IBDFN3 ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM - (entry points for reports); 5/21/93 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;**20,25,45**;APR 24, 1997 RXPROF ;Outpatient Pharmacy Action Profile and Information Profile ;INPUTS: ;PSDAYS = number of days to print the medication profile for ;PSTYPE=1 for the Action Profile, =0 for the Information Profile ;PSONOPG=2 variable needed to indicate to Profiles to not close device ; and not to form feed ;PSOSITE= Division -- ien from file 40.8, not always same as in file 59 ;DFN ; N IBDFN,ADDR,ADDRFL,CLASS,CNDT,DRUG,HDFL,I,II,J,L,LINE,P,PAGE,PSDOB,PSIIX,PSNAME,PSOI,PSSN,PSIX,PGM,PRF,PSDATE,VAL,VAR,RX,RX0,RX2,ST,ST0,PSDAY,RF,RFS N PSOPRINT,X1,X2,ZTSK,X,Y,PSII,PSDT,LMI,PSCNT,PSDIS,RXCNTLN,ELN,FN,CNT,VAERR,LN,PCLASS,PSOIFSUP,PSOINST,PSOSITE,PSONOPG,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIRUT Q:(+$G(DFN)=0) S IBDFN=DFN S X1=DT,X2=-PSDAYS D C^%DTC S (PSDATE,PSDAY)=X S LINE=$TR($J(" ",IOM)," ","-") ; ; -- get site name, turn on barcoding, set to not close device S PSOINST=$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",3) S PSOPAR=1,PSONOPG=2 I $G(IBCLINIC)]"" S PSOSITE=$P($G(^SC(IBCLINIC,0)),"^",15) I $G(PSTYPE)=0 S PAGE=1 D DFN^PSOSD1 ; -- Informational Profile I $G(PSTYPE)=1 S PAGE=1 D DFN^PSOSD1 ; -- Action Profile W:$Y @IOF ; S DFN=IBDFN K VA,VAEL,VAPA Q ; DRUGS ;prints the medication profile of Outpatient Pharmacy ;doesn't seem to be needed, integration agreement not obtained to use this ;INPUTS: ;PLS=0 for long, 1 for short ;PSRT="D" to sort by date, "M" to sort by medication, "C" to sort by class ;DFN ; ;N IBDFN,DRUG,ZII,PHYS,CT,AL,I1,REF,LMI,PI,FN,Y,I,J,RX,DRX,ST,RX0,RX2,DA,D0,DIC,DIPGM,II,K,ST0,TEMP,Z,LMI,RXD,RXF,PI,AL,D0,DIPGM,II,PSCNT,PSDIV,PSLC,PSDIS ; ;S (FN,IBDFN,D0,DA)=DFN ;I '$D(^PS(55,IBDFN,"P")),'$D(^("ARC")) D ^PSODEM W !?20,"NO PHARMACY INFORMATION" G RXQ ;I '$O(^PS(55,IBDFN,"P",0)),$D(^PS(55,IBDFN,"ARC")) D ^PSODEM W !!,"PATIENT HAS ARCHIVED PRESCRIPTIONS",! G RXQ ;D P^PSOP RXQ ;W @IOF ;S DFN=IBDFN ;K ^UTILITY($J) Q ROUTING ;entry point for printing a routing sheet for a single patient ;Sets IBPRINT=1 so that it will be known that this entry point was used ;inputs - ; DFN ; IBAPPT - the appointment ; IBCLINIC - pointer to the clinic ;protect variables that may be changed N %,%DT,%I,ADDR,ALL,APDATE,IBDFN,DGMT,DIC,DIV,G,GDATE,H,I,J,K,L,LL,M,NAME,NDATE,ORD,ORDER,P,POP,PRDATE N SC,SDA,SDATE,SDCNT,SDI,SDI1,SDIQ,SDM,SDREP,SDSP,SDSTART,SDVA,SDX,SDX1,SSN,SZ,TDO,X,X1,Y,ZIP,ZX,VAR,C,V,SDEF,A,SD,SCN,SDTD,SDSCCOND,SDPARMS ; ;protect DFN Q:(+$G(DFN)=0) S IBDFN=DFN N DFN S DFN=IBDFN ; ;set the start date to the date of the appt S SDPARMS("START")=IBAPPT\1 ;keep the device open S SDPARMS("DO NOT CLOSE")=1 ;set DIV to the division of IBCLINIC S DIV=$P($G(^SC(IBCLINIC,0)),"^",15) D EN1^SDROUT1 Q