LA7SBCR1 ;DALOI/JMC - Shipping Barcode Reader Utility ; 23 Feb 2004 ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**27,46,64**;Sep 27, 1994 Q ; PT(LA7,LA7PROM,LA7SCFG) ; Setup patient/ordering site info from barcode. ; Input: ; LA7=array to return values ; LA7PROM=array of prompts to display to user ; LA7SCFG=array of shipping configuration info ; ; Returns array LA7() ; If successful DFN=ien of patient in #2, if DPF=2 ; DOB=patient's date of birth ; DPF=source file (2, 67, or 537010) ; CDT=collection date/time ; ERROR=0 ; PNM=patient name ; RSITE=sending site ; RUID=specimen unique identifier ; SEX=patient's sex ; SSN=patient's SSN ; ; unsuccessful ERROR=>0 ; N LA7BCS,LA7IEN,LA7X,LA7Y,LA7Z,Y S LA7="",LA7BCS=0,LA7PNM="" S LA7PROM=$G(LA7PROM,"Patient/Accession Info (PD)") S Y=$$RD^LA7SBCR(.LA7PROM,1) ; I Y=0 D Q . S LA7("ERROR")="1^User timeout/abort" ; I Y<1 D Q . S LA7("ERROR")="2^Incorrect bar-code format" ; ; barcode info & longitudinal parity check ; original style bar code I $E(Y,1,9)="1^STX^PD^" D . S LA7=$P(Y,"STX^PD^",2) . S LA7=$P(LA7,"^ETX",1) . S LA7("LPC")=$P(Y,"^ETX",2) ; new style bar code I $E(Y,1,5)="1^PD^" D . S LA7=$P(Y,"^",3,6) . S LA7("LPC")=$P(Y,"^",7) . S LA7BCS=1 ; I LA7="" D Q . S LA7("ERROR")="2^Incorrect bar-code format" ; I $G(LA7("LPC"))'=$G(LA7SCFG("LPC")) D Q . S LA7("ERROR")="9^Parity check does not match on (SM) and (PD) barcodes" ; S LA7("RSITE")=$P(LA7,"^",2) I LA7("RSITE")'=$P(LA7SCFG("RSITE"),"^",3) D . S LA7("ERROR")="31^Site in PD barcode does not match shipping configuration file" ; ; Remote specimen identifier S LA7("RUID")=$P(LA7,"^",3) ; ; Specimen collection date, using either old or new style(LA7BCS=1) bar code I 'LA7BCS,$P(LA7,"^",5) S LA7("CDT")=$$DT^LA7SBCR($P(LA7,"^",5)) I LA7BCS,$P(LA7,"^",4) S LA7("CDT")=$$DT^LA7SBCR($P(LA7,"^",4)) ; ; Patient identifier S LA7X=$P(LA7,"^") ; Patient's ID ; ; No SSN in first piece I LA7X="" S LA7("ERROR")="3^No SSN in barcode" Q S LA7("SSN")=LA7X ; ; Try LAB PENDING ORDERS file D LPO(.LA7,LA7SCFG("SMID")) ; ; Check for patient in file #2. I $G(LA7("ERROR")) D DPT(.LA7,LA7X) ; ; Else try Lab Referral file. I $G(LA7("ERROR")) D LRT(.LA7,LA7X) ; ; Get additional info from PD1 bar code I +$G(LA7("ERROR"))=4 D PD1 Q ; ; DPT(LA7,LA7X) ; Lookup in Patient file. ; Check for patient in file #2. S LA7Y=$O(^DPT("SSN",LA7X,0)) ; SSN not found. I 'LA7Y S LA7("ERROR")="4^Unsuccessful SSN lookup" Q S LA7Y(0)=$G(^DPT(LA7Y,0)) ; SSN not found. I LA7Y(0)="" S LA7("ERROR")="4^Unsuccessful SSN lookup" Q ; D DPTSET(.LA7,LA7Y) Q ; ; LRT(LA7,LA7X) ; Lookup in Lab Referral file. ; Clear error flag. S LA7("ERROR")="" S LA7Y=$O(^LRT(67,"C",LA7X,0)) ; SSN not found. I 'LA7Y S LA7("ERROR")="4^Unsuccessful SSN lookup" Q S LA7Y(0)=$G(^LRT(67,LA7Y,0)) ; SSN not found. I LA7Y(0)="" S LA7("ERROR")="4^Unsuccessful SSN lookup" Q D LRTSET(.LA7,LA7Y) Q ; ; LPO(LA7,LA7SM) ; Lookup