DVBCARC2 ;ALB ISC/THM-TEXT, CONTINUED FOR A&A/HOUSEBOUND EXAM ; 1/3/91 8:24 AM ;;2.7;AMIE;;Apr 10, 1995 ; F AW=0:1 S AX=$T(@TXT+AW) S AY=$P(AX,";;",2) D:AY["|TOP|" HD2^DVBCARCK W:AY="END" !! Q:AY="END" I AY'["|TOP|" W AY,! Q ; TXT3 ;;H. Ambulation: ;; ;; 1. Indicate whether the veteran is able to walk without the assistance ;;of another person and give the maximum distance - ;; ;; ;; ;; 2. Indicate any mechanical aid used or recommended by the examiner ;;for ambulation - ;; ;; ;; ;; 3. Indicate the frequency, and under what circumstances, the veteran ;;is able to leave the home or immediate premises - ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;I. Except as to amputations and other anatomical losses, indicate if any ;;restrictions noted in "F" through "H" are expected to be permanent: ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;J. State whether the veteran is capable of managing benefit payments in ;;his/her own best interests without restriction (a physical disability ;;which prevents the veteran from attending to financial matters in person ;;is not a proper basis for a finding of incompetency unless the individual ;;is, by reason of that disability, incapable of directing someone else ;;in handling financial affairs): ;;END