DVBCAMR1 ;ALB/GTS-557/THM-REGIONAL OFFICE AMIS REPORT BULLETIN TEXT ; 9/28/91 6:39 AM ;;2.7;AMIE;;Apr 10, 1995 ; BULLTXT S ^TMP($J,1,0)="For regional office: "_RONAME_" ("_RONUM_")" S ^TMP($J,2,0)=" " S ^TMP($J,3,0)="Requests sent for date range: "_TOT("SENT") S ^TMP($J,4,0)="Exams received incomplete: "_TOT("INCOMPLETE") S ^TMP($J,5,0)="Exams received complete: "_TOT("COMPLETED") S ^TMP($J,5.3,0)="Exams returned as insufficient: "_TOT("INSUFF")_" ("_$S(TOT("SENT")>0:$J(TOT("INSUFF")/TOT("SENT")*100,0,0),1:0)_"%)" S ^TMP($J,6,0)="Pending for office "_RONUM_" at end of month: "_TOT("PENDADJ") S ^TMP($J,7,0)="Average processing time: "_TOT("AVGDAYS")_$S(TOT("AVGDAYS")>1!(TOT("AVGDAYS")<1):" days",1:" day") S ^TMP($J,8,0)=" " S ^TMP($J,9,0)="Greater than 5 days to schedule: "_TOT("3DAYSCH") S ^TMP($J,10,0)="Greater than 45 days to examine: "_TOT("30DAYEX") S ^TMP($J,11,0)=" " S ^TMP($J,12,0)="Pending, 0-90 days: "_TOT("P90") S ^TMP($J,13,0)="Pending, 91-120 days: "_TOT("P121") S ^TMP($J,14,0)="Pending, 121-150 days: "_TOT("P151") S ^TMP($J,15,0)="Pending, 151-180 days: "_TOT("P181") S ^TMP($J,16,0)="Pending, 181-365 days: "_TOT("P365") S ^TMP($J,17,0)="Pending, 366 or more days: "_TOT("P366") Q