DVBAPOST ;ALBANY-ISC/GTS-AMIE 2.6 POST-INIT RTN ;1/15/93 ;;2.7;AMIE;;Apr 10, 1995 ; EN D SET1^DVBAUTL1 K ^TMP("DVBA",$J) W !,"Setting up List Manager Templates",! D ^DVBAL ;set up templates used by List Manager screens D ^DVBAONIT ;calls the onits to set up the List Manager screens/actions D REINDAC^DVBAPST1 D REINDAF^DVBAPST1 D REINDAE^DVBAPST1 EN12 D ^DVBAPOPU ;populates various global information EN14 D ^DVBAPOP2 ;populates the pointer field of 396.6 EN11 D EN^DVBAPADD ;adds new disability conditions EN10 D ^DVBAORPH ;adds orphan exams. EN1 K STOP D CHECK ; checks if pre init ran ok. I $D(STOP) D SE G MAIL ;stops if pre init did not run ok. EN2 D EN^DVBAPLNG ;updates the long description of file 31. EN3 K STOP D EN^DVBAPLL ;updates the local lookup file with file 31. I $D(STOP) D SE1 G MAIL ;stops if problems adding to Local Lookup file. D ORPHAN^DVBAPCXR EN4 ;;;D EN^DVBAPSHT ;enters the short cuts into the MTLU files. (DVBAPH1-99) EN5 D EN^DVBAPKY ;enters the keywords into the MTLU files. (DVBAPK1-99) EN13 D EN^DVBAPOKY ;enters the orphan keywords into the MTLU files. (DVBAPOK1) EN6 D EN^DVBAPSYN ;enters the synonyms into the MTLU files. (DVBAPS1-99) EN7 D EN^DVBAPBDY ;enters the disability codes into the body system file. (DVBAPB1-99) EN8 D EN^DVBAPWKS ;enters the disability codes into the AMIE worksheets. (DVBAPW1-99) D FINISHED ;prints out a completed message MAIL S V3=$$MAL($J) ;builds and sends the mail message from the post init running D EXIT^DVBAUTL1 Q ; FINISHED ; N VAR S VAR="The Post-Init has completed." W *7,!!!,VAR D BUMP(VAR) Q ; CHECK ;checks for the 'post' node to see if the pre init ran ok. I '$D(^DVB(396.1,1,"POST")) S STOP=1 Q I ^DVB(396.1,1,"POST")']"" S STOP=1 Q Q MAL(V2) ;builds a mail message and sends to the DUZ defined. v2 must be the ;$J from the job of the post init. ; N LNE,LNCNT S XMDUZ="AMIE POST INIT" S XMSUB="AMIE v2.7 install results" D XMZ^XMA2 ;** Get message number I XMZ'>0 DO .W !!,"Mail Message containing Error Log has failed!",! .W "Errors contained in ^TMP(""DVBA"","_V2_") global.",! .W "Investigate this global to determine any existing problems." .W !! I XMZ>0 DO .F LNE=0:0 S LNE=$O(^TMP("DVBA",V2,LNE)) Q:'LNE DO ..S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,LNE,0)=(^TMP("DVBA",V2,LNE)),LNCNT=LNE .S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,0)="^3.92A^"_LNCNT_"^"_LNCNT_"^"_DT .K XMDUN .S (XMY(DUZ),XMY(.5))="" .D ENT1^XMD .W !!,"Mail message containing Error Log has been sent.",! .W "Check your mail to see this log.",!! .K ^TMP("DVBA",V2) Q 1 ; SET ;set necessary local variables S CNT=1 Q ; SE S VAR="The pre-init found a problem in the version of MTLU and KERNEL." W !!,VAR D BUMPBLK,BUMP(VAR) S VAR="Please review and correct. See install guide for further details." W !,VAR D BUMP(VAR) S VAR="No updates have occurred to the following files:" W !,VAR D BUMP(VAR) S VAR=" Local Lookup" W !,VAR D BUMP(VAR) S VAR=" Local keyword" W !,VAR D BUMP(VAR) S VAR=" Local Synonym" W !,VAR D BUMP(VAR) ;;;S VAR=" Local Shortcut" ;;;W !,VAR D BUMP(VAR) S VAR=" 2507 Body System" W !,VAR D BUMP(VAR) S VAR=" AMIE Exam file." W !,VAR D BUMP(VAR) S VAR=" Long Descriptions of the Disability Condition file." W !,VAR D BUMP(VAR) Q ; SE1 ; S VAR="The post init could not add to the Local Lookup file." W !!,VAR D BUMPBLK,BUMP(VAR) S VAR="No updates have occurred to the following files:" W !,VAR D BUMP(VAR) S VAR=" Local keyword" W !,VAR D BUMP(VAR) S VAR=" Local Synonym" W !,VAR D BUMP(VAR) S VAR=" Local Shortcut" W !,VAR D BUMP(VAR) S VAR=" 2507 Body System" W !,VAR D BUMP(VAR) S VAR=" AMIE Exam file." W !,VAR D BUMP(VAR) Q ; BUMP(V1) ;adds the entry and bumps the general counter. S ^TMP("DVBA",$J,CNT)=V1 S CNT=CNT+1 Q ; BUMPBLK ;adds a blank line to the array S ^TMP("DVBA",$J,CNT)="" S CNT=CNT+1 Q ; OPEN F LP3=1:1 S LP4=$T(OPT+LP3) Q:LP4'[";;" S LP4=$P(LP4,";;",2) DO .S DIC="^DIC(19,",DIC(0)="MZ",X=LP4 .D ^DIC .K DIC .I Y<0 D ERR Q .I Y>0 DO ..S DIE="^DIC(19,",DIC(0)="MZ",DA=+Y,DR="2///@" ..D ^DIE ..W !,LP4," Now in order!" ..K DIE,DIC,VAR,DR ..Q .K Y .Q K DIC,DIE,X,Y,DA,DR S DIC="^ORD(101,",DIC(0)="MZ",X="DVBA C&P SCHD EVENT" D ^DIC K DIC I Y<0 D ERR I Y>0 DO .S DIE="^ORD(101,",DIC(0)="MZ",DA=+Y,DR="2///@" .D ^DIE .W !,"DVBA C&P SCHD EVENT Now in order!" K DIC,DIE,X,Y,LP3,LP4,DA,DR Q ; ERR ; W "Could not find menu option ",X," NOT opened!" Q ; OPT ; ;;DVBA MEDICAL ADM 7131 MENU ;;DVBA REGIONAL OFFICE MENU ;;DVBA C PROCESS MAIL MESSAGE ;;DVBA C PHYSICIANS GUIDE ;