IBDFDEA ;ALB/AAS - AICS Data Entry API ; 19-JUN-96 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;;APR 24, 1997 ; ; EN1(PXCA,IBDF) ; -- Procedure ; -- supported reference to process encounter form data. ; Packages that know patient, visit date/time, and clinic ; can call this api to use the AICS data entry system to prompt ; users for encounter data and subsequently store this data ; using the PCE device interface (this is done automatically using ; the aics parameters). ; D EN1^IBDFDEA(.RESULTS,.IBDF) ; ; -- Input: PXCA, called by reference, the results of processing ; are returned in this array. See PCE device inteface ; manual for description of data nodes ; IBDF, called by reference ; IBDF("APPT") := Appointment Date Time (required) ; IBDF("DFN") := pointer to patient file (required) ; IBDF("CLINIC") := pointer to hospital location file (44) ; (optional) if clinic not defined and no ; form printed, no data entry allowed ; IBDF("NOAPPT") := (optional) if AICS parameters allow ; making follow up appointments, setting ; this to any non-zero value will suppress ; the ability to add followup appointments ; IBDF("PROVIDER") := (optional) if defined, will be used as ; primary provider for data entry, use ; for provider data entry options ; N %,%H,C,I,J,X,Y,ADD,DEL,ASKOTHER,DIR,DIC,DA,CNT,DFN,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,POP,RTN,FRMDATA,IBY,IBQUIT,IBDOBJ,IBDPTSTI,IBDPTSTE,IBDPTNM,IBDPTDTI,SEL N IBDPTDTE,IBDFMNME,IBDFMIEN,IBDFMSTI,IBDFMSTE,IBDFMIDI,IBDCLNME,IBFORM,IBDCLNPH,IBDPID,IBDPTPRI,IBDSEL,IBDPI,IBDCO,SDCLST,PXCASTAT,PXKNODA,PXKNODB,IBDREDIT,IBDASK,IBDPRE,IBDOK N ANS1,AUPNDAYS,AUPNDOB,AUPNDOD,AUPNPAT,AUPNSEX,FORMLST ; I '$D(IOF) D HOME^%ZIS G:'$G(IBDF("DFN")) EN1Q S DFN=IBDF("DFN") G:'$G(IBDF("APPT")) EN1Q S IBQUIT=0 ; ; -- if no form create entry S FORMLST=$$FINDID^IBDF18C(DFN,IBDF("APPT"),"",1) I FORMLST="",$G(IBDF("CLINIC")) D ANYWAY^IBDFDE6 ; G:IBQUIT EN1Q ; I FORMLST F IBDX=1:1 S IBDF("FORM")=$P(FORMLST,"^",IBDX) Q:IBDF("FORM")="" I IBDF("FORM")'="" D EN^IBDFDE K IBDSEL,IBDPI Q:IBQUIT ; EN1Q Q ; SCANFRM(X) ; is entry scannable Q +$P($G(^IBE(357,+$P($G(^IBD(357.95,+$P($G(^IBD(357.96,X,0)),"^",4),0)),"^",21),0)),"^",12) ; DELFT ; -- Delete forms Tracking Entry N I,J,IBD,DIR,DIRUT,VALMY,IBDF,IBDNODE,DFN,APPT,IBX,CLN,IBQUIT,FORMID D EN^VALM2($G(XQORNOD(0))) I $D(VALMY) D FULL^VALM1 S IBD=0 F S IBD=$O(VALMY(IBD)) Q:'IBD!$D(DIRUT) D .S IBDF=$P($G(^TMP("FRMIDX",$J,+IBD)),"^",2) .S IBDNODE=$G(^IBD(357.96,+IBDF,0)) I IBDNODE="" W !,"No Form Tracking record associated with entry #",IBD H 2 Q .I $D(^XUSEC("IBD MANAGER",DUZ)) D ..S IBX=$P(IBDNODE,"^",11) I IBX>1,IBX<20 W !!,"***** Status indicates action has been taken on this entry #"_IBD_" *****" ..W !!?25,"*** Entry #"_IBD_" STATUS: "_$S(IBX=1:"PRINTED",IBX=2:"SCANNED",IBX=3:"SCD/PCE",IBX=4:"SCD w/ER",IBX=5:"DENTRY",IBX=6:"DE to PCE",IBX=7:"DE w/ER",IBX=11:"PEND Pgs",IBX=12:"NO TRANS",20:"AVAIL DE",1:"NOT PRNT")_" ***" .I '$D(^XUSEC("IBD MANAGER",DUZ)) D ..S DFN=$P(IBDNODE,"^",2),APPT=$P(IBDNODE,"^",3),CLN=$P(IBDNODE,"^",10),FORMID=$P(IBDNODE,"^",4) ..I $D(^DPT(DFN,"S",APPT,0)),$P(^DPT(DFN,"S",APPT,0),"^",1)=CLN D ; !,"Entry #"_IBD_" - Nothing Deleted...Deleting entries only allowed for entries not associated with an appointment." H 2 S IBQUIT=1 Q ...I $D(^IBD(357.95,FORMID,0)),'$P(^IBD(357.95,FORMID,0),"^",2) W !,"Entry #"_IBD_" - Nothing Deleted...This entry is associated with an appointment, and is the most current version of the form." H 2 S IBQUIT=1 Q ..;I $P(IBDNODE,"^",11)>1,$P(IBDNODE,"^",11)<20 W !,"Status indicates action taken on this entry, deletion not allowed." H 2 Q .I '$D(IBQUIT) W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("A")="Are You Sure you want to delete entry #"_IBD .I '$D(IBQUIT) D ^DIR I Y'=1 W !,"Entry #",IBD," not Deleted!" H 2 Q .I '$D(IBQUIT) D DP1 .K IBQUIT I '$D(VALMY) G DTQ1 ; DTQ K ^TMP("CNT",$J),^TMP("FRM",$J),^TMP("FTRK",$J),^TMP("STATS",$J),^TMP("FRMIDX",$J),^TMP("STAIDX",$J) D EXIT1^IBDFFT,START^IBDFFT1 DTQ1 S VALMBCK="R" Q ; DP1 ; -- actual deletion of forms tracking entry N DA,DIC,DIK S DA=IBDF,DIK="^IBD(357.96," D ^DIK W !,"Entry ",IBD," Deleted!" Q