LA7VIN1 ;DALOI/JMC - Process Incoming UI Msgs, continued ; 01/14/99 ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**46,64**;Sep 27, 1994 ; This routine is a continuation of LA7VIN and is only called from there. ; It is called with each message found in the incoming queue. Q ; NXTMSG ; N FDA,LA7ABORT,LA7CNT,LA7END,LA7ERR N LA7INDX,LA7QUIT,LA7SEG,LA7STYP ; S LA7ERR="" S (LA7ABORT,LA7CNT,LA7END,LA7INDX,LA7QUIT,LA7SEQ)=0 S DT=$$DT^XLFDT S LA7ID="UNKNOWN-I-" ; ; Message built but no text. I '$O(^LAHM(62.49,LA76249,150,0)) D Q . S (LA7ABORT,LA7ERR)=6 . D CREATE^LA7LOG(LA7ERR) . D SETID^LA7VHLU1(LA76249,LA7ID,"UNKNOWN") ; ; Process message segments ; Lab currently does not accept segments beginning with the letter "Z" ; which are reserved for locally-defined messages. "Z" segments will be ; ignored by this software. F S LA7END=$$GETSEG^LA7VHLU2(LA76249,.LA7INDX,.LA7SEG) Q:LA7END!(LA7ABORT) D . S LA7STYP=$E(LA7SEG(0),1,3) ; Segment type . I $E(LA7STYP,1)="Z" Q . ; Not a valid segment type . I LA7STYP'?2U1UN D Q . . S LA7ERR=34 . . D CREATE^LA7LOG(LA7ERR) . ; Segment encoded wrong - field separator does not match . I "MSH^FSH^BHS^"'[(LA7STYP_"^"),$E(LA7SEG(0),4)'=LA7FS D Q . . S LA7ERR=35 . . D CREATE^LA7LOG(LA7ERR) . I $T(@LA7STYP)="" Q ; No processing logic for this segment type . D @LA7STYP ; ; Set id if only MSH segment received. I LA7SEQ<5 D . D SETID^LA7VHLU1(LA76249,LA7ID,"UNKNOWN") ; ; Set status to purgeable if no errors. I $P($G(^LAHM(62.49,LA76249,0)),"^",3)'="E" D . S FDA(1,62.49,LA76249_",",2)="X" . D FILE^DIE("","FDA(1)","LA7ERR(1)") ; ; Store identifier's found in message. D UPID^LA7VHLU1(LA76249) ; ; Send new result alert for ORU messages if turned on. ; Currently only on LEDI (10) type interfaces. I $G(LA7MTYP)="ORU",$D(^LAHM(62.48,+$G(LA76248),20,"B",1)) D . I LA7INTYP=10,$D(^TMP("LA7-ORU",$J,LA76248)) D XQA^LA7UXQA(1,LA76248) ; ; Send new order alert for ORM messages if turned on. I $G(LA7MTYP)="ORM",$D(^LAHM(62.48,+$G(LA76248),20,"B",3)) D . N LA7ROOT . S LA7ROOT="^TMP(""LA7-ORM"",$J)" . F S LA7ROOT=$Q(@LA7ROOT) Q:$QS(LA7ROOT,1)'="LA7-ORM"!($QS(LA7ROOT,2)'=$J) D . . D XQA^LA7UXQA(3,$QS(LA7ROOT,3),"",$QS(LA7ROOT,4),"",$QS(LA7ROOT,5)) ; ; Cleanup shipping config test info used to process orders I $G(LA7MTYP)="ORM" K ^TMP("LA7TC",$J) ; ; If amended results received then send bulletins I $D(^TMP("LA7 AMENDED RESULTS",$J)) D SENDARB^LA7VIN1A ; ; If cancelled orders received then send bulletins I $D(^TMP("LA7 ORDER STATUS",$J)) D SENDOSB^LA7VIN1A ; ; If units/normals changed then send bulletins I $D(^TMP("LA7 UNITS/NORMALS CHANGED",$J)) D SENDUNCB^LA7VIN1A ; ; If abnormal/critical results then send bulletins I $D(^TMP("LA7 ABNORMAL RESULTS",$J)) D SENDACB^LA7VIN1A ; D KILLMSH ; Q ; ; MSA ;; Process MSA segment ; D KILLMSA ; D MSA^LA7VIN3 ; ; Set sequence flag S LA7SEQ=5 Q ; ; BSH ;; Process various HL7 header segments FSH ;; MSH ;; D KILLMSH ; D MSH^LA7VIN2 ; ; Set sequence flag S LA7SEQ=1 Q ; ; NTE ;; Process NTE segment ; I LA7SEQ<30 D Q . ; Put code to log error - no OBR/OBX segment ; ; Flag set that there was problem with OBR segment, ; skip associated NTE segments that follow OBR/OBX segments I LA7QUIT=2 Q ; I LA7MTYP="ORU" D NTE^LA7VIN2 I LA7MTYP="ORM" D NTE^LA7VIN2 I LA7MTYP="ORR" D NTE^LA7VIN2 ; Q ; ; OBR ;; Process