IBDFHLP ;MAF/ALB - HELP CODE FOR SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ; 06-OCT-1994 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;;APR 24, 1997 EN ; -- main entry point for IBDF EF HELP SPEC INSTR. D EN^VALM("IBDF EF HELP SPEC INSTR.") Q ; HDR ; -- header code Q ; INIT ; -- init variables and list array S (VALMCNT,IBJCNT,IBJCNT1,IBJCOUNT)=0 K ^TMP("IBDFHP",$J) F IBJX=1:1 S IBJVAL=$P($T(DISP+IBJX),";;",2) Q:IBJVAL="END" S X="",X=$$SETSTR^VALM1(IBJVAL,X,5,75) D TMP Q ; HELP ; -- help code S X="?" D DISP^XQORM1 W !! Q ; EXIT ; -- exit code K ^TMP("IBDFHP",$J),^TMP("HPIDX",$J) Q ; EXPND ; -- expand code Q ; DISP ;Help frame for Special Instructions ;; The choices for Special Instructions are: ;; ;; R - Run Regardless ;; I - Ignore both Weekends and Holidays ;; W - Ignore Weekends ;; H - Ignore Holidays ;; T - Today ;; N - Not Active ;; ;; ;; R - Run Regardless ... The print job will run daily at the scheduled time. ;; ;; I - Ignore Weekends and Holidays... The print job will not run at it's ;; daily scheduled time if the day is a holiday or a weekend day. ;; ;; W - Ignore Weekends... The print job will not run at it's daily scheduled ;; time if the day is a weekend day. ;; ;; H - Ignore Holidays... The print job will not run at it's daily scheduled ;; time if the day is a holiday. ;; ;; T - Today... The job will run today. ;; ;; N - Not Active... The job is considered inactive and the encounter forms ;; will not be printed. ;;END TMP S IBJCNT=IBJCNT+1,IBJCNT1=IBJCNT1+1,VALMCNT=VALMCNT+1 S ^TMP("IBDFHP",$J,IBJCNT,0)=X,^TMP("IBDFHP",$J,"IDX",VALMCNT,IBJCNT)="" S ^TMP("HPIDX",$J,IBJCNT)=VALMCNT Q