IBDFU7 ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM - (utilities to handle form locks);3/29/93 ;;3.0;AUTOMATED INFO COLLECTION SYS;;APR 24, 1997 LOCKFORM(FORM) ;locks the form - returns 0 if unsuccessful, 1 otherwise ;this lock is used to prevent multiple processes from simultaneously compiling a form L +^IBE(357,FORM,"LOCK1"):10 Q $T ; LOCKFRM2(FORM) ;locks the form - returns 0 if unsuccessful, 1 otherwise ;this lock is used to prevent multiple users from editing a form simultaneously L +^IBE(357,FORM,"LOCK2"):5 Q $T ; FREEFORM(FORM) ;unlocks the form L -^IBE(357,FORM,"LOCK1") Q ; FREEFRM2(FORM) ;unlocks the form locked by LOCKFRM2() L -^IBE(357,FORM,"LOCK2") Q ; ; LOCKMSG2(FORM) ;displays a message to the user for forms unavailable by LOCKFRM2() N FORMNAME S FORMNAME=$P($G(^IBE(357,FORM,0)),"^",1) W !!,"The form = '"_FORMNAME_"' is currently not available.",!,"It is being edited by another person.",! D PAUSE^IBDFU5 Q