DVBAPLNG ;ALB/JLU;updates the long description of file 31.;1/18/94 ;;2.7;AMIE;;Apr 10, 1995 ; EN I +$$VERSION^DVBAPST1>2.59 DO Q .S VAR=" - Version 2.6 of AMIE has already been loaded." .D BUMPBLK^DVBAPOST .D BUMPBLK^DVBAPOST .D BUMP^DVBAPOST(VAR) .W !!,VAR .S VAR="There is no need to add Long Descriptions to the Disability Condition file." .D BUMP^DVBAPOST(VAR) .W !,VAR,! .D BUMPBLK^DVBAPOST .Q D SET ;sets up variables. D LOOP ;loops through tmp global and adds long desc D SG1 ;write ending and updates tmp D EXIT Q ; SET S CT=0 S DIE="^DIC(31," F LP1=1:1:3 D BUMPBLK^DVBAPOST S V1=" - Adding Long Description to the Disability Condition file." W !!!,V1,! D BUMP^DVBAPOST(V1) D BUMPBLK^DVBAPOST SET1 S DIF="^TMP($J,""DVBA"",",XCNP=0 K ^TMP($J,"DVBA") N R F R="DVBAPL1","DVBAPL2","DVBAPL3","DVBAPL4","DVBAPL5","DVBAPL6","DVBAPL7","DVBAPL8","DVBAPL9","DVBAPL10" S X=R X ^%ZOSF("LOAD") W "." K DIF,XCNP,R,X Q ; EXIT ;cleans variables and exit. K CODE,CT,DIE,JA,JB,LP,LP1,V1,TEXT,DIR,^TMP($J,"DVBA") Q ; SE ;writes and updates the tmp global with error message. ; S V1="- Problems exist with the disability condition "_CODE_"." W !,V1 D BUMP^DVBAPOST(V1) S V1=" Long description NOT added!" W !,V1 D BUMP^DVBAPOST(V1) Q ; SG1 ;writes and updates the tmp global with the finish. ; F LP1=1:1:2 D BUMPBLK^DVBAPOST S V1="I have finished updating the long descriptions of the Disability Condition file!" W !!,V1 D BUMP^DVBAPOST(V1) S V1="I updated "_CT_" disabilities." W !,V1 D BUMP^DVBAPOST(V1) D BUMPBLK^DVBAPOST Q ; LOOP ;loops through tmp and updates file 31 long description field. ; F LP=0:0 S LP=$O(^TMP($J,"DVBA",LP)) Q:LP="" I $D(^(LP,0)) S CODE=$P(^(0),";;",2) I +CODE DO .S TEXT=$P(CODE,";",2) .S CODE=+CODE .K STOP .DO ADCHK .I $D(STOP) Q .Q Q ; ADCHK ;checks to see if the disability code exists and if it already has a ;long description. ; I CODE<4900 S STOP=1 Q I '$D(^DIC(31,"C",CODE)) D SE S STOP=1 Q S JA=$O(^DIC(31,"C",CODE,"")) I '$D(^DIC(31,JA,0)) D SE S STOP=1 Q S JB=$G(^DIC(31,JA,1)) I JB=""!($P(JB,U,1)'=TEXT) DO ADD Q ; ADD ;adds the long description to file 31 long description field. ; S DA=JA S DR="10////"_TEXT D ^DIE K DA,DR S CT=CT+1 W:'(LP#10) "." Q