DVBANT21 ;ALB/JLU;pending 21 day certificate;9/15/94 ;;2.7;AMIE;;Apr 10, 1995 ; EN ;the main entry point D HDR S DVBTYPE=$$TYPE() I DVBTYPE'=1 DO .I DVBTYPE="B" D BOTH .I DVBTYPE="N" D NOTICE .I DVBTYPE="C" D CERTIF .S L=0,DIC="^DVB(396,",(FR,TO)="" .D EN1^DIP .K L,DIC,FR,TO,BY,FLDS .Q D KILL Q ; KILL K DVBTYPE,DUOUT,DTOUT Q ; HDR ;issues an initial form feed S VAR(1,0)="0,0,0,0,1^" D WR^DVBAUTL4("VAR") K VAR Q ; TYPE() ;gets from the user what type of report they are interested in. N DVBOUT S DIR(0)="SM^N:Notice of Discharge;C:21 Day Certificate;B:Both" S DIR("A")="Select the desired report" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DUOUT)!($D(DTOUT)) S DVBOUT=1 I Y="" S DVBOUT=1 I "NCB"[Y S DVBOUT=Y E S DVBOUT=1 Q DVBOUT ; NOTICE ;sets up the templates for the notice of discharge reports. S (FLDS,BY)="[DVBA NOTICE OF DISCHARGE]" Q ; BOTH ;sets up the templates for both the notice of discharge and 21 day cert S (FLDS,BY)="[DVBA NOT/DIS-21 DAY CERT CHECK]" Q ; CERTIF ;sets up the templates for the 21 day certificate S (FLDS,BY)="[DVBA 21 DAY CERT]" Q