LAXSYMU ;MLD/ABBOTT/SLC/RAF - AxSYM INTERFACE Utility Routine; 6/12/96 0900 ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**11,19**;Sep 27, 1994 ; ; This routine serves as general UTILITY routine for the AxSYM ; interface. While not as efficient as all code being in ONE ; routine, portability requirements must be met. /mld ; Q ; call line tag ; UPDT ; To LA global ($TR used to remove CTRL chars from LAFRAM) L +^LA(INST,"I") I '$D(^LA(INST,"I")) X $G(^LAB(62.4,INST,1)) ; runs LAXSYM (LA->LAH) S:'$D(^LA(INST,"I"))#2 ^LA(INST,"I")=0,^("I",0)=0 S CNT=$G(^LA(INST,"I"))+1,^("I")=CNT,^("I",CNT)=$TR(LAFRAM,LANOCTL1) K LAFRAM,X S LAFRAME="",LARETRY=0,LALINK=0 L -^LA(INST,"I") Q ; CKSUM(S,MOD) ; convert string (S) to decimal num (N) then to ; hex modulo 16**MOD (def=2=256) N I,HX,HXN,DIV,N S N=0,DIV=1 S:'$D(MOD) MOD=2 F I=1:1:$L(S) S N=N+$A(S,I) ; get ASCII chars in string S F I=1:1:MOD S DIV=16*DIV ; get MOD value (def=16*16) S HX=N#DIV,N="" F Q:HX=0 S HXN=HX#16,HX=HX\16,N=$S(HXN>9:$E("ABCDEF",HXN#10+1),1:HXN)_N S N="00000000"_N,N=$E(N,$L(N)-MOD+1,$L(N)) Q N ; SEND(N) ; Send reply msg (ACK, NAK, etc.) W $C(N) D:DEBUG DEBG(N,"O") Q ; DEBG(A,B) ; DEBuG tool - capture all data going in & out. (Def=OFF) ; A=data that went out/came in B="I"=IN; "O"=OUT N MSG,CT S MSG=$S(B="I":"IN: ",1:"OUT: ")_A_" %^% "_$H S (CT,^LA(DEB,0))=$G(^LA(DEB,0))+1,^LA(DEB,CT)=MSG Q ; NAK(M) ; send NAK and retry (M = error 'type', EOT, STX, etc.) S ^LA(INST,"ERR",$H,M)=LAFRAME ; capture S LAFRAME="",LARETRY=LARETRY+1 ; increment # retries I LARETRY=7 D SEND(EOT),@("SET^"_LANM) Q ; too many NAK's - goto idle I 'LALINK S LAFRNM=$S(LAFRNM:LAFRNM-1,1:7) ; LALINK=1 on 1ST frame K LAFRAM,X D SEND(NAK) Q ; LA1INIT ; Init vars only for LAXSYM S X="TRAP^"_LANM,@^%ZOSF("TRAP"),I=0,LANOCTL1="" S ALPHA="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" F S I=$O(TC(I)) Q:'I I $G(TC(I,4)) S LATEST(TC(I,4),TC(I,0))=I F I=1:1:31 S LANOCTL1=LANOCTL1_$C(I) ; ctl chars Q ; ; Continuation of LAPORT33 (LANM) due to size req'mts /mld INIT ; initialize various parameters for the AxSYM ; S (HOME,T,TSK,INST)=+$E(LANM,7,8),LANOCTL1="" S X="TRAP^"_LANM,@^%ZOSF("TRAP"),DUZ=.5,LANOCTL2="" S DEB="D"_INST,OUT="",BASE=0,OK=0 S TOUT=5,U="^",(LADEV,IOP)=$G(^LAB(62.4,INST,.75)) I $D(^LA(INST,"R")) D Q:$D(^LA(INST,"R")) .S LRCHK=^LA(INST,"R") H 35 S LRCHK1=^LA(INST,"R") D ..I LRCHK'=LRCHK1 S ^LA(INST,"ERR",$H)="LAPORT"_INST_" is already running ...aborted" K LRCHK,LRCHK1 Q ..I LRCHK=LRCHK1 K LRCHK,LRCHK1,^LA(INST,"R"),^LA("LOCK","D"_INST) Q ; H 1 ; allows calling routine to close port before opening again I LADEV="" D Q .S ^LA(INST,"ERR",$H)="DIRECT DEVICE field is empty! aborted" ZIS D ^%ZIS I POP D Q .S ^LA(INST,"ERR",$H)=LADEV_" was busy .... aborted" ; ; set READ timeout, terminating chars, max character count S NUL=0,SOH=1,STX=2,ETX=3,EOT=4,ENQ=5,ACK=6,NAK=21,ETB=23,LF=10,CR=13 S (CNT,LARETRY,LAFRNM)=0,LATOUT=75,DEBUG=0,OK=1 S LACRLF=$C(CR)_$C(LF),LACRETX=$C(CR)_$C(ETX) F I=3,13,23 S LANOCTL1=LANOCTL1_$C(I) ; to remove ctl chars from LAFRAM ; LANOCTL2=restricted chars - 3,4,13,23 (ETX,EOT,CR,ETB) are OK F I=1,2,5:1:12,14:1:22,24:1:31 S LANOCTL2=LANOCTL2_$C(I) ; start fresh K ^LA(INST,"ERR"),^LA(INST,"ERX") I $D(^LA(DEB,0)) K ^LA(DEB) S ^LA(DEB,0)=0 ;clean out debug node S ^LA(INST,"R")=$H,^LA("LOCK","D"_INST)=$J ; running flag Q ; BKGND ; Entry point to start ANY bi-directional background job /mld N DIC,DIR,DIRUT,LRDASH,LRJOB,LRJOBIO,LRJOBN,LRJOBNM,T,X,Y,ZTSK S IOP=0 D ^%ZIS S $P(LRDASH,"-",IOM)="" S DIC=62.4,DIC(0)="AEMQ",DIC("S")="I Y<99,$G(^(.75))]""""" D ^DIC K DIC I Y<1 W !,"NO JOB SELECTED",! H 1 QUIT S LRJOBN=+Y,LRJOBNM=$P(Y,"^",2),LRJOB="LAPORT"_LRJOBN S (LRJOBIO,X)=$G(^LAB(62.4,LRJOBN,.75)) ; direct device field S IOP=X,%ZIS="" D ^%ZIS I POP D H 1 QUIT .D HOME^%ZIS .W !!,?3,$C(7),"Unable to open ",LRJOBIO," for instrument ",LRJOBNM,"." .W !,?3,"This would indicate that the interface is already running.",! D ^%ZISC W !! S DIR(0)="Y0",DIR("A")="Start the direct connect "_LRJOBNM_" interface now",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR Q:Y'=1 S ZTRTN=LRJOB,ZTIO=LRJOBIO,ZTDTH=$H,ZTDESC="Lab Direct Connect Port"_LRJOBN K ^LA("LOCK","D"_LRJOBN) D ^%ZTLOAD W !,"Lab Direct Connect Interface for ",LRJOBNM,$S($D(ZTSK):"",1:" NOT")," tasked to start",! I $G(ZTSK) W "Task #",ZTSK,! Q