OBR segment ; D KILLOBR ; ; Clear flag to process this segment I LA7QUIT=2 S LA7QUIT=0 ; ; If not UI interface and no PID segment I LA7INTYP'=1,LA7SEQ<10 D Q . S (LA7ABORT,LA7ERR)=46 . D CREATE^LA7LOG(LA7ERR) ; I LA7MTYP="ORR" D OBR^LA7VIN4 I LA7MTYP="ORU" D OBR^LA7VIN4 I LA7MTYP="ORM" D OBR^LA7VORM ; ; Set sequence flag S LA7SEQ=30 Q ; ; OBX ;; Process OBX segment ; D KILLOBX ; ; No OBR segment, can't process OBX I LA7SEQ<30 D Q . S (LA7ABORT,LA7ERR)=9 . D CREATE^LA7LOG(LA7ERR) ; ; Flag set that there was problem with OBR segment, ; skip associated OBX segments that follow OBR segment I LA7QUIT=2 Q ; ; Process result messages (ORU). I LA7MTYP="ORU" D . ; Process "CH" subscript results. . I $G(LA7SS)="CH" D . . I '$G(LA7ISQN) Q ; No place to store results . . D OBX^LA7VIN5 . ; . ; Process "AP" subscript results. . ;I $G(LA7SS)="AP",$L($T(OBX^LA7VIN6)) D OBX^LA7VIN6 . ; . ; Process "MI" subscript results. . ;I $G(LA7SS)="MI" D OBX^LA7VIN7 . ; . ; Process "BB" subscript results. . ;I $G(LA7SS)="BB",$L($T(OBX^LA7VIN8)) D OBX^LA7VIN8 . ; . ; Update test status on manifest . I $G(LA7628),LA7UID'="",$G(LA7OTST) D UTS^LA7VHLU1(LA7628,LA7UID,LA7OTST) ; ; Process results that accompany orders I LA7MTYP="ORM" D OBX^LA7VIN5 ; ; Set sequence flag S LA7SEQ=40 Q ; ; ORC ;; Process ORC segment ; D KILLORC ; ; If not UI interface and no PID segment I LA7INTYP'=1,LA7SEQ<10 D Q . S (LA7ABORT,LA7ERR)=46 . D CREATE^LA7LOG(LA7ERR) ; D ORC^LA7VIN2 ; ; Set sequence flag S LA7SEQ=20 Q ; ; PID ;; Process PID segment ; D KILLPID ; ; no MSH segment I LA7SEQ<1 D Q . S (LA7ABORT,LA7ERR)=7 . D CREATE^LA7LOG(LA7ERR) ; ; Clear flag to process this segment I LA7QUIT=1 S LA7QUIT=0 ; D PID^LA7VIN2 ; ; Set sequence flag S LA7SEQ=10 Q ; ; PV1 ;; Process PV1 segment ; D KILLPV1 ; ; no PID segment I LA7SEQ<10 D Q . S (LA7ABORT,LA7ERR)=46 . D CREATE^LA7LOG(LA7ERR) ; D PV1^LA7VIN2 ; ; Set sequence flag S LA7SEQ=11 Q ; ; ; The section below is designed to clean up variables that are created ; during the processing of a segment type and any created by processing ; of segments that are within the message definition. ; KILLMSH ; Clean up variables used by MSH and following segments K LA7CSITE,LA7CS,LA7ECH,LA7FS,LA7HLV,LA7MEDT,LA7MID,LA7MTYP K LA7RAP,LA7RFAC,LA7SAP,LA7SEQ,LA7SFAC K ^TMP("LA7-ID",$J),^TMP("LA7-ORM",$J),^TMP("LA7-ORU",$J) ; KILLMSA ; Clean up variables used by MSA and following segments K LA7MSATM ; KILLPID ; Clean up variables used by PID and following segments K DFN K LA7DOB,LA7ICN,LA7PNM,LA7PRACE,LA7PTID2,LA7PTID3,LA7PTID4 K LA7SEX,LA7SPID,LA7SSN K LRDFN,LRTDFN ; KILLPV1 ; Clean up variables used by PV1 and following segments K LA7LOC,LA7SPV1 ; KILLORC ; Clean up variables used by ORC and following segments K LA7628,LA7629 K LA7CSITE,LA7DUR,LA7DURU,LA7ODUR,LA7ODURU,LA7EOL,LA7OCR,LA7ORDT K LA7OTYPE,LA7OUR,LA7PEB,LA7PON,LA7POP,LA7PVB,LA7SM ; KILLOBR ; Clean up variables used by OBR and following segments K LA70070,LA760,LA761,LA762,LA7624,LA7696 K LA7AA,LA7AD,LA7ACC,LA7AN,LA7CDT,LA7FID,LA7ISQN,LA7LWL,LA7ONLT,LA7OTST K LA7POC,LA7SAC,LA7SID,LA7SOBR,LA7SPEC,LA7SPTY,LA7SS,LA7UID,LA7UR ; KILLOBX ; Clean up variables used by OBX and following segments K LA7ORS,LA7RLNC,LA7RMK,LA7RNLT,LA7RO,LA7SOBX ; KILLBLG ;Clean up variables used by BLG and following segments ; Q