invalid format. Enter as SYSTOLIC/DIASTOLIC (120/80). SYSTOLIC must be",!,"between 20 and 275. DIASTOLIC must be between 20 and 200. SYSTOLIC must be",!,"greater than DIASTOLIC.",! Q ; WT ; -- validate body weight I ANS'?1.3N.1".".1N!(ANS<2)!(ANS>750)!(+ANS'=ANS) K ANS S OVER=1 WTQ I OVER W !,"Enter a body weight, 1 decimal place allowed, between 2 and 750 lbs.",! Q ; HT ; --validate body height I ANS'?2N.1".".1N!(ANS<10)!(ANS>80) K ANS S OVER=1 I OVER W !,"Enter the body height in inches, 1 decimal place allowed, between 10 and 80.",! Q ; AG ; -- validate adominal girth I +ANS'=ANS!(ANS?.E1"."1N.N)!(ANS<10)!(ANS>750) K ANS S OVER=1 I OVER W !,"Enter the abdominal girth in inches, no decimal places, between 10 and 750.",! Q ; AUD ; -- validate audiometry N %AUI,%AUX I $L(ANS,"/")'=17 K ANS S OVER=1 F %AUI=1:1:16 S %AUX=$P(X,"/",%AUI) I %AUX'="" I %AUX'?1.3N!(+%AUX>110) K ANS S OVER=1 I OVER W !,"Enter 8 readings for right ear followed by 8 readings for left ear,",!,"all followed by slashes (/). Values must be between 0 and 110.",!,"EXAMPLE: 100/100/100/95/90/90/85/80/105/105/105/105/100/100/95/90/",! Q ; TMP ; -- validate temperature I ANS'?2.3N.1".".1N!(ANS<94)!(ANS>109.9)!(+ANS'=ANS) K ANS S OVER=1 I OVER W !,"Enter the body temperature in degrees fahrenheit, must be between 94 and 109.9.",! Q ; FT ; -- validate fetal heart tones I ANS'=+ANS!(ANS<50)!(ANS>250)!(ANS?.E1"."1N.N) K ANS S OVER=1 I OVER W !,"Enter Fetal Heart Tone. Must be in the range 50 -250.",! Q ; FH ; -- validate fundal height I ANS'=+ANS!(ANS<10)!(ANS>250)!(ANS?.E1"."1N.N) K ANS S OVER=1 I OVER W !,"Enter a fundal Height. Must be in the range 10 - 50",! Q ; HC ; -- validate head circumference I ANS'=+ANS!(ANS<10)!(ANS>30)!(ANS?.E1"."3N.N) K ANS S OVER=1 I OVER W !,"To enter head circumference in inches, enter the inches",!,"and decimal. Must be 10 - 30 inches and the fractional decimal part must",!,"be a multiple of 1/8 (.125)",! Q ; HE ; -- validate hearing S ANS=$$UP^XLFSTR($E(ANS)) I "AN"'[ANS K ANS S OVER=1 I OVER W !,"Enter 'A' for abnormal, or 'N' for Normal.",! Q ; PU ; -- validate pulse I ANS'?1.3N!(ANS<30)!(ANS>250) K ANS S OVER=1 I OVER W !,"Enter the patients 1 minute pulse, enter a number between 30 and 250.",! Q ; RS ; -- validate respirations I ANS'?1.2N!(ANS<8)!(ANS>90) K ANS S OVER=1 I OVER W !,"Enter the patients 1 minute number of resperations, enter a number between 8 and 90.",! Q ; TON ; -- validate tonometry N AUTONR,AUTONL I $L(ANS)>7!($L(ANS)<2)!'((ANS?.1"R"1.2N1"/")!(ANS?1"/".1"L"1.2N)!(ANS?.1"R"1.2N1"/".1"L"1.2N)) K ANS S OVER=1 S AUTONR=$P(ANS,"/",1) S:AUTONR?1"R".N AUTONR=$E(AUTONR,2,10) S AUTONL=$P(ANS,"/",2) S:AUTONL?1"L".N AUTONL=$E(AUTONL,2,10) I AUTONR'="" I AUTONR<0!(AUTONR>80) K ANS S OVER=1 I AUTONL'="" I AUTONL<0!(AUTONL>80) K ANS S OVER=1 TONX I OVER W !,"Enter a reading for the RIGHT eye, followed by a SLASH, followed",!,"by the reading for the LEFT eye. The SLASH is required. Readings can be",!,"between 0 and 80. Examples: 18/18, /20, 18/, 10/13" Q ; VC ; -- validate vision corrected ; same input as uncorrected VU ; -- validate vision uncorrected I $L(ANS)>7!($L(ANS)<2)!'((ANS?2.3N)!(ANS?1"/"2.3N)!(ANS?2.3N1"/"2.3N)) K ANS S OVER=1 I $P(ANS,"/",1)'="" I $P(ANS,"/",1)<10!($P(ANS,"/",1)>999) K ANS S OVER=1 I $P(ANS,"/",2)'="" I $P(ANS,"/",2)<10!($P(ANS,"/",2)>999) K ANS S OVER=1 I OVER W !,"Enter denominators only. The 20/ is assumed. Enter right eye",!,"/ left eye in form n/n (20/20). If right eye only enter n (20).",!,"If left eye only enter /n (/20). Must be between 10 and 999." Q