LA7DEDT ;DALOI/PWC/RLM-LA7D EDIT FOREIGN COMPUTER INTERFACE FILE ;02/14/2000 ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**53,58**;Sep 27, 1994 ; Reference to $$FIND1^DIC supported by IA #2051 ; Reference to LIST^DIC supported by IA #2051 ; Reference to UPDATE^DIE supported by IA #2053 ; Reference to ^DIK supported by IA #10013 ; Reference to ^DIR supported by IA #10026 ; ; This routine will allow the user to enter a foreign computer ; system name and the supported ward(s) for each name ; (ie. CareVue, Marquette) ; K ^TMP("DIERR",$J) K CNT,DA,DEL,DIERR,DIK,DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DONE,DTOUT,DUOUT,FROM K I,IEN,IRESULT,J,LA7D,LA7DERR,LA7DERR1,LA7DIEN,LA7DTMP,LAIEN K LAIENW,OK,WIEN,WWIEN,X,Y ADDNEW ; K DIR S DIR("A")="Do you wish to Add or Edit a Bedside Monitor" ;S DIR("?")="" S DIR(0)="S^a:ADD;e:EDIT" S DIR("B")="E" D ^DIR Q:X=""!($D(DIRUT))!($D(DIROUT)) G:Y="a" ADD NAME ; input the name of the bedside monitor interface D HELPM K DIR S DIR("A")="Enter BEDSIDE MONITOR INTERFACE NAME" S DIR("?")="Enter Bedside Monitor Name (ie. CareVue, Marquette)" S DIR(0)="PO^62.487:LEM" K DIR("B") S DLAYGO="62.487" D ^DIR K DLAYGO Q:X=""!($D(DIRUT))!($D(DIROUT)) S IRESULT=$P(Y,"^",2) S LA7DIEN=$S($D(IEN(1)):IEN(1),1:+Y) S DONE=0 ; WARD ; input the ward # associated with the bedside monitor interface ; D HELPW K DIR S DIR("A")="Enter "_IRESULT_" WARD" S DIR("?")="Enter wards associated with this bedside monitor" S DIR(0)="P^44:EMZ" F J=1:1 D Q:DONE . K DIR("B") . D ^DIR I X=""!($D(DIRUT))!($D(DIROUT)) S DONE=1 Q . S WIEN=+Y . I WIEN=0!(WIEN="") W " Invalid" Q ; does not exist in file 44 . K LA7DERR . S WWIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(62.4871,","_LA7DIEN_",","AX",$P(Y,"^",2),,,"LA7DERR") . ;I $D(LA7DERR) K LA7DERR S WWIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(62.4871,","_LA7DIEN_",","AX",$P(Y,"^",2),,,"LA7DERR") . ;I $D(LA7DERR) W !,"There is an error with this entry." Q . I WWIEN'=0 W " already on file" D DELETE Q ; exists in file 62.487 . K LA7D,LA7DERR,LAIENW ; does not exist, add to database . F CNT=1:1 Q:'$D(^LAB(62.487,LA7DIEN,1,CNT)) . I CNT=LA7DIEN S CNT=CNT+1 . S LA7D(62.487,LA7DIEN_",",.01)=IRESULT . S LA7D(62.4871,"?+"_CNT_","_LA7DIEN_",",.01)=WIEN . D UPDATE^DIE("S","LA7D","LAIENW","LA7DERR") . I $D(LA7DERR) W !,$G(LA7DERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1)) EXIT ; K CNT,DA,DEL,DIERR,DIK,DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DONE,DTOUT,DUOUT,FROM K I,IEN,IRESULT,J,LA7D,LA7DERR,LA7DERR1,LA7DIEN,LA7DTMP,LAIEN K LAIENW,OK,WIEN,WWIEN,X,Y K ^TMP("DIERR",$J) Q ; HELPW ; A list of available wards will display before the WARD prompt is issued. ; W !," Current Wards for ",$P(^LAB(62.487,LA7DIEN,0),"^") K LA7DTMP,LA7DERR1 S FROM="" D LIST^DIC(62.4871,","_LA7DIEN_",",.01,,,FROM,,,,,"LA7DTMP","LA7DERR1") F J=1:1 Q:'$D(LA7DTMP("DILIST",1,J)) W !," ",LA7DTMP("DILIST",1,J) I '(J#5) K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR Q:'Y Q ; HELPM ; A list of available Bedside Monitors will display before the BEDSIDE MONITOR prompt is issued. ; W !," Current Bedside Monitors" K LA7DTMP,LA7DERR1 S FROM="" D LIST^DIC(62.487,,.01,,,FROM,,,,,"LA7DTMP","LA7DERR1") F J=1:1 Q:'$D(LA7DTMP("DILIST",1,J)) W !," ",LA7DTMP("DILIST",1,J) I '(J#5) K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR Q:'Y Q ; ADD ;Add an entry to 62.487 D HELPM K DIR S DIR("A")="Enter the name of the NEW Bedside Monitor" S DIR(0)="F^3:30" D ^DIR Q:X=""!($D(DIRUT))!($D(DIROUT)) S Y=$$FIND1^DIC(62.487,,,X,,,"LA7DERRA") S IRESULT=X I Y!(Y="") W !,X_" exists, please select a new name." I Y=0 S DIR("A")=X_" does not exist. Do you wish to add it?" S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="N" D ^DIR G:'Y ADD D . K LA7D ;does not exist, add to database . S LA7D(62.487,"?+1,",.01)=IRESULT . D UPDATE^DIE("ES","LA7D","LAIEN","LA7DERR") . ;do the FIND1^DIC again since we don't know the IEN . S Y=$$FIND1^DIC(62.487,,,X) . S LA7DIEN=LAIEN(1),DONE=0 G WARD Q DELETE ; delete entry from ^LAB(62.487 ; W !,"Ward already on File, DELETE (Y/N) [N] " R DEL:DTIME S:DEL="" DEL="N" Q:DEL="N"!(DEL="^") I DEL'="Y" W $C(7)," Must enter Y or N" G DELETE K DIK,DA S DA(1)=LA7DIEN,DA=WWIEN S DIK="^LAB(62.487,"_DA(1)_",1," D ^DIK K DIK,DA Q ZEOR ;LA7DEDT