LA7VORC ;DALOI/JMC - LAB ORC Segment message builder ; 11-17-98 ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**46,64**;Sep 27, 1994 ; Q ; ORC1(LA7TYP) ; Build ORC-1 sequence - Order control ; Call with LA7TYP = order type from table 0119 ; Q LA7TYP ; ; ORC2(LA7VAL,LA7FS,LA7ECH) ; Build ORC-2 sequence - Placer order number ; Call with LA7VAL = accession number/UID ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters N LA7Y ; S $P(LA7Y,$E(LA7ECH),1)=$$CHKDATA^LA7VHLU3(LA7VAL,LA7FS_LA7ECH) ; Q LA7Y ; ; ORC3(LA7VAL,LA7FS,LA7ECH) ; Build ORC-3 sequence - Filler order number ; Call with LA7VAL = accession number/UID ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters N LA7Y ; S $P(LA7Y,$E(LA7ECH),1)=$$CHKDATA^LA7VHLU3(LA7VAL,LA7FS_LA7ECH) ; Q LA7Y ; ; ORC4(LA7VAL,LA7FS,LA7ECH) ; Build ORC-4 sequence - Placer group number ; Call with LA7VAL = LEDI - shipping manifest number ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters ; Returns ORD-4 sequence ; N LA7Y ; S $P(LA7Y,$E(LA7ECH),1)=$$CHKDATA^LA7VHLU3(LA7VAL,LA7FS_LA7ECH) ; Q LA7Y ; ; ORC5(LA7VAL,LA7FS,LA7ECH) ; Build ORC-5 sequence - Order status ; Call with LA7VAL = order status ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters ; Returns ORC-5 sequence ; N LA7Y ; I LA7VAL="CM" S LA7Y="CM" ; Q LA7Y ; ; ORC7(LA7DUR,LA7DURU,LA76205,LA7FS,LA7ECH) ; Build ORC-7 sequence - Quantity/Timing ; Call with LA7DUR = collection duration ; LA7DURU = duration units (pointer to #64.061) ; LA76205 = test urgency ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters ; ; Returns ORC-7 sequence ; N LA7X,LA7Y ; I LA7DUR'="",LA7DURU D . S LA7X=$$GET1^DIQ(64.061,LA7DURU_",",2) ; duration units . S $P(LA7Y,$E(LA7ECH,1),3)=$$CHKDATA^LA7VHLU3(LA7X_LA7DUR,LA7FS_LA7ECH) ; I LA76205 D . S LA7X=$$GET1^DIQ(64.061,+$$GET1^DIQ(62.05,LA76205_",",4,"I")_",",2) ; Urgency . S $P(LA7Y,$E(LA7ECH,1),6)=$$CHKDATA^LA7VHLU3(LA7X,LA7FS_LA7ECH) ; Q LA7Y ; ; ORC9(LA7DT) ; Build ORC-9 sequence - date/time of transaction ; Call with LA7DT = order date/time ; ; Returns ORC-9 sequence ; S LA7DT=$$CHKDT^LA7VHLU1(LA7DT) Q $$FMTHL7^XLFDT(LA7DT) ; ; ORC12(LA7DUZ,LA7DIV,LA7FS,LA7ECH) ; Build ORC-12 sequence - Ordering provider ; Call with LA7DUZ = DUZ of ordering provider ; LA7DIV = Facility (division) of provider ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters ; ; Returns ORC-12 sequence ; Also used to build OBR-16 sequence ; Q $$XCN^LA7VHLU4(LA7DUZ,LA7DIV,LA7FS,LA7ECH) ; ; ORC17(LA74,LA7FS,LA7ECH) ; Build ORC-17 sequence - Entering organization ; Call with LA74 = ien of institution in file #4 ; if null/undefined then use Kernel Site file. ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters ; ; Returns ORC-17 sequence (ID^text^99VA4) ; Q $$INST^LA7VHLU4(LA74,LA7FS,LA7ECH) ; ; ORC21(LA74,LA7FS,LA7ECH) ; Build ORC-21 sequence - Ordering facility name ; Call with LA74 = ien of institution in file #4 ; if null/undefined then use Kernel Site file. ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters ; ; Returns ORC-21 sequence ; N LA7X,LA7Y ; I $G(LA74)<1 S LA74=0 S LA7X=$$NAME^XUAF4(LA74) S LA7Y="" ; Q LA7Y ; ; ORC22(LA74,LA7DT,LA7FS,LA7ECH) ; Build ORC-22 sequence - Ordering facility address ; Call with LA74 = ien of institution in file #4 ; if null/undefined then use Kernel Site file. ; LA7DT = "as of" date in FileMan format ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters ; ; Returns ORC-22 sequence ; N LA7X,LA7Y ; S LA7X=$$PADD^XUAF4(LA74) S LA7Y="" ; Q LA7Y ; ; ORC23(LA74,LA7DT,LA7FS,LA7ECH) ; Build ORC-23 sequence - Ordering facility phone number ; Call with LA74 = ien of institution in file #4 ; if null/undefined then use Kernel Site file. ; LA7DT = "as of" date in FileMan format ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters ; ; Returns ORC-23 sequence ; N LA7Y ; S LA7Y="" ; Q LA7Y ; ; ORC24(LA7200,LA7DT,LA7FS,LA7ECH) ; Build ORC-24 sequence - Ordering provider address ; Call with LA7200 = ien of provider in file #200 ; LA7DT = "as of" date in FileMan format ; LA7FS = HL field separator ; LA7ECH = HL encoding characters ; ; Returns ORC-24 sequence ; N LA7Y ; S LA7Y="" ; Q LA7Y