in LAB PENDING ORDERS file #69.6 ; N LA7696,LA7RUID S LA7RUID=LA7("RUID"),LA7696="" I LA7SM'="",LA7RUID'="" S LA7696=$O(^LRO(69.6,"AD",LA7SM,LA7RUID,0)) I 'LA7696 S LA7("ERROR")="4^Unsuccessful SSN lookup" Q D LPOSET(.LA7,LA7696) Q ; ; DPTSET(LA7,LA7Y) ; Setup array from Patient file. ; N RACE,LA7ERR S LA7Y(0)=$G(^DPT(LA7Y,0)) ; Zeroth node not found. I LA7Y(0)="" S LA7("ERROR")="6^No zeroth node in file" Q S LA7("DFN")=LA7Y S LA7("DOB")=$P(LA7Y(0),"^",3) ; Source file S:LA7Y LA7("DPF")=2_U_"DPT(" S LA7("PNM")=$P(LA7Y(0),"^") S LA7("RIEN")=+$G(^DPT(LA7Y,"LRT")) S LA7("SEX")=$P(LA7Y(0),"^",2) S LA7("SSN")=$P(LA7Y(0),"^",9) D GETS^DIQ(2,LA7Y_",","2*","I","RACE","LA7ERR") I '$D(LA7ERR) D . S X=$Q(RACE(2.02)) Q:X="" . S LA7("RACE")=$P(@X,"^") Q ; ; LRTSET(LA7,LA7Y) ; Setup array from Lab Referral file. S LA7Y(0)=$G(^LRT(67,LA7Y,0)) ; Zeroth node not found. I LA7Y(0)="" S LA7("ERROR")="6^No zeroth node in file" Q S LA7("DFN")=LA7Y S LA7("DOB")=$P(LA7Y(0),"^",3) ; ; Source file S:LA7Y LA7("DPF")=67_U_"LRT(67," ; S LA7("PNM")=$P(LA7Y(0),"^") S LA7("RIEN")=LA7Y S LA7("SEX")=$P(LA7Y(0),"^",2) S LA7("SSN")=$P(LA7Y(0),"^",9) Q ; ; LPOSET(LA7,LA7Y) ; Setup array from LAB PENDING ORDERS file #69.6 ; N I F I=0,.1 S LA7Y(I)=$G(^LRO(69.6,LA7Y,I)) ; Zeroth node not found. I LA7Y(0)="" D Q . S LA7("ERROR")="6^No zeroth node in file" ; Patient identifiers don't match I LA7("SSN")'=$P(LA7Y(0),U,9) Q ; S LA7("PNM")=$P(LA7Y(0),U,1) S LA7("DOB")=$P(LA7Y(0),U,3) S LA7("SEX")=$P(LA7Y(0),U,2) S LA7("DPF")="67^LRT(67," S LA7("RACE")=$P(LA7Y(.1),U) S LA7("ERROR")="" S LA7("RIEN")=$O(^LRT(67,"C",LA7("SSN"),0)) I $G(LA7("RIEN")),$G(^LRT(67,LA7("RIEN"),"LR")) D . S LA7("LRDFN")=^LRT(67,LA7("RIEN"),"LR") . S LA7("DFN")=LA7("RIEN") Q ; ; PD1 ; Read PD1 bar code information ; N LA7PROM ; S LA7PROM="Scan Patient Name Barcode (PD1)" S LA7PROM(1)="Patient Demographics not found" S LA7("ERROR")="",LA7Z="" S Y=$$RD^LA7SBCR(.LA7PROM,1) I Y<1 D Q . S LA7("ERROR")="2^Incorrect bar-code format" ; ; barcode info & longitudinal parity check ; original style bar code I $E(Y,1,10)="1^STX^PD1^" D . S LA7Z=$P(Y,"STX^PD1^",2) . S LA7Z=$P(LA7Z,"^ETX") . S LA7Z("LPC")=$P(Y,"^ETX",2) ; new style bar code I $E(Y,1,6)="1^PD1^" D . S LA7Z=$P(Y,"^",3,6) . S LA7Z("LPC")=$P(Y,"^",7) ; I LA7Z="" D Q . S LA7("ERROR")="2^Incorrect bar-code format" ; I $G(LA7Z("LPC"))'=$G(LA7SCFG("LPC")) D Q . S LA7("ERROR")="10^Parity check does not match on (SM) and (PD1) barcodes" ; ; Name not found. I $L($P(LA7Z,U,2))<2 D Q . S LA7("ERROR")="21^Unsuccessful name scan" ; ; wrong patient scanned not found. I $P(LA7Z,U)'=LA7("SSN") D Q . S LA7("ERROR")="22^SSN does not match PD barcode" ; ; Wrong DOB format. I $P(LA7Z,U,3)'?7N D Q . S LA7("ERROR")="23^Incorrect DOB" ; S LA7("PNM")=$P(LA7Z,U,2) S LA7("DOB")=$P(LA7Z,U,3) S LA7("SEX")=$P(LA7Z,U,4) S LA7("DPF")="67^LRT(67," S LA7("ERROR")="" Q